The Impeachment Thread

You guys continue to be so concrete and black and white.
If a recording came out of president saying:
"I fired her because she would not send me any more nude pics of her kids"
"I fired her because I should have never hired a (fill in any racial or sexual slur) in the first place and never will again"
"II fired her because she would not carry out my secret and illegal attempts to bribe the official"

Maybe he has the "right" to do that, but congress has the "right" to impeach or censure him over the despicable/illegal way in which he chose to carry out his "right".
He can fire without giving any reason. Nor does he have to. They are "at will" employees.

Your examples therefore, hold no weight in the argument.
The only way POTUS gets impeached is with a majority vote in the House . So every move he makes and word he says “ can be “ impeachable if the party is willing to gamble on votes at the ballot box . Otherwise Trump , as with all presidents past , send out and recall ambassadors at their will because they serve him .
And congress has the constitutional duty to oversee that "will" and the motivations and legalities behind it.
You guys continue to make another one of those blanket statement "the president can fire whoever he wants, whenever he wants, and for whatever reason he wants; and that's his right and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
I continue to say, "that's not true".
And congress has the constitutional duty to oversee that "will" and the motivations and legalities behind it.
You guys continue to make another one of those blanket statement "the president can fire whoever he wants, whenever he wants, and for whatever reason he wants; and that's his right and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
I continue to say, "that's not true".
He doesn't have to give a reason.
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Rep Val Demings sounding like a complete idiot after George showed her the video on Trump’s legal team remarks of factual statements and she replies with innuendo and screeching on his “implications” too funny watching her try to sell this clown show 😂

She's just one of the many female versions of luther. Dumb as a bag of rocks.
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And congress has the constitutional duty to oversee that "will" and the motivations and legalities behind it.
You guys continue to make another one of those blanket statement "the president can fire whoever he wants, whenever he wants, and for whatever reason he wants; and that's his right and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
I continue to say, "that's not true".

Holy crap Luther I can’t believe you keep on with this . The consequences you are referencing boils down to a majority vote in the house and pure political partisanship . If Congress was really doing it’s job and not trying to score voter points , this impeachment wouldnt be a topic today , they would all be working for us and trying to make our country better . The voters will decide Trumps fate, as it should be. No president should have the threat of impeachment by an over politicized house hanging over him 24/7 . You already know this and don’t care because in your world of subjective reasoning , the ends justifies the means or in your words .. “ by any legal means “. The left should worry more about finding a candidate that can beat Trump at the polls and worry less about trying to remove him . You want , but the smart money says you should .
He can fire without giving any reason. Nor does he have to. They are "at will" employees.

Your examples therefore, hold no weight in the argument.
Yes, that's absolutely true. That being said, when firing someone who was a high performer there's usually sound reasoning for doing so even if reasons aren't required. In this case, the reasoning is clear and is just more evidence that Trump puts himself over the country. It's also one of the reasons why those who don't support Trump don't share the same ideology. He's in over his head as an organizational manager... can't even be debated
I love it how these. Libs think that the Senate sould be fair to the process and allow them to do wtf they want when in their kangaroo sham of a court they told the Republicans to STFU. A bunch of loseres that don't like the bed they've made. Ef every dam one of them. May they rot in hell.
Ambassadors serve at the will of the President, right? So why should it matter why she was fired.? Trump wanted her gone. If Obama wanted an ambassador gone, would the left have this kind of uproar? I don't think so, nor should they. It's within the President's purview.
The left is desperate
Holy crap Luther I can’t believe you keep on with this . The consequences you are referencing boils down to a majority vote in the house and pure political partisanship . If Congress was really doing it’s job and not trying to score voter points , this impeachment wouldnt be a topic today , they would all be working for us and trying to make our country better . The voters will decide Trumps fate, as it should be. No president should have the threat of impeachment by an over politicized house hanging over him 24/7 . You already know this and don’t care because in your world of subjective reasoning , the ends justifies the means or in your words .. “ by any legal means “. The left should worry more about finding a candidate that can beat Trump at the polls and worry less about trying to remove him . You want , but the smart money says you should .
You can't believe I keep on with this? When have I ever not kept on with this?
This impeachment is beyond justified, failure to impeach would have been a dereliction of duty.
But the things you say in this post are valid in normal circumstance, BUT Trump is not normal.
Trump is a once in every 300 years catastrophic anomaly.
He should never be considered the norm.
I continually repeat those points for a reason.

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