The Impeachment Thread

As much as you guys cried about Obama saying he'd be more flexible after the elections, it's a bit ironic that you'd confuse what most people heard as 'common sense' as being illegal.

Maybe this is an instance where you refrain from throwing stones from your glass outhouse?
uh huh. And it wasn't a big deal then... and it ain't now
No way. They want this out of the way so it won't suck up oxygen during primary season.

You mean the general contest?
We are already in primary season and 8 months is not far off from the primary election.
If this thing gets rolling, it is going to take some time imo.

We are in basically uncharted waters.
You mean the general contest?
We are already in primary season and 8 months is not far off from the primary election.
If this thing gets rolling, it is going to take some time imo.

We are in basically uncharted waters.
Iowa Caucus is in February. I'd think they'd want to be done or close to it by then.
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They don't care about the facts, sir. They are desperately trying to find something to justify this. They will never accept that Trump is a crook and a fraud, and is now exposed for the charlatan he was from Day One. They will never admit that we were right the whole time, and that they were wrong the whole time.
When is the impeachment trial?
When is the impeachment trial?

Well, that is an interesting question. Timing.

On the one hand, there is a good case to be made for striking while the iron is hot. The level of hostility to Trump within the GOP Senate is high right now, and he has surely embarrassed them with this. A number of GOP Senators -- even if you could not get to 67 -- might well vote to convict now, and a simply majority probably gets you the political consequence you need, which is Trump forced out one way or another.

On the other hand, there does seem to be a lot more going on here. More calls to foreign leaders seeking help, sending Rudy out to do state business, etc. There is value in exploring all of that and unearthing more wrongdoing. The question is, if you go that route, you might peel off some more votes from the GOP Senators, but you run the risk that Trump and his supporters come up with all sorts of delays and dodges that drag it out so far, you lose the immediacy of what you have right now.

From my readings on Twitter under the hashtags this is a one day story for most people..they are bored out of their minds already with the hearing's not interesting like a blue dress
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If they vote to begin proceedings, how long would we expect this to last? Can this go thru Nov 2020?
I have no idea. I’m old enough to remember the Clinton impeachment, but I don’t remember the timeline.

I haven’t read the complaint yet. I’ll read it this weekend. If I was trying the case, here’s my off-the-cuff right sketch for how I would do it:

I’d call DNI (today), and Atkinson first to lay out the foundation.
I’d take the temperature of Sue Gordon and Dan Coats to see if they can add anything.
I would then call everyone who was quoted in the complaint. Ask them whether the content of the statements attributed to them were true and, if they say no, confront them with their statements in the complaint.
Then I’d close it up with the whistleblower to make the deniers look like liars, and close with my most powerful (hopefully) witness.

The key is establishing a compelling case without the Trumpkin witnesses. If you can get the ball over the net and feel comfortable with the case, then if they choose not to return serve and claim privilege or put on a lewandowski style clown show, it doesn’t matter. If dems are relying on Bill Barr and Ivanka coming in to spill the beans, GTFO.
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LMAO. Now I’m reading the spin on where the original transcript was stored is the YUGE BIGLY issue. The spin claims “since it was a nothing burger there was no reason to log it into the classified storage area.” What a load of 🐄 💩

Fact: the original markings on the transcript are SECRET/ORCON/NOFORN. As is normal on declassification the original markings are struck and replaced by UNCLASSIFIED. Those markings determine where the document is stored not the idiot diatribes of a bunch of pundits.

Reading the spin and hyperbole on this today is friggin glorious.
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