The Impeachment Thread

As happy as this moment is, we can never forget what the enemy tried to pull here
Right. Per Sen. Lamar Alexander's own statement (which Mitch McConnell approved of).... Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging their leadership to open an investigation into a political opponent... and we won't forget that.
Yes, Trump was acquitted. We always knew that would be the case... but two things will always be a fact about today's vote:

1) It wasn't completely down party lines.

2) More Republicans voted to convict (1), than Democrats voted to acquit (0).

I'm satisfied... and I would like to say, "Thank you, Mitt Romney! Sorry, I talked so badly about you in 2012." LOL.

So you're good taking innocent people to trial to satisfy your hatred.

And not embarrassed to admit it.

Yes, Trump was acquitted. We always knew that would be the case... but two things will always be a fact about today's vote:

1) It wasn't completely down party lines.

2) More Republicans voted to convict (1), than Democrats voted to acquit (0).

I'm satisfied... and I would like to say, "Thank you, Mitt Romney! Sorry, I talked so badly about you in 2012." LOL.

so you’re saying the Democrats are partisan hacks.

Read you loud and clear
Right. Per Sen. Lamar Alexander's own statement (which Mitch McConnell approved of).... Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging their leadership to open an investigation into a political opponent... and we won't forget that.
It worked, you dumbasses put him in 4th place in Iowa all by yourself.
Hard to watch that and conclude he did anything other than vote his conscious as dictated by his oath to God.

Everyone should watch it.

Did you watch his interview with Chris Wallace ? Would you or anyone else like to explain this answer he gave to Wallace ?

Wallace : Have you thought about the blowback from this ? You know Donald Trump will probably never forgive you for this.

Romney : Yes I've thought about that, but I have to vote my conscious. I have been dreading my task here. Ever since I heard that there was going to be an impeachment investigation opened I have dreaded the decision that I would have to make here today. I wasn't looking forward to it and am not happy about it, but knew it had to be done in good conscious.

Would anyone who thinks that Romney is sincere here like to explain that answer ?

Why would he be dreading a decision he didn't even know he would have to make ? There was only an announcement of an impeachment investigation, there was no evidence brought forth yet not even to the Democratic majority House much less the Senate. Why is he dreading giving a guilty verdict or any verdict for that matter when there hasn't even been a hearing yet or any evidence put forth just an announcement of an investigation ?

The only logical conclusion that I can come up with is that he already knew where this was going and how far and how he was going roll when it got there. I'm open to listening to all conclusions here, but that sure makes it look like complete political stabbing and himself sound full of sh!t to me.
Amazing how the Democrats just sink lower and lower and pass rock bottom after rock bottom. It's like talking to a schizophrenic and catching a glimpse of their reality. It's gotta be horrible to be you guys. I really almost feel sorry for you all at this point. How many times can the same party just gift Trump the election?

4 more years. I can't wait.
Right. Per Sen. Lamar Alexander's own statement (which Mitch McConnell approved of).... Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging their leadership to open an investigation into a political opponent... and we won't forget that.

Time to move on to the next impeachment charge(s) starting next week.....why not?
I'm sure Dems will find some other BS charge (he said/he said/he said) to divide more of the two parties.
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So wait....Romney voted FOR having witnesses, but NOT GUILTY on obstruction of congress for blocking witnesses????

Collins too. As I understand it; the not guilty is saying Congress didn't exhaust it's means for seeking witnesses so it's not justified in trying to impeach as the final remedy without pursuing other remedies they had before them.
Right. Per Sen. Lamar Alexander's own statement (which Mitch McConnell approved of).... Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging their leadership to open an investigation into a political opponent... and we won't forget that.
Voted not guilty, you loons lost again
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It's more about the partisan sleeze balls that brought this up on grounds of politics and continue to try and commit a coup and overrule the will of the people.
So are the 52 who voted to acquit more sleaze ball, less sleaze ball, or exactly equal sleaze ball when compared to Romney?
So wait....Romney voted FOR having witnesses, but NOT GUILTY on obstruction of congress for blocking witnesses????

I would imagine he wanted witnesses for Article I. Did not feel like Trump violated his executive privilege.
Right. Per Sen. Lamar Alexander's own statement (which Mitch McConnell approved of).... Trump withheld military aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging their leadership to open an investigation into a political opponent... and we won't forget that.

Clintons say hold my beer.
And your “bipartisan support” comes from a solid Republican ... who had been one since he switched parties in 1993 for his own political advancement not on his principles 😂😂😂😂
You should petition Thomson Reuters to put that in a footnote of the history books. Pretty sure there won’t be room on the body of the page now that they have to add “most votes to impeachment and most votes to remove of any president in US History.”
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Yes, Trump was acquitted. We always knew that would be the case... but two things will always be a fact about today's vote:

1) It wasn't completely down party lines.

2) More Republicans voted to convict (1), than Democrats voted to acquit (0).

I'm satisfied... and I would like to say, "Thank you, Mitt Romney! Sorry, I talked so badly about you in 2012." LOL.
Yep. You got one butthurt politician who thinks he should be serving his 2nd term in the office that Trump now holds, and who was turned down for a job in the President's cabinet. Congratulations. That is like getting picked last for the neighborhood football game.
Theoretically this is supposed to be a happy occasion. We were told it's a terrible thing to have a POTUS removed. Turns out he was 19 votes short of conviction; less than 1/2 the Senate. This is a good thing right?

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