The Impeachment Thread

As did the ones who blindly worshiped him and showed up in the tens thousands to cheer him on at his pep rallies.
I use to have no comprehension as to how that could happen. I understand it only slightly better now.

Both sides have their sheep. Pretending otherwise is foolish, and delusional.

And I don't care about your continuum. Both sides have continuums as well, and both sides believe they're in the right. Truth is often found in the middle, and you're no where near the middle.
Luthie... you are a good soldier, check is in the mail, keep the pressure on as this fight is not over.... George S.
Lamar thought, what would luther do?.... then did the opposite.

Ha just kidding.... Lamar ripped off your skull and pissed down your neck.
It’s all a matter of perspective. I’m sure Hitler thought he was one of the good guys.
You’re so used to capitulation you couldn't recognize testicular fortitude if it jumped up and slapped you in the face..
Behold the minds of the Trumpers......
Really, is it any wonder?
Both sides have their sheep. Pretending otherwise is foolish, and delusional.

And I don't care about your continuum. Both sides have continuums as well, and both sides believe they're in the right. Truth is often found in the middle, and you're no where near the middle.
But truth isn't always in the middle, in this case far from it.
I appreciate your attempts to play the moderate, there are issues with which I assume the same role.
Trump's not one of those.
But truth isn't always in the middle, in this case far from it.
I appreciate your attempts to play the moderate, there are issues with which I assume the same role.
Trump's not one of those.
I don't think you see the whole truth. If you did, you would see fault from both sides, and you've made it clear you do not.
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