The Impeachment Thread

And sh!t like this 👆🏻Is why nobody that has two brain cells bumping together, is buying the impeachment articles or the lefts calls for removal . It’s all political partisan games . There’s no desire for truth from the party leaders , the only thing that matters is scoring political points .

If there was effort to get to the bottom of this Adam Schift would call a vote of the intelligence committee today and release the ICIG transcript. He still hasn't.
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I wouldn't put it past the House to impeach again; call this a test run while they wait for more evidence. It won't go away, no matter how much the GOP tries to legitimize Trump's actions.
I said there would be other impeachments. The House Dems are crazy, their constituents are crazy, and neither knows when to accept defeat. They think that only their opinion matters because they were raised to think they are special.
I said there would be other impeachments. The House Dems are crazy, their constituents are crazy, and neither knows when to accept defeat. They think that only their opinion matters because they were raised to think they are special.

There will be other impeachments of Trump if he continues to place his own interests above those of the country on major issues, such as close to a half billion dollars in aid to a country in a shooting war with Russia. If he continues to lie about major issues like that, or continues to abuse the power of the office for personal purposes at the nation's expense.

So, Hell yes, there are likely to be additional impeachments of Trump.
There will be other impeachments of Trump if he continues to place his own interests above those of the country on major issues, such as close to a half billion dollars in aid to a country in a shooting war with Russia. If he continues to lie about major issues like that, or continues to abuse the power of the office for personal purposes at the nation's expense.

So, Hell yes, there are likely to be additional impeachments of Trump.
And you will fail again with this bullsh!t sham of a kangaroo court.
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There will be other impeachments of Trump if he continues to place his own interests above those of the country on major issues, such as close to a half billion dollars in aid to a country in a shooting war with Russia. If he continues to lie about major issues like that, or continues to abuse the power of the office for personal purposes at the nation's expense.

So, Hell yes, there are likely to be additional impeachments of Trump.

They better get it out of their system before Jan 2021.
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Rand Paul needs to be careful. The reason Roberts won't ask it using the name is that he sees value in honoring the anonymity of the name. There are laws on that and he is going to abide by them, even if others have not done so, so far.

By now, it should be clear to RP that the Chief Justice views that as off limits. If this were standard court, RP would be on his way to to the woodshed right about now and warned that his next hissy fit or attempt to invoke the name of the whistleblower is going to get him held in contempt.
Rand Paul needs to be careful. The reason Roberts won't ask it using the name is that he sees value in honoring the anonymity of the name. There are laws on that and he is going to abide by them, even if others have not done so, so far.

By now, it should be clear to RP that the Chief Justice views that as off limits. If this were standard court, RP would be on his way to to the woodshed right about now and warned that his next hissy fit or attempt to invoke the name of the whistleblower is going to get him held in contempt.

But they have said they don't know who the whistleblower is? So what's wrong with any of those names? 🤔
Rand Paul needs to be careful. The reason Roberts won't ask it using the name is that he sees value in honoring the anonymity of the name. There are laws on that and he is going to abide by them, even if others have not done so, so far.

By now, it should be clear to RP that the Chief Justice views that as off limits. If this were standard court, RP would be on his way to to the woodshed right about now and warned that his next hissy fit or attempt to invoke the name of the whistleblower is going to get him held in contempt.
The only "law" that exists about not naming someone claiming anonymity under the whistleblower statute is that the ICIG (Intelligence Community Inspector General) cannot name him publicly. Rand Paul isn't the ICIG, and isn't calling Ciarmella the "whistleblower." Roberts is taking away Trump's 6th Amendment right to confront his accuser.
Rand Paul needs to be careful. The reason Roberts won't ask it using the name is that he sees value in honoring the anonymity of the name. There are laws on that and he is going to abide by them, even if others have not done so, so far.

By now, it should be clear to RP that the Chief Justice views that as off limits. If this were standard court, RP would be on his way to to the woodshed right about now and warned that his next hissy fit or attempt to invoke the name of the whistleblower is going to get him held in contempt.

Yep, it's not a normal court and RP should ask for a vote from the full Senate on his questions.
House didn't do it's job, or seem to know how to actually do it's job. Or, didn't care enough to follow protocol, and even passed it's own new rule for the 116th Congress to subjugate it...........

House of Rep's subpoenas were invalid, legally. (Philbin and lack of authorization for House subpeoans)

On the charge that the President lacked “lawful cause or excuse” to resist House Democrats’ subpoenas........

They (House of Representatives) never authorized an impeachment inquiry to obtain subpoenas, they cannot issue subpoenas unless they have enabling authorization from the House........after Trump counsel said not getting anything, they realized when Kuppperman filed his action they screwed up, so, they now authorized impeachment inquiry, and then, never retro actively said they were valid, and never issued them as new ones either.

Supposedly this is basic Supreme Court law/ruling that says a House committee cannot just start go issuing subpoenas unless they have enabling authorization from the House........

So, what is a counter response in terms of the "law".

Trump’s Defense Against Subpoenas Makes No Legal Sense

Reading the article, it seems this entire argument counter to Philbin is forgetting the one simple bueracratic-on the book way to do things to continue on with this supposed granted power was to follow the SOP, and they didn't. Similar to getting off on a technicality for some crime, police or attorney's screwed up, and thus, it's invalid.

Mr. Philbin argues that the Constitution literally means impeachment belongs to the whole House while House Democrats have argued that the rules they passed for the 116th Congress rendered such a separate vote unnecessary.

So, they can pass this and invalidate Supreme Court rulings....for sole purpose of...........

You attorneys on here like to expound? Seemingly, the simple procedure is what is important, and regardless of what validation the Dem's in the House feel they have, or might have, or do have, they didn't follow the simple operating procedure, which, like it or not, means the case and foundation for the case are null and void as something as simple as following protocol derails it's legitimacy regardless of any current 116th Congress rule to invalidate it......?

Genuinely interested in discussion/responses so please try and keep it to topic of this concept above. All respondents back and forth try and be nice and civil and no name calling.......
I don't believe the house leaders can invalidate rules of impeachment in the constitution by passing their own rules.
The whole house never voted on impeachment inquiry, therefore making any subpeonas invalid. I believe I stated this back in December.

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