The Impeachment Thread


so you don't have a clue it even happened?

What I can’t figure out once again , is why we have our damn nose in somebody else’s business . We are all caught up in the Trump Biden connection trying to decide what scandal is what and overlook the fact that we stuck our nose in another countries business again and caused an official to be fired because of pressure from our government , unless I’m missing something here .
So this it what they are doing now????

The Renegade's admin set the precedent on doxing. Too late for that....and for the record I'm abhorrently against doxing people and their families, businesses, and associations,

Were you outraged at those calling for the supporters of Trumps Cali fundraising be ostracized out of Hollywood or their businesses ruined?

Considering his son's position in a Ukrainian company, whoever made the decision to have Biden deliver the message was an idiot. How do you not see how that creates at least the image of a possible conflict of interest? You absolutely have someone else deliver that message. Someone wasn't thinking.
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This is not necessarily about Hunter. It is about Burisma. George's tweet implicates Burisma and your link exonerates Hunter.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

I appreciate that you’re actually making an effort to articulate the case rather than just pounding the table screeching that he’s guilty. I still think it’s plausible that Biden is crooked, but if his son wasn’t even caught up in the investigation, it seems even more thin.

Biden’s inability to muster a strong response to this is still going to kill him in the polls, anyways.
Considering his son's position in a Ukrainian company, whoever made the decision to have Biden deliver the message was an idiot. How do you not see how that creates at least the image of a possible conflict of interest? You absolutely have someone else deliver that message. Someone wasn't thinking.
Biden was damn proud of it too.
I've read the complaint. It's all third hand
" white house source". Very very credible.

I say we go to the tape. The one that was hermetically sealed in a Hellmans jar and buried in the secret tape graveyard.

Surely the tape will exonerate Donny.
I have no idea if Biden did something wrong or not, but if he was indeed "chosen" to deliver the message, I'd just like to know who thought that was a good idea? Call it curiosity.
Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine Years Ago. Then the Right-Wing Spin Machine Turned the Story Upside Down.

Same author.

“In September 2015, then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt gave a speech in which he attacked the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office for failing to cooperate with the British investigation. In his speech — which I quoted in my story — Pyatt mentioned Burisma’s owner by name.

“In the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized $23 million in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people,” Pyatt said. Officials at the prosecutor general’s office, he added, were asked by the United Kingdom “to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result, the money was freed by the U.K. court, and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus.”

Apparently, the US Ambassador to Ukraine in 2015 knew that in 2016 Biden would demand shokin’s resignation to help his son and gave a speech to provide him political cover for when President Donald Trump tried to turn it into a story in 2019.

When can ****ing elect THAT guy?
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