The Impeachment Thread

It will be interesting to see how Senators who passionately argued more information (witnesses/documents) is needed justify voting to convict when they by admission didn't have enough information to do so. If they had enough, then they didn't need more information.
It's as intellectually dishonest as it gets.
It's as intellectually dishonest as it gets.

Not to mention it philosophically violates the notion of innocent until proven guilty. Even in a preponderance of evidence situation; if you don't have enough information to make the conclusion then you vote to acquit. However we've all heard both in the trial and in the VN that Dems take the "prove your innocence" tack here.
It's more that I don't know her name and have no desire to find it.
So unlike you, Mr. Willfully Ignorant.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's blue dress stands out in a sea of white at the State of the Union

It's as intellectually dishonest as it gets.
Not in the least. They had enough information already to know beyond reasonable doubt that Trump was guilty as charged. Hell, even multiple repubs admitted Trump was guilty. They wanted additional witnesses to make it harder for the Trump protectors to do so and still save face. Plus they want as much factual information as possible available to the public. Something the repub side was terrified of. Tells you alot.
Not in the least. They had enough information already to know beyond reasonable doubt that Trump was guilty as charged. Hell, even multiple repubs admitted Trump was guilty. They wanted additional witnesses to make it harder for the Trump protectors to do so and still save face. Plus they want as much factual information as possible available to the public. Something the repub side was terrified of. Tells you alot.
So they had proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt, but needed witnesses to further prove their case? That makes no logical sense.

They knew they didn't have the votes and wanted to prolong the trial to do as much political damage as possible. The NYT leak of the Bolton manuscript wasn't happenstance.
They knew they didn't have the votes and wanted to prolong the trial to do as much political damage as possible.
How would prolonging the trial do political damage? The answer to that question will be telling.
How would prolonging the trial do political damage? The answer to that question will be telling.
It would give them more free airtime to repeat themselves. Why do you think the House managers managed to use all their time while the defense was much more concise in a fraction of the time?
It's more that I don't know her name and have no desire to find it.

That reeks of bitter beer face and possibly discrimination against a member of the LGBQ community . Better be careful , she’s under that diversity tent with you , and you are after all , an old , privileged , white , male .. that by your own admission is Trump proof . 😂😂😂
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Good for her. I would be happy to see more of it.
My point is that she is the democratic equivalent of Romney.
You don't see idiot democrats running around calling her a DINO. Democrats allow far more room for a variety of opinions than do today's Trumpers. There is only one party currently demanding members be in lock step.
Oh yeah, did you wear your white dress, when posting this, luther? Oh, how has your party treated Tulsi, the Russian agent? Or Sanders in 2016 (and even now)? And voting party lines, really, where is the room for "variety of opinions"? Wait until some Democrats vote to not impeach. . . I could go on, you should get the picture but you won't.
Good for her. I would be happy to see more of it.
My point is that she is the democratic equivalent of Romney.
You don't see idiot democrats running around calling her a DINO. Democrats allow far more room for a variety of opinions than do today's Trumpers. There is only one party currently demanding members be in lock step.

Boy that’s the truth , your party believes in differences of opinions so much they will even change the rules in the 3rd quarter of the game just to let a billionaire buy in , umm I mean join in . So his opinion can be heard on stage with the others .
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It will be interesting to see how Senators who passionately argued more information (witnesses/documents) is needed justify voting to convict when they by admission didn't have enough information to do so. If they had enough, then they didn't need more information.

Those said Senators repeatedly claimed they had made their case and guilt was certain before they had ever made it to the Senate floor. There will be no attempt at justification made on their part, just a lot more of what we've already heard which is a ton of deflection and a bunch of "he's guilty because we know he is and you should know it too" The overwhelming majority of Democratic Senators were planning to and are going to tow the party line and vote guilty, that was their intent from day one of when this dumpster fire of an impeachment strategy was hatched ... proof or truth be damned, justification be damned.
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Good for her. I would be happy to see more of it.
My point is that she is the democratic equivalent of Romney.
You don't see idiot democrats running around calling her a DINO. Democrats allow far more room for a variety of opinions than do today's Trumpers. There is only one party currently demanding members be in lock step.
I was raised the question this morning at work, that what kind of white did the democrats wear to symbolize a cult? So me and a bunch of us did some digging, and not sure, but we came up with the Catholic Church. The pope wears white, so we figured that they did this to represent the Catholic Church.
It would give them more free airtime to repeat themselves. Why do you think the House managers managed to use all their time while the defense was much more concise in a fraction of the time?

Careful, you are entering the dreaded "Luther loop". Rules of reality and rationality are distorted during the ride.
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