The Impeachment Thread

It's all about to come out on Creepy Joe. I guess Trump will have to run against Focahontas.

Report: Hundreds of Documents Conflict with Joe Biden’s Account of Why Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Fired

Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents conflict with a story that former Vice President Joe Biden has been telling about him pressuring Ukraine to fire its chief prosecutor because he was corrupt, and not because the prosecutor was investigating a company that hired his son, according to a report.

The Hill‘s John Solomon is reporting that the documents — many from the American legal team that helped the company, Burisma Holdings, try to stave off its legal troubles — raise the “troubling prospect” that U.S. officials may have “painted a false picture in Ukraine that helped “ease Burisma’s legal troubles and stop prosecutors’ plans to interview” Biden’s son Hunter during the 2016 presidential elections.

Solomon reported that, for instance, an official Ukrainian government memo shows that Burisma’s American legal representatives met with Ukrainian officials just days after Biden forced the firing of the chief prosecutor and offered “an apology for dissemination of false information by U.S. representatives and public figures” about Ukrainian prosecutors.

In other words — the company that employed Biden’s son apologized to the Ukrainian government after the firing of the chief prosecutor for the “U.S. representatives and public figures” actions or remarks.
Dumb Dims want to impeach before they’ve read the transcripts. Doesn’t surprise me, they do things ass backward like vote to see what’s in a bill. Question for you dumb Dims, do you people wipe your ass from the front?
I believe they know they haven't got anything on Trump. They are hoping, however, for collareral damage , so that front runner Joe goes down, and the socialists can move into first place.
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I’ll bet there’s a world full of leaders who are extremely glad Vlad likes keeping his phone calls and conversations “ private “ .
What the partisans in the IC are doing is far more damage to the country than anything they can even pretend that Trump is doing
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Coming from the Guy a DIM tried to murder.

Steve Scalise: Deep State Bureaucrat ‘Doesn’t Meet the Standard of a Whistleblower’
“It doesn’t meet the standard of a whistleblower, but more concerningly, the inspector general determined that this person has a political bias,” remarked Scalise, adding, “By the way, guess who is lawyered up, right now? The so-called whistleblower has a lawyer that is a donor to Joe Biden. You can’t make this up. So you want to talk about deep state type connections, look at the fact this person, by the inspector general’s own determination, has a political bias.”

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