The Impeachment Thread

I want the Dems and the Republicans to work together for the betterment of our country, like government is supposed to do. I don't believe in the party system to begin with. I believe in elected officials serving their constituents and working toward legislation that actually helps those who put them in office. Enough of the power struggle. "For the people, by the people" has been lost, and even though it won't happen, that's what I want to see. That's what we should all want to see. A government that serves us, the citizens, instead of a government that only serves itself.
The left is incapable
The left is incapable
I dont ever see them putting the country first as long as Trump is in office. Their contempt and hysteria wont let them
I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.
I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.

The right has been more willing to cave than the left has over the last decade or so. We will see going forward. The way Kavanaugh was treated by the left really seemed to change things. The Dems desperation for power on the court may have lead us down a road of no return, and zero compromise over most issues.
The right has been more willing to cave than the left has over the last decade or so. We will see going forward. The way Kavanaugh was treated by the left really seemed to change things. The Dems desperation for power on the court may have lead us down a road of no return, and zero compromise over most issues.
Plus we had a quote.. "elections have consequences" which doesn't exactly bode well for any across the aisle handshakes.
The right has been more willing to cave than the left has over the last decade or so. We will see going forward. The way Kavanaugh was treated by the left really seemed to change things. The Dems desperation for power on the court may have lead us down a road of no return, and zero compromise over most issues.
I agree the left went out of bounds with Kavanaugh, but Garland was treated unfairly as well. The right didn't go nuclear on him though. Right now, the left is playing the dirtier game, but would you really be surprised if those roles reverse in the future? I wouldn't. Politics tend to flip flop like that. Each side feeling they're justified because of what the other side did previously. Two children going at it in a war of back and forth with zero supervision.
I agree the left went out of bounds with Kavanaugh, but Garland was treated unfairly as well. The right didn't go nuclear on him though. Right now, the left is playing the dirtier game, but would you really be surprised if those roles reverse in the future? I wouldn't. Politics tend to flip flop like that. Each side feeling they're justified because of what the other side did previously. Two children going at it in a war of back and forth with zero supervision.
I hope the Rs play the same dirty games the next time a dem is President. The Rs have been soft for far too long, that’s one reason I stopped calling myself a Republican. I hope President Trumps lasting legacy above all else is to teach future Republican candidates for any office to fight back, be tough it’s ok to take on the media and the radical left
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I agree the left went out of bounds with Kavanaugh, but Garland was treated unfairly as well. The right didn't go nuclear on him though. Right now, the left is playing the dirtier game, but would you really be surprised if those roles reverse in the future? I wouldn't. Politics tend to flip flop like that. Each side feeling they're justified because of what the other side did previously. Two children going at it in a war of back and forth with zero supervision.

I wouldn't be surprised if the roles reversed. This may sound crazy, but that will all depend on how this upcoming election turns out. If Trump wins in a landslide and the Republicans make gains in the house then the Republicans will remain somewhat subdued in comparison to the Dems because it will be seen as justification that the American people see them as the party of reason. If, in the unlikely event that Trump lost, The Republicans may take it as a que that they must (just like the Dems) do everything in their power to destroy everything in their path. Including trying to impeach any future Dem president.
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You seemed to support that sentiment with Hillary. The entire Democratic party seemed to support that behavior from the Clintons. Now that the shoe's an the other foot, opinions have changed for both parties.
What? I didn't support that sentiment with the Clintons.
Both Clintons were investigated far longer and more in depth than has been Trump.

You keep promoting your belief that Trump is normal and comparable.
I'll keep promoting my belief that Trump is far from the norm and not comparable.
What? I didn't support that sentiment with the Clintons.
Both Clintons were investigated far longer and more in depth than has been Trump.

You keep promoting your belief that Trump is normal and comparable.
I'll keep promoting my belief that Trump is far from the norm and not comparable.

... And yet you compare him to every past president . 🤷‍♂️
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By saying he's not comparable.
I guess in theory, the only way to conclude that something is abnormal is to compare it to the norm.

Right . I was of course just picking at you , but it stuck me funny when I read it . He doesn’t have to be normal , but he does have to be compatible. Horribly , and despicable still works no matter how you say it . Lol
Right . I was of course just picking at you , but it stuck me funny when I read it . He doesn’t have to be normal , but he does have to be compatible. Horribly , and despicable still works no matter how you say it . Lol
Yea, I see the humor.
The natural bio rhythms of my desire to express my dislike of all things Trump are currently at a low.
I guess there is a decent chance they will back on the high end Tuesday or Wednesday.
Yea, I see the humor.
The natural bio rhythms of my desire to express my dislike of all things Trump are currently at a low.
I guess there is a decent chance they will back on the high end Tuesday or Wednesday.

You should submit yourself for research on TDS you’d be doing millions of Americans a great service.
As long as those loonies are as far away from my neck of the woods.....the better. They can stay there.
Don't want them over here destroying my town. I think Nashville is bad enough. Memphis too.

You're fortunate...for now. It's amazing that terrible liberal policies hurts these big cities yet they keep getting elected. They get ahead of the ridicule and find new ways to defect responsibility. Right now Nashville is struggling with crime, a less than motivated law enforcement, hundreds of openings, a huge budget deficit with a lot of debt and an underwhelming public school system that is a haven for illegal immigrants which doesn't help with crime. It is a booming city with an underbelly of growing problems.
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It says I'm not a follower.
You do what the left wants. If you aren't in the socialist/progressive camp, they want you in the fence rider camp. You aren't a friend but you aren't the enemy. Grow a pair. You will have to pick sides in your lifetime.
I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.
I don't want the right working with the left. They have absolutely nothing that this country needs.

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