The Impeachment Thread

I always thought that was the best argument Republicans had (not that it's very good, but it's the best they have) but they can't and won't make it because Trump will blast them if they do.
They don't have to make the argument. Their vote will do it for them when they acquit him.
I don't think Luther knows the definition of "despicable", or he'd be embarrassed to keep making that argument. The definition of "despicable" is literally a description of how you feel about someone. Nothing more. Nothing less. He's basing the ethics of overturning an election on how the president makes him feel. His argument is literally, "Don't elect a president we dislike and we won't have to impeach the president."

I don't know if there's a person on this planet that I could pity more than Luther.
Well at least he’s got that going for him.
This isn't nothing. Trump leveraged military aid to a foreign government against their President's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him. That should be unacceptable.
It's nothing. And the very next Democratic President will be impeached over nothing. Eye for an eye.

You just better hope we don't have the House and the Senate at the same time when they get boted it in. It will be the first time a President will have been removed.
Exactly. I think most Republicans would prefer to make the defense that what Trump did was wrong, but that it doesn't rise to the level of justifying his removal from office, but that's not the defense that Trump wants. Trump is a narcissist who wants the "it was a perfect call" defense.

Lol. You alls derangement is exceeding narcissism.
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It's nothing. And the very next Democratic President will be impeached over nothing. Eye for an eye.

You just better hope we don't have the House and the Senate at the same time when they get boted it in. It will be the first time a President will have been removed.
I will call for the Republican house and senate heads if they do it. If this is what the republic has become, it's lost.
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Schiff is so good at this. Of course it helps when EVERY fact goes your way.

If every fact were going their way they wouldn't continually need to make up fake quotes and imagined versions of events. They wouldn't need to exaggerate (most serious charges ever) and suggest that if jurors don't agree with them they are complicit in the conspiracy and treasonous.

But yeah, he's so good at it.
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As long as Republicans are denying that Trump placed a hold on Congressionally approved military aid to the Ukraine, in order to use it as leverage against their President's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him by going on CNN and announcing that he was opening an investigation into the Bidens? Then you are wrong. The real question is, did Trump do what he is accused of. If the Republicans were arguing that it simply doesn't justify removing an American President from office? I think many would probably agree with that... but that hasn't been their argument.

Let me ask you this. I think you would agree that Ukraine is corrupt as all get out and that it can or should be difficult to tell who is or who is not corrupt, regardless of political agency or appointment. I mean you believe Shokin was crooked and he was in the anti corruption agency. Who is to say that Shokin was dirty and the replacement was not. Of course the Obama administration would acquiesce since Joe was involved. As far as be EU nations, who is to trust their input.

This leads to the latest hack of Burisma by the Russians. This was reported by Area 1 Security, who believe it or not was founded by the same guy who founded Crowdstrike. What are the odds?

Now if Biden had dirt on those servers, the Biden campaign just became seriously compromised. In an ironic sort of twist, it is of national security concerns for our government to know what is on those servers.
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If every fact were going their way they wouldn't continually need to make up fake quotes and imagined versions of events. They wouldn't need to exaggerate (most serious charges ever) and suggest that if jurors don't agree with them they are complicit in the conspiracy and treasonous.

But yeah, he's so good at it.
The facts are going their way to such an extent that el is applauding thought-experiment tweets. lol
They don't have to make the argument. Their vote will do it for them when they acquit him.

Yes - has the prosecution made the case. If not the defendant is acquitted. Some may acquit because they don't believe the charge; others may acquit because they do not believe the charge merits conviction. It's pretty simple.
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It certainly doesn’t have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty.

You don’t need a technical crime.

You mean like a president turning the IRS loose on organizations that he didn't like ... that kind of abuse of power? If so, you maybe have a good playbook, but the wrong president.
The facts are going their way to such an extent that el is applauding thought-experiment tweets. lol

Nadlers on tape defending and saying the exact same thing from the Clinton impeachment. Pretty stupid move and nowhere a rock star.

Well, EL has the hots for Schiff. First it was "hoss" and now "rock star". You'll have to overlook her enthusiasm for her team.

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