The Impeachment Thread

Reread the transcript Mick, er, I mean Septic.

I did read the memo, what's your point?

Who asked for Hunter to be investigate? And why?

These aren't tough questions, are you incapable of answering them without redirecting and deflecting?
Impeachment was definitely an outcome looking for a circumstance.

I’ve thought the whole time they would eventually start impeachment because we struggle with learning from the past even with the same leaders back then telling everyone that “the only reason the Rs are impeaching Bill was just out of hate for him “ how “doing this will only cause the country to suffer “, “ impeaching Bill is a reversal of an election “ .
I just get the feeling that this kind of nonsense is going to continue as we move forward in politics. Every time we have the House controlled by a party that's different than that of a President, we're going to live under the threat of impeachment hearings. Politics were bad before, but under Trump, they've jumped the shark. The vitriol between parties has reached a point never before seen.

And it's easy to blame Trump, but the problem goes deeper. It's the parties themselves. They've escalated this to complete and total ridiculousness. I just think we've started down a very bad road we're not likely to turn back from.
Bumper stickers are for depressed housewives who do crossfit and lunatic left wing incel vegans.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "My dog is a Democrat." I literally couldn't tell if it was an animal rights liberal or a conservative that was insulting democrats, seeing how dogs get free food, free housing, free healthcare, free training, don't do anything but lay around all day doing nothing, yet complain when you get home from work that you were gone too long.
You are misinterpreting that rocky. I was just pointing out that the left will use that as the basis of claiming a stooge appointment if they don’t like the results.

I have no issue with Barr recusing on choice of IC. In fact I would expect Barr to consult with ethics, I would expect they recommend he recuse, and I think he would follow their advice.

I’m not glossing over your point. I just expect the left to fight an IC tooth and nail because it would be the end of his presidential bid. I don’t have an issue at all with your IC recommendation.

Ok fair enough on the confusion. My interpretation of 😈 may be off.

I don’t think Biden is as popular with the left as you think. The left’s counterpart to Trumpists seem to all support Warren and Sanders.

If there were a compelling case against Biden, I think people would accept it and move on.

I’d be surprised if some haven’t already, although, for me personally, it’s more a result of Biden’s response. Bill Freaking Weld has grabbed more headlines over this than Biden has. Granted, Weld sounded insane, but I think Biden’s inability to hit back effectively at this point is a bad sign for his candidacy.
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Well the brightside is that this entire charade will shine light on the video of Biden talking about bribing the Ukraine.
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Whaaaat? 2/3 majority is required in the House for only a few actions. To bring Atricles of Impeachment is not one of them. It is required in the Senate to successfully impeach (convict) a President.
  • Impeachment begins in the House, which debates and votes on whether to bring charges against the president by a simple majority of the House’s 435 members.
  • If the House approves such a resolution, a trial is then held in the Senate, and the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presides.
  • A two-thirds majority vote is required in the 100-member Senate to convict and remove a president. This has never happened.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said, "My dog is a Democrat." I literally couldn't tell if it was an animal rights liberal or a conservative that was insulting democrats, seeing how dogs get free food, free housing, free healthcare, free training, don't do anything but lay around all day doing nothing, yet complain when you get home from work that you were gone too long.

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It never gets old watching the radical hacks around here letting the DNC media and worthless politicians get them riled up to only be disappointed again. You would think at some point they would stop listening and worshiping them so much
I have no idea what's true and what's not anymore. One side believes one set of "facts", and the other believes another set of "facts", and I'm not sure what is really and truly fact. This is what political theater has brought us. I don't trust any of those bastards.
For once, we agree.
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If they vote to begin proceedings, how long would we expect this to last? Can this go thru Nov 2020?

It’s just a political popularity game . Both sides will gauge how the public views it and act accordingly . It will have an effect they just need to know what it is .
Ok fair enough on the confusion. My interpretation of 😈 may be off.

I don’t think Biden is as popular with the left as you think. The left’s counterpart to Trumpists seem to all support Warren and Sanders.

If there were a compelling case against Biden, I think people would accept it and move on.

I’d be surprised if some haven’t already, although, for me personally, it’s more a result of Biden’s response. Bill Freaking Weld has grabbed more headlines over this than Biden has. Granted, Weld sounded insane, but I think Biden’s inability to hit back effectively at this point is a bad sign for his candidacy.
Ok the 😈 probably would throw it off. And I’ll admit it’s POSSIBLE. I was chuckling at the thought of the DOJ being the IC selector with or without Barr’s participation.

No I don’t think Biden is popular at all with the far left. But he’s the only one that doesn’t alienate the moderate Democrats or independents. I think from the current two full clown car field if they put up anybody but Biden they’ve ceded the election to Trump. Just my opinion.

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