The Impeachment Thread

Whether "climate change" is a hoax or not, if there is one consistent driver for "man made climate change", it is population growth. Nobody is touching that one, and as long as it remains ignored, then the rest of the "man made" stuff is the things hoaxes are made of. The binge in population growth isn't happening in environmentally responsible countries either; it's in places like India and China, and the other places that the Paris Accords gave a pass because they have no hope of cleaning up the environmental mess there.
Chinese are.
It's not at all fair to say that Trump is driving up deficits. Check your Constitution and figure out who controls the checkbook in America. Tax receipts are projected to increase nicely in FY 2019 and 2020.
So this spending is passed without checks from the exec?
Yet the guy you're voting for is in favor of limiting gun rights. He is also running up huge debt which conservatives used to say was bad.

Also curious where you're getting the science that shows climate change is a "hoax". I'm pretty sure you're not analyzing data yourself

Definitely don't like to see the continued deficit issues. I hope he is discussing a plan within the administration to deal with it but none of the candidates are talking about it anymore which is alarming. I think Trump would like to get rid of the welfare payments to other countries, Paris Climate agreement, better trade deals, etc to help see some positive signs of managing the deficit.
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That's fine but you're accepting there will be limits placed. I support none of their stances
I gave you a like because of the last sentence. You have to agree that currently his stance on these limits is much like what he was impeached for. What he says or posits, not what he has done. We certainly don't know what he will do in the future.
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I gave you a like because of the last sentence. You have to agree that currently his stance on these limits is much like what he was impeached for. What he says or posits, not what he has done. We certainly don't know what he will do in the future.
Then maybe he should take his position seriously and stop acting like a clown. State your beliefs and work towards getting them implemented. I can at least respect that effort
..and he posted it , then said .. this is all the data I need “. You can’t ask him for something then tell him to go find another thread . Lol
There's a thread to discuss the bible. Using it as data to discredit actual science is nonsense. Unfortunately he's famous for that on vn
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There's another thread for that. Go find it
No, I asked for data and he quoted the bible. That is irrelevant
There's a thread to discuss the bible. Using it as data to discredit actual science is nonsense. Unfortunately he's famous for that on vn

What is your malfunction, man?

Where is this data located in the bible? Or does God speak to you and tell you that climate change is a hoax?

Eat a snickers.
There's a thread to discuss the bible. Using it as data to discredit actual science is nonsense. Unfortunately he's famous for that on vn
Well, I didn’t know that you ask for bible data. It seemed like you did, and I just gave you that part, to tell you that is all I needed.
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You asked him to quote the Bible and then acted like a dick when he did just that. You don't just look like an ass. You look like a dumbass. Cut your losses and just apologize to him already. At least try to act like someone that should be wearing the Mod medal, eh?
you even quoted my post and still got it wrong. If I didn't know better I'd think that was on purpose
Where is this data located in the bible?
So who looks like what now?

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