The Impeachment Thread

The alternative is going even further in the direction of saying you can do whatever you damn well please and nothing will come of it.

The voters will decide if anything will come of it. If they don't like what Trump did, they'll vote him out. And if that's what happens, I'm fine with it, even though my opinion would differ.
I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.
I do not want the Republicans working with the Democrats either and compromising what Republicans and Conservatives believe in:rolleyes:
I agree the left went out of bounds with Kavanaugh, but Garland was treated unfairly as well. The right didn't go nuclear on him though. Right now, the left is playing the dirtier game, but would you really be surprised if those roles reverse in the future? I wouldn't. Politics tend to flip flop like that. Each side feeling they're justified because of what the other side did previously. Two children going at it in a war of back and forth with zero supervision.
In my lifetime I have not seen the right in this country continually stoop to the scum level to thwart the will of the country that the left does. It only gets worse. It will continue to do so. As long as we have people in this country that have the attitudes of the progressive sheep on this site, there is no middle ground.
The right has been more willing to cave than the left has over the last decade or so. We will see going forward. The way Kavanaugh was treated by the left really seemed to change things. The Dems desperation for power on the court may have lead us down a road of no return, and zero compromise over most issues.
The right was spineless and too afraid of unfairly being called names to stand up to the left. The left, however, has turned it into an existential battle. As mentioned, the Kavanaugh ordeal is probably a dragon the left will wish hadn't been awakened from slumber.
Split the argument. Take away the angry, they're still talking heads promoting a Republican agenda, just as CNN promotes a Democratic agenda. Fox is just as much about feeding the sheep as the liberal MSM outlets, they're just tending a different flock.

Wherever you get your news, you have to be careful about the political spin they put on it. Pick out the facts and think for yourself. Don't let them tell you what you should believe. That's just as true with Fox as it is with CNN and MSNBC. Don't be the conservative version of Mick or Luther.

No question that Fox News is all right wing biased...and it's much worse in that regard since Roger Ailes left...but it is the only right wing biased TV news. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and all left wing leaning. (Don't even bother throwing bit players like the Blaze or Newsmax back at me. They're so small they're insignificant). Not good
No question that Fox News is all right wing biased...and it's much worse in that regard since Roger Ailes left...but it is the only right wing biased TV news. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and all left wing leaning. (Don't even bother throwing bit players like the Blaze or Newsmax back at me. They're so small they're insignificant). Not good
Those you listed aren't just left leaning, they've fallen off the left side of the fence and rolled into the ditch.
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No question that Fox News is all right wing biased...and it's much worse in that regard since Roger Ailes left...but it is the only right wing biased TV news. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR and all left wing leaning. (Don't even bother throwing bit players like the Blaze or Newsmax back at me. They're so small they're insignificant). Not good
I watch One America News except for Tucker Carlson,Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham on Fox News. One America News will be the place for Conservatives to go when they start having talk shows in the future.
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I want the Dems and the Republicans to work together for the betterment of our country, like government is supposed to do. I don't believe in the party system to begin with. I believe in elected officials serving their constituents and working toward legislation that actually helps those who put them in office. Enough of the power struggle. "For the people, by the people" has been lost, and even though it won't happen, that's what I want to see. That's what we should all want to see. A government that serves us, the citizens, instead of a government that only serves itself.

I too share your goal but after how Trump has been treated since his inauguration, how is he supposed to work with them? The WaPost ran an article at 12:19pm of Trump's inauguration Day that said the Dems were already plotting how to impeach him. The whistleblower was plotting a way to impeachment him. They surveilled his campaign before Election Day. They did the Mueller investigation. They completely trashed his SCOTUS nominee with every dirty report they could conjure up. The Press has been vicious towards him from the get go. How's he supposed to govern under those conditions? Do you expect him to consult with these sorts of people before he makes a move like killing an Iranian terrorist? Considering all this, it's truly amazing he's accomplished as much as he has
The right was spineless and too afraid of unfairly being called names to stand up to the left. The left, however, has turned it into an existential battle. As mentioned, the Kavanaugh ordeal is probably a dragon the left will wish hadn't been awakened from slumber.

The hope is that we can replace Ginsberg as well. I would feel better about the foreseeable future of this country if we can do that. I think after Trump then it's a crapshoot the way the left has tried to open borders to change the demographics of the electorate and now liberals leaving their bad states in droves to go to better run, conservative states. Only to try to change the direction of the state and run them into the ditch as well.
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I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.
Of course the fault is shared, of course both sides are to blame; and that is precisely why it has to be put on a continuum, not just the parties but individuals.
When making your choice in a primary election, how well each candidate would work to close the gap should be a big consideration. That requires placing the candidates on a continuum.
The only way to fix it is for the candidates to know that working with the other side is a plus and not a negative.
The election of Trump was a loud and clear statement from the right that not only were they not interested in increasing bi-partisanship, but they were deliberately working to decrease it.
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I agree the left went out of bounds with Kavanaugh, but Garland was treated unfairly as well. The right didn't go nuclear on him though. Right now, the left is playing the dirtier game, but would you really be surprised if those roles reverse in the future? I wouldn't. Politics tend to flip flop like that. Each side feeling they're justified because of what the other side did previously. Two children going at it in a war of back and forth with zero supervision.

I agree with you on Garland. They should have had a vote on him and voted him down. That would put them in a much better place when/if they need to fill a vacancy this yr.
Of course the fault is shared, of course both sides are to blame; and that is precisely why it has to be put on a continuum, not just the parties but individuals.
When making your choice in a primary election, who well each candidate would work to close the gap should be a big consideration. That requires placing the candidates on a continuum.
The only way to fix it is for the candidates to know that working with the other side is a plus and not a negative.
The election of Trump was a loud and clear statement from the right that not only were they not interested in increasing bi-partisanship, but they were deliberately working to decrease it.

The quality of working with the other side is not something that'll go over well in a primary so chances are you'll not have that sort of candidate to choose from in the general.
Naive. We heard about a semen stained blue dress all through 1998. We heard about the Whitewater land deal, which most people on here could not explain. We heard about something called 'travelgate'. We would have heard about something like this too.
I actually agree with hog because there never would’ve been a leak if a Democrat President did the same thing.
I want the Dems and the Republicans to work together for the betterment of our country, like government is supposed to do. I don't believe in the party system to begin with. I believe in elected officials serving their constituents and working toward legislation that actually helps those who put them in office. Enough of the power struggle. "For the people, by the people" has been lost, and even though it won't happen, that's what I want to see. That's what we should all want to see. A government that serves us, the citizens, instead of a government that only serves itself.
You’re right. America is for the people, not politicians to control us. We will fight now, and we have awoken to know what is going on. I thought there wasn’t any hope left, down and out. I was kind of depressed in the way this country was going. What I was seeing, was things rotting down to the core. An ex: Seeing small stores that were once out in the country shutting down, the buildings setting there in rags. Seeing factories of old in small towns that once stood, and people working to make a living. Where I come from, the small town that once had a little bit of everything downtown, people everywhere and has died. It has nothing left but a small bank, a newspaper office, and a hair salon. Old buildings just standing there and rotting down. It used to have a grocery store, a phamacy to where you could get ice cream, chips, and hotdogs. It used to have an old time movie place, It had two bar-b-que places downtown, three restaurants, and a little night club. All of it is gone now. This my friend isn’t America, like it used to be. Let me add this to. People used to set at the court house steps, and used to talk at a gathering place, to talk about family, politics, and what they were going to do for the week. Now, you don’t even see that no more. We have gone asleep, but are now wakening up.
The hope is that we can replace Ginsberg as well. I would feel better about the foreseeable future of this country if we can do that. I think after Trump then it's a crapshoot the way the left has tried to open borders to change the demographics of the electorate and now liberals leaving their bad states in droves to go to better run, conservative states. Only to try to change the direction of the state and run them into the ditch as well.
Trump will win another term and continue reshaping the district courts as well.
Would that phone call have been a crime had the president been a democrat and sought a quid pro quo in an attempt to smear a republican rival? Simple yes or no would suffice, thanks.
That’s not at all what happened as investigating potential corruption is not a smear campaign and the aid was not withheld. I don’t know why everyone seems to be forgetting that all aid was being reviewed and aid to several other countries was also delayed due to concerns with corruption and burden sharing.
I agree that they'll never work with Trump. The hate runs too deep. But is the right capable of working with the left? The division between the two parties is so wide, I'm not sure either side is willing to make it work. And the fault for that is shared IMO. Enough with Luther's continuum crap. Both sides carry blame, and arguing one side is more to blame than the other is pointless, and people will never agree. Arguing about it just distracts from trying to fix it. The division in this country needs to be addressed, and common ground needs to be found.

When the dems once again can be serious about electing people to congress, then compromise and cooperation may be possible; but when you hold elections and elect people who are as likely to wear a bomb to work as to hold legitimate conversations, doing anything to the betterment of the country as a whole isn't real likely. And, yes, it's not one sided; but, damn, the left is a pack of loons. Fix social causes on your own; fix structural problems with government when absolutely necessary; otherwise, just stay out of the way and let people work.

You have to have some basic common ground for a starting point, and with the exception of members of congress using it to enrich themselves, that common ground doesn't exist. You'd likely see more cooperation between diehard Tennessee and Bama fans agreeing to fix a football game than you'll find in congress. Generally you have to agree that there is a problem before you can fix one, and congress can't even seem to get to that point.

I tried to include a couple of other posts with Weezer's and failed miserably ... I'd appreciate a "how to".
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The division between the two parties is so wide,
the divide between the followers of the 2 parties is wide but there is little difference in the goals of the actual parties. They simply want power and choose to buy it in different ways. A lifelong dem being the head of the gop should show this is all theater

And exactly what do conservatives believe in that they are currently fighting for?
Gun right for one. Climate change is a hoax, and if the demos start throwing down the new green deal to us, along with the Paris accord again, then I have a feeling it will not be pretty this time around. Gun right shall not be infringed on, period.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
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