The Impeachment Thread

He's effectively saying somebody was doing 10 over the speed limit yet they’ve been put on political trial for attempted vehicular manslaughter.
He's effectively saying that someone who repeatedly maintained his innocence, claimed his behavior was perfect, and was defended as innocent by his followers was in fact guilty as charged.
Everyone knew all along the senate would not remove him.
The best that could be hoped for was proving his guilt.
He and his followers have once again been forced to take the embarrassing leap from "he is innocent" to "he is guilty, but..........."
Now that guilt has been established and pretty much universally admitted, history can determine if he was going 10 mph over the speed limit or 50 mph over the speed limit while drunk in a school zone. Witnesses and documentation would have clarified but Alexander and the rest decided it was best to admit to wrongdoing that was proven through the available evidence and avoid the embarrassment of seeing just how wrong.
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He's being honest. It's bad judgment to say this is not a removable offense. I mean, really bad judgment. But at least he says that Trump definitely held up the aid to get Ukraine to artificially meddle in the next election.

How that is not worthy of removal is mind boggling, frankly.

Agreed. By saying it's not impeachable is a green light to Trump and his goons. If Lamar thinks the moral quality of the conduct is going to constrain Trump going forward he's an idiot.
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Giving Kushner security clearance against the wishes of people that know a thing or two about national security is right up there with having your lawyer and assistant review the emails to give to the FBI to investigate whether she disclosed classified information to someone that didn't have clearance.

If John Brennan can have a security clearance, I don’t have or see a problem with Kushner having one .
As long as Republicans will admit that what Donald Trump did was inappropriate (as Sen. Lamar Alexander just did), I don't have a problem with ending this now, even without witnesses and new evidence. What I have been looking for from the start was some acknowledgement from the Republican side that what Trump did was wrong. This is only one Republican senator, but it is at least something.

From Senator Lamar Alexander's statement, these are the two tweets that stand out and are hard to take issue with:

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation."


"I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the U.S. Constitution's high bar for an impeachable offense..."

It's very clear what Sen. Alexander is saying. The allegations themselves were not a hoax or some phony charge. They were the result of wrongdoing on the part of President Donald Trump, but they did not justify Trump's impeachment or his removal from office. I can live with that.

It's only inappropriate if there are no reasons to investigate Hunter Biden. If Hunter Biden mysteriously got a million dollar a year job in Ukraine while his Dad was in charge of foreign relations/negotiations with that country, it's not a stretch to say that this relationship deserves scrutiny. It's not like Trump said "I want you to find something on the Bidens and I don't care if you need to plant it somewhere." There were ample reasons to investigate this.
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Well Dems, what’s the next item on the “remove Trump” agenda? Tik Tok the clock is running out.
I guess they will play it the way you want it played, keep investigating and take it to the courts. I feel sorry for the GOP at this point, the point man on their shadow government was Rudy. The Dems won't make the mistake of putting someone so incompetent in charge of theirs when the time comes around.
What's sad is your intelligence.

See, this is great, who the fu** are you? You just need this stuff daily don't you.......

Hope your wife is banging your best friend, and you go and die today. Good enough to end your childish, because this is your life, feeding off this stuff, sad life, sad existence. I'll be sure to show all the posts I like that poke, prod, and keep allowing us to see the greatness that is the mick.

Keep it coming, I know you can't resist........lay it on.........I laid my insult out, hard to beat. Tell me to go die, too.
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I guess they will play it the way you want it played, keep investigating and take it to the courts. I feel sorry for the GOP at this point, the point man on their shadow government was Rudy. The Dems won't make the mistake of putting someone so incompetent in charge of theirs when the time comes around.
Feel bad for republicans? They're not the ones who has wasted 3 years, and tons of money simply because they're butthurt they lost a rigged election. You should feel bad for your party. They list a rigged election, losing a rigged/sham impeachment, and very likely they're gonna lose November.
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Well Dems, what’s the next item on the “remove Trump” agenda? Tik Tok the clock is running out.
That's probably it for now. Evidence will continue to come out showing Trump to be horrendously despicable, there will undoubtedly be multiple wrongdoings highlighted during the election process, and the file will be built to have on hand should the country be mindbogglingly insane enough to re-elect him.

And Trump will inevitably be Trump, which should provide the biggest obstacle to his re-election.
He's effectively saying that someone who repeatedly maintained his innocence, claimed his behavior was perfect, and was defended as innocent by his followers was in fact guilty as charged.
Everyone knew all along the senate would not remove him.
The best that could be hoped for was proving his guilt.
He and his followers have once again been forced to take the embarrassing leap from "he is innocent" to "he is guilty, but..........."
Now that guilt has been established and pretty much universally admitted, history can determine if he was going 10 mph over the speed limit or 50 mph over the speed limit while drunk in a school zone. Witnesses and documentation would have clarified but Alexander and the rest decided it was best to admit to wrongdoing that was proven through the available evidence and avoid the embarrassment of seeing just how wrong.
I just wish everybody would be honest about what is happening. Trump dangled foreign aid to try and get something he wanted . . . something that one would assume is fairly commonplace, yet at times I can see where it's ethically debatable. On the other side, Impeachment has been a pipe dream in search of opportunity for 3 years and the adults in the Democratic Party finally caved under pressure despite the fact that they know this is a shaky at best case and a partisan charade. What we've now got is a collassal waste of time just so Democratic candidates can have something to shriek about. Not a single vote in America has changed. Rinse... repeat.
See, this is great, who the fu** are you? You just need this stuff daily don't you.......

Hope your wife is banging your best friend, and you go and die today. Good enough to end your childish, because this is your life, feeding off this stuff, sad life, sad existence. I'll be sure to show all the posts I like that poke, prod, and keep allowing us to see the greatness that is the mick.

Keep it coming, I know you can't resist........lay it on.........I laid my insult out, hard to beat. Tell me to go die, too.
When I talk to you, I feel like Einstein teaching kindergarten.
Let's say we have more than enough legislation for several countries and work on eliminating a lot of it rather than creating more ... a good place to start would be the tax code.
If the legislation is to repeal legislation, that's fine by me.

Not to derail this thread but let's talk just for a second about the tax code 'cause I have a suggestion for the President that'll guarantee his re-election:

He's talked about a middle class tax cut. This is what he should do: Cut tax rates between say $50K-100K by 10%. Pay for it by instituting a new higher tax bracket for those making over a million/yr in order to pay for it.

If he were to do that, he'd cruise to re-election. No way the Dems could poke a hole in it politically. They could not say that it was a tax cut for the rich. It'd also beat the Dems at their own game and prevent them from" taxing the rich" to pay for social justice such as student loan forgiveness or free college.
Just like that all the giddiness and whoop there it is song posts have disappeared from the radical leftists here. I sure enjoy watching them lose their minds again.
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He's being honest. It's bad judgment to say this is not a removable offense. I mean, really bad judgment. But at least he says that Trump definitely held up the aid to get Ukraine to artificially meddle in the next election.

How that is not worthy of removal is mind boggling, frankly.
The last time we did this, they had the President dead to rights lying under oath. I don't see how anybody's mind can be boggled over impeachment. It's politics 24/7.
Must have been some good drink specials at lunch yesterday.

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That's probably it for now. Evidence will continue to come out showing Trump to be horrendously despicable, there will undoubtedly be multiple wrongdoings highlighted during the election process, and the file will be built to have on hand should the country be mindbogglingly insane enough to re-elect him.

And Trump will inevitably be Trump, which should provide the biggest obstacle to his re-election.
If you don't want him re-elected you're gonna have to do better than Socialists of 80 yr old Joe. If that's all the better you can do you deserve to lose and as to why, look no further than that

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