The Impeachment Thread

Understand it goes both ways. Dems can investigate Trump and the Republicans will investigate Biden, Obama, Comey, John Brennan, Schiff...the list goes on and on. Let's understand one other point: Nothing ever comes of these investigations.
The alternative is going even further in the direction of saying you can do whatever you damn well please and nothing will come of it.
What is it about Asheville that attracts all these liberals? Is that the liberal haven of the SE?

As long as those loonies are as far away from my neck of the woods.....the better. They can stay there.
Don't want them over here destroying my town. I think Nashville is bad enough. Memphis too.
Maybe our King Trump will turn to Nancy at the SOTU and give her that cute clap. The House would erupt in laughter.

He could say something like ,, “now that this attempt by the House at trying to remove me from office is over , we can get back to keeping this country great again “ then turn and golf clapper her . I would slide out of my chair laughing .
Yes, see your favorite cable news programs like MSNBC or CNN for your angry talking heads for that sir....
I don't believe Fox News has any angry talking heads displayed on their programs like those two I listed.
Good try though and thanks for playing your game of trying to dis Fox..
Split the argument. Take away the angry, they're still talking heads promoting a Republican agenda, just as CNN promotes a Democratic agenda. Fox is just as much about feeding the sheep as the liberal MSM outlets, they're just tending a different flock.

Wherever you get your news, you have to be careful about the political spin they put on it. Pick out the facts and think for yourself. Don't let them tell you what you should believe. That's just as true with Fox as it is with CNN and MSNBC. Don't be the conservative version of Mick or Luther.
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The alternative is going even further in the direction of saying you can do whatever you damn well please and nothing will come of it.
You seemed to support that sentiment with Hillary. The entire Democratic party seemed to support that behavior from the Clintons. Now that the shoe's an the other foot, opinions have changed for both parties.
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Maybe our King Trump will turn to Nancy at the SOTU and give her that cute clap. The House would erupt in laughter.
If he really wanted to create a buzz, he'd turn to her and say, "Now that we have this impeachment nonsense out of the way, maybe we can look at actually doing something to help the country." Acting childish may be humorous, but putting the country front and center would resonate more IMO.

If Trump could overcome his narcissistic need to go tit for tat with the Dems, he could really do something. He could send a message of putting country over party politics. Sadly, I don't think he has it in him.
Whose hand is up your ass, Mr. Puppet? And I don't really care if they use lube. What you do in private is none of my business.
No puppet here Weez. I'm not a fence mender nor rider. I couldn't care less for the feelings of the left. Your constant everybody is bad kumbaya crap says nothing.
If he really wanted to create a buzz, he'd turn to her and say, "Now that we have this impeachment nonsense out of the way, maybe we can look at actually doing something to help the country." Acting childish may be humorous, but putting the country front and center would resonate more IMO.

If Trump could overcome his narcissistic need to go tit for tat with the Dems, he could really do something. He could send a message of putting country over party politics. Sadly, I don't think he has it in him.
This I can agree with.
If he really wanted to create a buzz, he'd turn to her and say, "Now that we have this impeachment nonsense out of the way, maybe we can look at actually doing something to help the country." Acting childish may be humorous, but putting the country front and center would resonate more IMO.

If Trump could overcome his narcissistic need to go tit for tat with the Dems, he could really do something. He could send a message of putting country over party politics. Sadly, I don't think he has it in him.
Getting the demos to help him in the country, like what? Example please? Do you want a demo legislation bill passed?
Getting the demos to help him in the country, like what? Example please? Do you want a demo legislation bill passed?
I want the Dems and the Republicans to work together for the betterment of our country, like government is supposed to do. I don't believe in the party system to begin with. I believe in elected officials serving their constituents and working toward legislation that actually helps those who put them in office. Enough of the power struggle. "For the people, by the people" has been lost, and even though it won't happen, that's what I want to see. That's what we should all want to see. A government that serves us, the citizens, instead of a government that only serves itself.

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