The Impeachment Thread

Understand I don't gaf about how I'm perceived and no one was kicked out of any thread.

You continue to insult me while ignoring what I actually posted. He said the bible provided him the data he needed and I asked to quote that data. Quoting scripture is not quoting actual data.


  1. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
Yeah you effectively trolled him. Good for you.
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Yep, the Chinese are working on growth, but slowing the rate in the country with the world's greatest population, still means a lot of new Chinese. It's like budget cuts ... doesn't help to take a 10% hit in the area that's 1% of the total budget.

Check these if you are up to scary numbers and facts

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View attachment 258417
Coronavirus is just going to kill off about 50% of them and leave an immune population.
Isn't almost all of the deficit due to paying out mandatory expenditures like SS and Medicare? You lazy turds still working need to work some OT because I'm not giving up my free stuff!

Yeah, and it's not like we didn't pay for our "free stuff". Don't know about you but I have some of those pay stubs proving it ... and SS sent a few statements showing what I paid ... I bet you got some of those, too.
Understand I don't gaf about how I'm perceived and no one was kicked out of any thread.

You continue to insult me while ignoring what I actually posted. He said the bible provided him the data he needed and I asked to quote that data. Quoting scripture is not quoting actual data.


  1. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
Sure you do.
We all love to hear you bark, you provide entertainment.
I'm a poster and am allowed to have opinions. If you are unable to handle that take it up with him.

It's sad you continue to ignore my actual posted request for data in favor of childish insults (same thing you chastised me for earlier).
I haven't ignored anything. As I've quoted. He said that the BIble was all the data he needed. You asked him to post it. He did. You had a hissy, got pissy, told him not to quote the Bible in here and sent him looking for the Bible thread to post about the Bible.

I think that about covers it.

And yes, you are a poster. You just happen to be a poster that is a mod, and to the left of every one of your posts is a badge letting people now you're a mod. Perhaps you should consider that and its implications before telling someone what they're allowed to post, and where they're allowed to post it.

One would think you would be sensitive to those implications. I would suspect Freak would care whether you consider those implications. I would suspect he'd care how you are perceived., and I would suspect that he would hope that you care how you're perceived on here.

A wolf is a dog, but not just a dog. You are definitely a poster, but not just a poster.

Grow up. Maybe you'll grow into your role here.
It was interesting but unfortunately it contained about as many facts as an OD recruiting post
There wasn’t any facts in the RF. I gave updates on what I heard. Some was wrong, some were right. Whatever the violation was, to get banned, I simply don’t know. No one has told me of the violation that occurred. I admitted that I may have stepped over the line some, but I still see people giving updates without facts over there. Anyways, if someone could tell me the violation, I’d appreciate it.
Yeah, and it's not like we didn't pay for our "free stuff". Don't know about you but I have some of those pay stubs proving it ... and SS sent a few statements showing what I paid ... I bet you got some of those, too.
I'm not saying any of it was free because we worked for it, what I'm saying is it's free because we get money without working for it now. All I can can say is F everyone that thinks I don't deserve what I get.
The right was spineless and too afraid of unfairly being called names to stand up to the left. The left, however, has turned it into an existential battle. As mentioned, the Kavanaugh ordeal is probably a dragon the left will wish hadn't been awakened from slumber.

I agree 100 percent. It was a very bad move on the part of the left. I have been angered over the years over how weak the Republicans have been as far as standing up to the Dems. I think a good litmus test was Lindsey Grahams reaction to the Kavanaugh issue. He was one that was used to reaching across the isle to get things done, but no more after that. A switch flipped inside him because of the lefts desire for nothing but power, and their willingness to ruin anything and anyone in their path to get it.
I think Trump is getting far more economic credit than he deserves. Some of the short term numbers are undeniably good.
Others are not as good as people seem to perceive. Some not good at all.

You know, I have a tendency to look at things a little differently ... at least sometimes. But one thing I've noticed is that people tend to buy stuff more easily when they have money. Now it may go against Huff's beliefs, but I also see the source of US wealth and income as being derived by US workers actually manufacturing the stuff we consume ... you know synergy and all that good stuff ... including the other word that my old aged brain is refusing to let surface. Anyway Trump seems to be the first president who seems to get that and has reversed the trend of making all our consumer goods elsewhere. I'm reading Islands of Destiny right now ... about the Solomons Campaign in WW2 ... with what we've given up in the past 50 years or so, I'm not sure we win that one today if we used the same starting point (guns, ships, airplanes, tanks, etc) and had to ramp up our entire economy and fight the Chinese rather than the Japanese.
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wait, is that what you think impeachment was about? That he was just trying to control spending and the dems got upset?

I'd rather not respond to you. You go crazy on folks here. That's why I mainly never respond to your post.
You can do it and get away w/it because nobody will ban you.
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You know, I have a tendency to look at things a little differently ... at least sometimes. But one thing I've noticed is that people tend to buy stuff more easily when they have money. Now it may go against Huff's beliefs, but I also see the source of US wealth and income as being derived by US workers actually manufacturing the stuff we consume ... you know synergy and all that good stuff ... including the other word that my old aged brain is refusing to let surface. Anyway Trump seems to be the first president who seems to get that and has reversed the trend of making all our consumer goods elsewhere. I'm reading Islands of Destiny right now ... about the Solomons Campaign in WW2 ... with what we've given up in the past 50 years or so, I'm not sure we win that one today if we used the same starting point (guns, ships, airplanes, tanks, etc) and had to ramp up our entire economy and fight the Chinese rather than the Japanese.
Henry Ford saw the value of manufacturing on the local/national economy, as well as the need for workers to make a decent living. If they're not making anything, they're not ($$$) making anything. If they're not ($$$) making anything, they're not buying anything.
The right was spineless and too afraid of unfairly being called names to stand up to the left. The left, however, has turned it into an existential battle. As mentioned, the Kavanaugh ordeal is probably a dragon the left will wish hadn't been awakened from slumber.

Especially after President Trump appoints 3 more Justices

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