The Impeachment Thread

Prez Z is on record saying that Trump never leveraged aid. The aid was delivered before the deadline.

Which brings up another question. Was that a deadline or an expiration of offer date? You can also interpret that DOD spend x amount for such and such by a certain date as the expiration date for the funding. Generally government funds have a termination date that may simply be the end of the fiscal year ... if the funds aren't spent, they roll back to the treasury, so there's a bevy of spending as the fiscal year end gets close.
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You will soon be in the position of having to call Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser, John Bolton, a liar then. Because per a leaked manuscript which was provided to The New York Times, Bolton's book is 100% corroborating the allegations made in Article I : Abuse of Power.

Per The New York Times:

"President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John Bolton."
You will soon be in the position of having to call Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser, John Bolton, a liar then. Because per a leaked manuscript which was provided to The New York Times, Bolton's book is 100% corroborating the allegations made in Article I : Abuse of Power.

Per The New York Times:

"President Trump told his national security adviser in August that he wanted to continue freezing $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine until officials there helped with investigations into Democrats including the Bidens, according to an unpublished manuscript by the former adviser, John Bolton."

Yes and if you’ll hurry and preorder his book , you can be one of the first 10k to read it in his own words for yourself .
If you had to guess, what would you say is the average IQ of a congress man/woman? I’m talking both parties. I would not be surprised if it is below the national average.

These seem like people with money and friends in high places, not actual intelligent people. There is the occasional doctor and what not, but on balance most these people seem pretty stupid.
Stefanik from the top rope taking out this POS reporter

The chronology is not favorable to Trump. The military aid was not released until AFTER the White House became aware of the contents of the whistleblower's complaint, and AFTER Sen. McConnell had made it clear that the Senate would not be supporting the White House's refusal to hand over the complaint to Congress, as required by law. On top of that, Bolton is going to throw a grenade on Stefanik's defense.
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Nah...couldn't be the progressive activists now could it?

Vindman is certainly wearing a lot of flair (think back to the movie Office Space). I never understood why the Army finally came up with a very classy uniform and trashed it. And now they are going retro, it looks absurd, and there's the cost of transition ... way to be efficient with funding. Whatever else, though, Vindman does nail "dough boy" very well.
I don’t see how anyone with a brain can deny Trumps guilty. I also don’t see how anyone, with a brain, thinks this alone should be reason to remove him from office.
You are annoyingly reasonable. I never argue with anyone who says that what Trump did was wrong, but it doesn't justify his removal from office. It's a fair take. I'm even on the fence about it myself. We are just 9 months away from the election and I don't mind seeing democracy run its course with Trump's fate left up to the American voters.
I don’t see how anyone with a brain can deny Trumps guilty. I also don’t see how anyone, with a brain, thinks this alone should be reason to remove him from office.

I don’t see how anyone can stomach watching a bunch of lying , hypocritical millionaires accusing or defending anyone in politics of lying . Then buy into it one way or another . This has got to go down as the most IRONIC political sh!tshows I’ve ever heard of .
You are annoyingly reasonable. I never argue with anyone who says that what Trump did was wrong, but it doesn't justify his removal from office. It's a fair take. I'm even on the fence about it myself. We are just 9 months away from the election and I don't mind seeing democracy run its course with Trump's fate left up to the American voters.

Yep, the sad truth is this will not change anyone’s mind, no matter the outcome.
He was riding in a vehicle hit by a roadside bomb. I have no idea of the extent of his injuries. That alone, doesn't tell me anything about him other than he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He may have been a desk jockey, taking a ride to get ice cream..

If I remember correctly, my dad said in WW2 they referred to the combination of a campaign ribbon and Purple Heart as a Holy Joe. As in, "Holy Joe, I was there, and I forgot to duck." Vindman is just one of those guys who doesn't ring true ... perhaps not to the extent of stolen valor, but a true ticket puncher.
John Kerry. A man above reproach.
Unfroze assets to Iran to the tune of 1.5 bill.

Obama/Kerry did give Iran a big bunch of money. But you have to admit that they gave us some change back in the form of scrap metal a couple of weeks ago, so at least they put the Obama/Kerry blood money to "good" use.
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...after the whistleblower's complaint had already been filed and the attempts to keep it from Congress had failed. Why didn't the White House hand over the whistleblower's complaint to Congress within two weeks as required by law? They knew it looked bad.

Because it was liberally written in crayon and they were too busy rolling on the floor laughing until it was schifftily rewritten?
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Wrong. Every single one of $hitty schiff's witnesses said they had no evidence or was ever told to do a quid pro quo.
Not only that. They all said all foreign aid was under review and that aid to several countries was held up for, wait for it, corruption and aid participation. As much as the Dems want to forget all the stuff that was mentioned Saturday and again today, which came out of the testimony from their own star witnesses, we all heard it or read it. There is absolutely zero case here and this sham needs to stop.
Not only that. They all said all foreign aid was under review and that aid to several countries was held up for, wait for it, corruption and aid participation. As much as the Dems want to forget all the stuff that was mentioned Saturday and again today, which came out of the testimony from their own star witnesses, we all heard it or read it. There is absolutely zero case here and this sham needs to stop.
You mean, you hope it stops before John Bolton can testify that Donald Trump directly told him in August that he wanted the freeze on the military aid to the Ukraine to remain in place until Ukrainian officials had helped with investigations into Democrats, including the Bidens.
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I would gladly trade the Bidens, the whistleblower, Schiff, Pelosi and Alexandra Chalupa as witnesses in order to get John Bolton followed by Mike Pompeo, William Barr, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giuliani and Devin Nunes.
I’ll give them every single person on their list plus a bunch of people they don’t like just for ***** and giggles to get 5 minutes of Trump under oath. Hell, we don’t even have to talk about impeachment. Just let the halfwit perjure himself a few times on national television.

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