The Impeachment Thread

Well I was alive but still in short pants but no.

This has all of the same fervor of the early days of the Muells investigation.

Difference is Trump's confession, the confession of Rudy, and the transcript. You cannot run from those.
Trump is not wiggling out of this one. No amount of delay, whataboutism, or look over here, not over there, can save him from his own ego, street level criminality, and stupidity. He is cooked.

He is out, and some of his staffers likely going to prison, absent plea agreements to give up Rudy and Barr.
lololol you have said this exact same thing 100 times, you just copy/paste
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Trump is not wiggling out of this one. No amount of delay, whataboutism, or look over here, not over there, can save him from his own ego, street level criminality, and stupidity. He is cooked.

He is out, and some of his staffers likely going to prison, absent plea agreements to give up Rudy and Barr.

Quoted for posterity.
Well I was alive but still in short pants but no.

This has all of the same fervor of the early days of the Muells investigation.
That's good. People went to jail and Trump obstructed Justice. Can we expect more of that?
Whelp so much for sanity reigning. I guess she’s trying to land some of the idiot left sympathy vote too!

But hey let’s get this party started! Now go check your vast twatterverse on the country’s pulse for supporting impeachment again!
The Dems were counting on a huge groundswell and outrage and once again they miscalculated...the public sees it for what it is a political witch hunt and honestly it's boring talk...Trump called a foreign leader about Crowdsource and mentioned Biden...ho the election between Jefferson and that was some exciting political espionage It's not even in the top 30 Trending subjects on Twitter a day after the hearing
Theres nothing to run from hence why he freely released it

Thinking out loud.

1. I don't think you quite grasp what's happening.

B. The level of your denial is breathtaking.

3rd. I think you might be my favorite trumper.
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Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival.

Put aside whether it was for aid. Put aside he sent Rudy to do the deal. Put aside the call was then placed in the wrong server. Let's assume that ALL of that can be explained away.

The first part -- that he asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival -- is grounds fir impeachment and removal from office. And really I would think you would want that -- he had just been the subject of the Mueller investigation and findings, with universal Republican condemnation of taking help from foreign countries -- and he did it again.


Sorry. No dodges. No excuses. He needs to be removed.
1. We know there was no "quid pro quo". He still let the Ukranians have the financial aid despite refusing to investigate Biden. Therefore, the whole notion of "bribery" isn't even in the equation.

2. It's Trump's nature to ask everyone to investigate everything (even wanted SNL investigated). It was idiotic that he asked the Ukranians to investigate Biden/Biden's son, but is this impeachable?

Absolutely not.
Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival.

Put aside whether it was for aid. Put aside he sent Rudy to do the deal. Put aside the call was then placed in the wrong server. Let's assume that ALL of that can be explained away.

The first part -- that he asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival -- is grounds fir impeachment and removal from office. And really I would think you would want that -- he had just been the subject of the Mueller investigation and findings, with universal Republican condemnation of taking help from foreign countries -- and he did it again.


Sorry. No dodges. No excuses. He needs to be removed.
Still waiting on that link.
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Apparently Rudy doesn't have any family that loves him. If he did, they would try to prevent him from embarrassing himself and palling around with Trump. He belongs in a Nursing Home that cares enough to keep his door locked.

If the man had any morals whatsoever, I'd feel bad for him. From my own experience, divorce does make you crazy.

How Giuliani’s Third Marriage Imploded Very Publicly
Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival.

Put aside whether it was for aid. Put aside he sent Rudy to do the deal. Put aside the call was then placed in the wrong server. Let's assume that ALL of that can be explained away.

The first part -- that he asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival -- is grounds fir impeachment and removal from office. And really I would think you would want that -- he had just been the subject of the Mueller investigation and findings, with universal Republican condemnation of taking help from foreign countries -- and he did it again.


Sorry. No dodges. No excuses. He needs to be removed.

Seriously though, since the Senate would need to fully cave to get to 67 votes to remove . . . . how exactly is that going to happen?
Trump asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival.

Put aside whether it was for aid. Put aside he sent Rudy to do the deal. Put aside the call was then placed in the wrong server. Let's assume that ALL of that can be explained away.

The first part -- that he asked a foreign leader to investigate his political rival -- is grounds fir impeachment and removal from office. And really I would think you would want that -- he had just been the subject of the Mueller investigation and findings, with universal Republican condemnation of taking help from foreign countries -- and he did it again.


Sorry. No dodges. No excuses. He needs to be removed.
LOL keep trolling

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