The Impeachment Thread

ask yourself objectively if this had been Obama if you be beating the drum this hard.
This exact scenario would have never happened under Obama. It just wouldn't have. However, I had no qualms with the Mexican gunrunning investigation and the investigation of the obstruction that followed... or the investigation into Lois Lerner and the lies that were told following the Benghazi embassy attack. The leaders of our government should be held accountable for their misdeeds. Trump messed up here. That needs to emphasized. What he is guilty of, can not be allowed to stand as precedent going forward.
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As long as Republicans are denying that Trump placed a hold on Congressionally approved military aid to the Ukraine, in order to use it as leverage against their President's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him by going on CNN and announcing that he was opening an investigation into the Bidens? Then you are wrong. The real question is, did Trump do what he is accused of. If the Republicans were arguing that it simply doesn't justify removing an American President from office? I think many would probably agree with that... but that hasn't been their argument.
Neither side ever admits to doing something wrong. That's part of politics. Did Obama ever admit to his screw ups? No. All we ever got were excuses. Same for Bush, same for Clinton, and so on and so forth. So why hold Trump to a standard we haven't held all the other Presidents to? Oh that's right, because you guys don't like him. Neither do I, but I'm not going to hold him to standards others didn't have to meet. That's ridiculous.
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Trump should be held accountable for an abuse of power. He was trying to use military aid to a foreign government as leverage to obtain a campaign favor. If Trump refuses to acknowledge that, and he gets nothing but support from Republicans to that end... then impeachment was the only way to hold him accountable for his actions. That should not be allowed to stand... and it should not be tolerated in the future. It was wrong.
Can't wait till the next Democratic president that's voted in is impeached over nothing. You know it's coming.
speaking of things Schiff has done that are corrupt - he not only knew of FISA problems and denied them, continually claimed to have evidence of collusion that he never had or produced. Boy that last one sounds familiar.

Well he’s got a whistleblower.......somewhere. And he doesn’t know who it is or ever spoken to them.
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No, I don't feel the same about the two. It's not even close.
So Bill Clinton wasn't a lying womanizer as well with multiple accusations of sexual harassment and assault? Sounds like your morals are contingent on whether they have a D or an R next to their name.
Neither side ever admits to doing something wrong. That's part of politics. Did Obama ever admit to his screw ups? No. All we ever got were excuses. Same for Bush, same for Clinton, and so on and so forth. So why hold Trump to a standard we haven't held all the other Presidents to? Oh that's right, because you guys don't like him. Neither do I, but I'm not going to hold him to standards others didn't have to meet. That's ridiculous.
They admit to misdeeds when they have no other choice - see Watergate and Iran Contra. With your logic, we should never investigate anything because it's just politics and politics is dirty. That is dumb. This is our government.
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Schiff is so good at this. Of course it helps when EVERY fact goes your way.

Sounds eerily similar to what I've been saying. But he doesn't ask the question as to whether it rises to the level of impeachment. It doesn't, by the way.
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So Bill Clinton wasn't a lying womanizer as well with multiple accusations of sexual harassment and assault? Sounds like your morals are contingent on whether they have a D or an R next to their name.

My objection to Trump extends far beyond his treatment of women.
Can't wait till the next Democratic president that's voted in is impeached over nothing. You know it's coming.
This isn't nothing. Trump leveraged military aid to a foreign government against their President's willingness to perform a campaign favor for him. That should be unacceptable.
Sounds eerily similar to what I've been saying. But he doesn't ask the question as to whether it rises to the level of impeachment. It doesn't, by the way.

I always thought that was the best argument Republicans had (not that it's very good, but it's the best they have) but they can't and won't make it because Trump will blast them if they do.
I always thought that was the best argument Republicans had (not that it's very good, but it's the best they have) but they can't and won't make it because Trump will blast them if they do.

they don't have to - they are judging if a strong enough case is being made to impeach.
They admit to misdeeds when they have no other choice - see Watergate and Iran Contra. With your logic, we should never investigate anything because it's just politics and politics is dirty. That is dumb. This is our government.

You realize Obama's administration never owned up to anything, and every time an investigation was launched, the Dems whined and screamed about how "unfair" it was? And Nixon resigned so he wouldn't have to admit to Watergate, and I don't believe Reagan ever admitted to having a hand in Iran-Contra either.
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This exact scenario would have never happened under Obama. It just wouldn't have. However, I had no qualms with the Mexican gunrunning investigation and the investigation of the obstruction that followed... or the investigation into Lois Lerner and the lies that were told following the Benghazi embassy attack. The leaders of our government should be held accountable for their misdeeds. Trump messed up here. That needs to emphasized. What he is guilty of, can not be allowed to stand as precedent going forward.

Investigations are miles away from impeachment and removal. No one (that I'm aware of) has suggested this shouldn't have been investigated.
I always thought that was the best argument Republicans had (not that it's very good, but it's the best they have) but they can't and won't make it because Trump will blast them if they do.
Exactly. I think most Republicans would prefer to make the defense that what Trump did was wrong, but that it doesn't rise to the level of justifying his removal from office, but that's not the defense that Trump wants. Trump is a narcissist who wants the "it was a perfect call" defense.
Your out is that I forgot the question mark? Lol

No 'out' is necessary.

Next time try employing grammar and punctuation to indicate you're asking a question.

It works like this, '@vols40, did you pass second grade?'

See, that wasn't too hard, was it?

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