The Impeachment Thread

Mitt appeals to moderates. Bernie should appoint somebody like Mitt to make him seem more grounded. I think it'd be a good move for Mayor Pete, too.

but not the left - recall how he was painted in 2012.

abandon the left voters for the middle? (hypothetical Mitt as VP choice)
I could see Biden selecting Romney as his running mate.

Biden isn't even going to get far enough to even pick a running mate. If he did, he'll most certainly pick a far left person so he can bring in the Sanders/Warren voters. It'd make no political sense to name a Republican. Trump has the party to himself
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Bill wouldn't stand a chance in today's dem party

I'm not sure about that. Bernie wouldn't have survived his heart attack if running against Bill. Liz would probably stroke out in or after a debate against Bill ... totally believable. Pete would fall victim to a hate crime somewhere in a red southern state (although the early campaigning is always in the north). And then there would only be 23 more to take care of - not a problem. The Clinton motto ls "eliminate and conquer".
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Really small sample size the first time around. As in nine.

Sure, but I'm looking at it like we have lots of presidents who probably should have been impeached by congress that were not. Either we didn't know what they did or congress didn't do their job to hold them accountable. For example, Reagan could have easily been impeached by congress for Iran Contra. It didn't get that far.
Everybody that comes into contact with him seems to respect him as a very decent man.

He may very well be. I don't know him personally and never met him before, but I get a whole different vibe coming from him and always have. Something about him sets off all kinds of alarms for me, he's always seemed kind of sleazy to me and anything but sincere. I had about as much trust in his sincerity as I did his Presidential race opponents, which is to say none at all. I certainly don't get the feeling he is sincere now either. I don't trust the sincerity of him or any other Senator that's going to stand up at a podium and give a 45 minute speech on why they are voting to convict a President who had been targeted for impeachment before he had ever even taken his oath of office. This impeachment farce was planned and known to be coming the very minute the President's opposition party lost the election, they even told the world as much. I question the sincerity of all the Senators and all the other clowns associated with this political sh!tshow.
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Sure, but I'm looking at it like we have lots of presidents who probably should have been impeached by congress that were not. Either we didn't know what they did or congress didn't do their job to hold them accountable. For example, Reagan could have easily been impeached by congress for Iran Contra. It didn't get that far.

Yep. The puzzler is that the parties crave more power; and more power over the country which increases the chance that bad actors can do greater and greater damage. We're the fools for believing "our side wouldn't do that" or "it's okay when our side does it".
There will be more bipartisan support for acquittal in the senate
😂 a bitter jealous political opponent he beat /= bipartisan support. View attachment 259330
And for acquittal
I bet it's a bipartisan vote against with more Dems than Rs voting to acquit.
Bipartisan support to not impeach and likely bipartisan support to acquit

Trump is the first president in US History whose impeachment received a bipartisan vote to remove.
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how is this any different from JFK, Clinton, even Obama in his 1st term who would be considered as having right wing opinions on certain topics such as gay marriage, abortion, policing, etc.

The political winds were gusty and a little bipolar early on. Obama had to waffle a while until he understood which way the tea leaves were blowing when they spilled from the rainbow loving teabags.
Who is the South going to get behind?

The southern Dems got behind Obama so it's anyones guess. Bloomers is advertising pretty hard in the southern states so I wouldn't be surprised to see him poach some of those states.
But somehow coffee tastes a whole lot better while reading the neutered playground bully-tweets from the whining, disgraced Snowflake in Chief right now.

I like my coffee strong and black so I'll take your word for it.
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Mitt appeals to moderates. Bernie should appoint somebody like Mitt to make him seem more grounded. I think it'd be a good move for Mayor Pete, too.

By your own words it'd make no sense for Biden to pick him as a running mate. Pairing up moderates is not a winning strategy for either party

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