The Impeachment Thread

You said that three years ago champ wtf happened?
Gaslighting was more effective and his followers were more pliable than anyone imagined.

When he said he could shoot someone in Times Square and his followers would continue to worship him, I and most others, thought he was a slightly humorous but insane lunatic. Few, and certainly not me, dreamed that the percent of people that would actually fall into that category would be as high as it is. I still find it shocking. It certainly caused many to reassess.
You speak but say nothing, his accomplishments are not debatable..hence the furor from career politicians who’ve been made fools of on both sides of the aisle.Trumps approval ratings are on the rise and there’s nothing your side has to offer that’s an improvement of what’s been accomplished so far.
Sure they are debatable. The debt will be an albatross around his neck and the growth isn't what people have been led to perceive.
You're an idiot.....Trump said that in a joking manner&you retards take it as a literal saying as truth.
Haven't you ever said something in a joking style where it wasn't meant to be taken as fact?
You guys have done nothing but prove the prophetic truth of his statement.
Today of all days is a great example.
Sure they are debatable. The debt will be an albatross around his neck and the growth isn't what people have been led to perceive.

That will will be dealt with next term when we went back the house. If you guys hadn't dicked around for the last year the USMCA would’ve already been ratified..its expected to add a 1% to the GDP in addition to 200,000 jobs for starters. Best unemployment numbers in 50 years.Whats your plan to top that?
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Sure they are debatable. The debt will be an albatross around his neck and the growth isn't what people have been led to perceive.

Everyone wants to deal with the debt but nobody will get elected by actually doing what needs to be done to fix it. In the grand scheme of things people would at least like more of their own money and theres not a dim around that will do that. Do you think free s*** for moochers, tax increases, and debt forgiveness is a solid platform to run on?
That will will be dealt with next term when we went back the house. If you guys hadn't dicked around for the last year the USMCA would’ve already been ratified..its expected to add a 1% to the GDP in addition to 200,000 jobs for starters. Best unemployment numbers in 50 years.Whats your plan to top that?

Their plan is to have Bloomberg (trumps double) a billionaire to win the Dems nomination. They think since Trump is really good at this stuff maybe their nominee will be too. That's the plan.
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I'm wondering what % of loser Dems are getting stoned drunk tonight? Trying to bury the pain and humiliation.
I know of one particular polident user who is usually trashed by lunch from martinis is likely passed out in her own puke by now
I am having a New Riff single barrel as a celebration tonight that the commies failed
If this is the Republican plan to stay relevant in a diversifying America, good luck with that.

Good lord , have you seen “your “candidates that “your party “is going to have you pick from for POTUS about lack of diversity . all you have is old white privileged multimillion and multibillionaires . Does that represent America well ?
They have an injun and a homo doesn’t that count?

Not enough pigment to be diverse . If only “ squatting dog that lies to chief “would have picked up just a little bit more of her great , great , great , grand pop pops red pigmentations .. they might have a case .

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