The Impeachment Thread

"When Rudy Giuliani wanted to divorce his second wife, he announced it at a news conference in Bryant Park — which is how she found out. "

Holy sh*t...

Now I know why Trump and Rudy are so tight, birds of a feather and whatnot.
What happened to not worrying about what people do in their personal lives?
I saw where all but one of the democratic holdouts were in districts that were positive for trump in 2016. Guess they know where there bread is buttered.
Makes sense frankly. And the party isnt helping them juggle this situation. Again let’s get this party started and put it to a vote and get their stance on record!
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Makes sense frankly. And the party isnt helping them juggle this situation. Again let’s get this party started and put it to a vote and get their stance on record!

The left's retribution for not falling in line with Pelosi will be furious and lethal. These poor congresspeople are screwed either way.
Since Trump was elected, the GOP has completely lost their way when it comes to the truth, respect, dignity and integrity. Any semblance of a moral or ethical compass has completely evaporated for the GOP.

The reason he was elected was because the dims had lost all that way before.
Like you say let’s burn it down!
No but he heard about it from several colleagues and issued a whistle blower complaint to Freak’s VNIG and we will debate his 3rd party hearsay now here.

So if history repeats itself we’ll expect that 85% of it will be confirmed by objective evidence or admitted to by Trump by the end of day tomorrow?
So if history repeats itself we’ll expect that 85% of it will be confirmed by objective evidence or admitted to by Trump by the end of day tomorrow?
Sure! And don’t leave out that it will backfire and actually expose @lawgator1 ’s efforts to apply pressure to purge the information relating to his midget beastiality porn collection though and ruin his candidacy for chief VN leftist loon!

Ok who am I kidding... that’s almost a running uncontested automatic. Sorry @Mick
Sure! And don’t leave out that it will backfire and actually expose @lawgator1 ’s efforts to apply pressure to purge the information relating to his midget beastiality porn collection though and ruin his candidacy for chief VN leftist loon!

Ok who am I kidding... that’s almost a running uncontested automatic. Sorry @Mick
What has Trump got on Marianne Williamson?
I have to admit if after surviving the russia hoax if Trump goes down for repeating some Foxnews gibberish in passing on a phone call..that would be kind of funny. But god have mercy on Presidents here on out.
I have to admit if after surviving the russia hoax if Trump goes down for repeating some Foxnews gibberish in passing on a phone call..that would be kind of funny. But god have mercy on Presidents here on out.

Most of them have the good sense not to do what Trump has done. And then, God forbid it does happen, to have rats scurrying around trying to hide it.

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