The Impeachment Thread

They are still entertaining, but I really don't watch much of it.
You do understand that they are more political as a direct result of Trump I hope.
It's one of the results of the intentional broadening of the divide and us versus them environment Trump creates, and one of the ways needed to counter some of the falsehoods Trump continually perpetuates.

Wrong as usual. You see things only in the hopes for the MSM takes advantage of trashing Trump on a daily routine to make him look as not presidential as possible. The Fake News media has one job now and that's to bring the President & all of his supporters to shame and to laughter from late TV host programs.....humiliate them much as possible so they will have some doubt in re-electing him for a 2nd term. This is the way it has gotten....not because of Trump. It's because the loony left lost an election and with that lost ...... the power they once had. Now they (the left & media) try to make life miserable for anyone that supports him & they assume any associate of his working for him is guilty of high crimes & misdemeanors which is also false sh*t made up if not proven in a court of law.
Not a single one of you thinks that Trump would avoid perjury if he testified under oath.
If so, claim it as your belief.
That would be the best way to counter the truthfulness of my statement.

A good lawyer could get any of us to commit perjury if they hassled us long enough. Trump would be an idiot to subject himself to that. You just want another way to get him 'cause your first 99 chances have failed. It's really getting pathetic.

Here's my heartfelt suggestion to you:

Forget trying to get this guy kicked out. It's only happened once in our 240 yr history. Instead work on finding a decent candidate that can beat him in November.. Seriously, that's where your efforts should go
That’s racist! Oh wait, you’re a Dem therefore you can’t be racist. I withdraw my complaint.

Democrats can't be racist, that's funny .....but they can be total azzholes to everyone they deem a conservative. Kicking conservatives out of places to eat, throwing milkshakes & food on them. That's a small sample of their despicable behavior.
Don't look at this is the bright sun. The reflection may burn your eyeballs.

That’s racist! Dang, I forgot again. Doesn’t apply to Dems. Never mind.

Could you imagine if someone on the right posted a picture where only 2 or 3 of a crowd were white and said it is getting dark in here? By all means, continue though.
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Don't look at this is the bright sun. The reflection may burn your eyeballs.

That’s racist! Dang, I forgot again. Doesn’t apply to Dems. Never mind.

Could you imagine if someone on the right posted a picture where only 2 or 3 of a crowd were white and said it is getting dark in here? By all means, continue though.
It is not perfectly legitimate for the president to leverage aid to a foreign government against their willingness to perform a political campaign favor for him. What you are missing, is that what Trump wanted done, was not for the benefit of the country at large. It was only for the benefit of helping him be reelected. You don't have a leg to stand on. What Trump did, was wrong.
But you don’t know for sure that’s why he did it. There’s no guarantee whatsoever that Biden would be his opponent and if you think Trump is afraid of Biden you’re kidding yourself. Trump is way too full of himself to fear Biden or anyone else for that matter.

So did you have a problem with the DNC paying for the Russian dossier? Was that ok?
Both sides have their sheep. Pretending otherwise is foolish, and delusional.

And I don't care about your continuum. Both sides have continuums as well, and both sides believe they're in the right. Truth is often found in the middle, and you're no where near the middle.
Weeze, do you lube that fence before you get on or just take it dry, splinters and all?
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Paula Jones was accusing him of sexual harassment over accusations which predated his run for the presidency. Whether or not he ever had sex with Monica Lewinsky, was nobody's business but his and Hillary's.
In fairness there was also at least some evidence he had raped a couple of women
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You certainly cling to that assumption.
Being a man of continuums, I do not have the ability to not see the faults on both sides.
you are fos. You see no fault on the left. "It is the natural order of things... this "progression" to liberalism" The only 'fault' you might see is that the left isn't liberal/progressive enough.

You lose Chump.
Not a single one of you thinks that Trump would avoid perjury if he testified under oath.
If so, claim it as your belief.
That would be the best way to counter the truthfulness of my statement.
LOL Why would he do that? Oh... maybe Obama's college records will show themselves if he does...


You lose.
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It's relativism. Had a democratic president done the same things, there would be calls for blood and demands for a conviction of treason. Simple observation of patterns of behavior here confirm that; it would be the logical response given the established modus operandi of the majority of the posters.
Barry did worse and nothing was said.
Sen. Murkowski's (sp?) statement on why she voted against bringing in witnesses was succinct and logical. Her ending comment - that we have reached a low point in the state of division in our country - rings very true. How do we get back to even a semblance of bipartisan operation?
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