The Impeachment Thread

It's funny how quick the right is to admit their guys are douche bags, once they turn against their dear leader. Where were the attacks on John Bolton's character while he was still serving as National Security Adviser? (cue the sound of crickets chirping in a forest)
The attacks were coming from the left then.
When has Impeachment ever removed a President? If that option doesn't work, what do you have left? A coup? He's not going to resign.
It worked with Nixon.

Just wanted to elevate the blood pressure of a couple of posters.
But it actually did work. Nixon only resigned because he knew he would be impeached and removed.

When impeachment doesn't work, there aren't many options. There is the 25th, which was discussed by people in Trump's own inner circle. Resignation is probably the best out, and the one Trump should take.
Beyond those, it pretty much resides with the next election.
If Trump, god forbid, were to be re-elected; and if he did something insanely stupid, dangerous, and debatably illegal within the first couple of weeks (which would assuredly be the case), what then?
Every scenario boils down to a critical mass of the American public demanding the correct action. I had misplaced confidence that it would have happened already. It seems as if Trump knew his magic number was 36%. Lock in a zombified 36%, and you have the golden ticket.
After almost 12 hours of questioning and answers, my observations are that the house managers have avoided every single one of them. It is crazy to set there and listen to them babble these answers, that has all been lies anyways. They can’t tell you what the question even is through an answer.
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It will be interesting to see what Roberts does if the vote for witnesses comes in 50-50. Will he break the tie or abstain?
Who hasn't talked about how to remove Trump? I doubt there is a person in DC who hasn't been in on multiple discussions concerning ways of getting rid of Trump, and not many outside of DC.

Even the Trumpers have those discussions.

So you’re cool with setting someone up? Framing them using false statements?
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After almost 12 hours of questioning and answers, my observations are that the house managers have avoided every single one of them. It is crazy to set there and listen to them babble these answers, that has all been lies anyways. They can’t tell you what the question even is through an answer.

I thought the answer to any question to the house managers is "we need more witnesses.... relevant witnesses not the irrelevant smear witnesses the WH wants to call"... or "I am very protective of my staff and nobody knows nothin' 'bout the whistleblower!"
It will be interesting to see what Roberts does if the vote for witnesses comes in 50-50. Will he break the tie or abstain?

I wouldn’t think so , since his vote either way would impact the trial . A 50/50 vote wouldn’t be a tie as I understand it , it would be a failed motion .
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I wouldn’t think so , since his vote either way would impact the trial . A 50/50 vote wouldn’t be a tie as I understand it , it would be a failed motion .
It depends. During Andrew Johnson’s trial the Justice broke 2 ties and abstained in one. In Clinton’s the Justice abstained. So there is precedent for the Justice to vote.
Yes, it well within his discretion. But with a simple majority vote his discretion can be taken away and should be in this matter.

This isn't an IC matter so the WB should not be protected under the IC WB rules.

That would look really cheap, Imo. I doubt you can get a lot of votes to out the web. Would seem vindictive. Why do it if the GOP is guaranteeing a Trump win?
It depends. During Andrew Johnson’s trial the Justice broke 2 ties and abstained in one. In Clinton’s the Justice abstained. So there is precedent for the Justice to vote.

Interesting , if I were the presiding judge , I would want to stay out of it as much as possible . If either side had the votes then the motion passes , if not then it fails as a 50/50 split .
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I would stay away from it too if I were a judge

They probably wouldn’t like me . I’d address them after my introduction and tell them all to save their time and energy on swaying a vote from me . I am just here to keep you pack of wild hyenas from eating the Senate reporters and pages.

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