The Impeachment Thread

The humor was in all the salty responses from people that, two months ago, were making the inverse observations about the house vote:
You know when you always have to explain your jokes...🤷‍♂️

Also some would find tremendous humor in you pushing Mittens, that staunch Republican of party lore, single vote on one count as “bipartisan” 😂
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You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.
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You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.
We know you’ve always been a big Mittens fan as was shown in your necro’d thread pulled up earlier

And it’s “toe the line”
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You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.
Cofer Black and Hunter Biden on the Burisma board together. There is your connection. And the reason Romney did what he did. Swamp
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You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.

He thought it was right to say almost half the voters were gonna vote for Barry no matter what because they wanted to feel like victims, all kinds of free s*** and government support in every aspect of life while paying zero in taxes. I’m glad you fit the bill.
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He should have an official White House press conference. It's been almost a year.

Nope, Trump should have a press release and continue to marginalize the schiffy WH reporters just like they should be. Control the story, and don't give them the chance to direct it. If we read his words, then we read his words. We've obviously wasted too much time having other people interpret for us. Then we'll only be down to the definition of "is" and such.
That’s actually a pretty stupid hypothetical. But I guess that in and of itself explains why y’all are pushing it? 🤷‍♂️

You guys don't understand how counterexamples work. The whole point is to show that if some argument/principle is accepted, it can have absurd results. That's supposed to make you think "hey, maybe I should reject that argument/principle." But nope, on here the Trumpers be like:

He sold out because he hates Trump and then hid behind his religion for the reason he made his decision. So brave

Romney saw the evidence offered by the House, he saw the defense(complete lack of) offered by the Trump defense and he came to the conclusion that everyone else with a brain who was paying attention did. The fat, orange man abused his powers, he's guilty, and Romney called it like he saw it and voted for conviction. Every other republican senator turned a blind eye and defended the wrongful actions of an unchecked president.
Romney saw the evidence offered by the House, he saw the defense(complete lack of) offered by the Trump defense and he came to the conclusion that everyone else with a brain who was paying attention did. The fat, orange man abused his powers, he's guilty, and Romney called it like he saw it and voted for conviction. Every other republican senator turned a blind eye and defended the wrongful actions of an unchecked president.
Nope. Cofer Black is Romney’s boy sitting on the Burisma board with Hunter. There is the reason and the connection. Swamp dweller
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Part of me wonders how many Republicans voted to acquit so they wouldn't get one of those silly nicknames stuck to them in a tweet storm.
Romney saw the evidence offered by the House, he saw the defense(complete lack of) offered by the Trump defense and he came to the conclusion that everyone else with a brain who was paying attention did. The fat, orange man abused his powers, he's guilty, and Romney called it like he saw it and voted for conviction. Every other republican senator turned a blind eye and defended the wrongful actions of an unchecked president.

He saw the same evidence Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder saw.
You guys don't understand how counterexamples work. The whole point is to show that if some argument/principle is accepted, it can have absurd results. That's supposed to make you think "hey, maybe I should reject that argument/principle." But nope, on here the Trumpers be like:

Or maybe you know it’s just like stupid man. Like I said.
You guys bashing Romney for doing what he thought was right are good little Trumpsters. He will be delighted at how you tow the line and are blindly loyal to his highness.
I've voted for Mitt multiple times and I'd do it again. The GOP missed out on this generation's Ronald Regan because they wouldn't get behind a Mormon.

Mitt is too intelligent for modern politics that are driven largely by memes and tweets.
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In what way(s) was it worth it for you?
Trump is permanently branded with impeachment. It is a testament to the younger generation and the rest of the world that the US hasn't completely lost its mind and it sets the precedent that there is a limit to what will be tolerated. That knowingly nominating and electing a horrendously despicable human that has divisiveness and hatred as his cornerstone will not be accepted.

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