The Impeachment Thread

We will see. It will be another defining moment, even more so than was 2016.
It's hard to believe all the people that hated Hillary also love Trump. It will be very telling indeed. You can take everything Hillary has been accused of and accept as true and compare with everything Trump has done. Trump still takes the crown for most corrupt.
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It's hard to believe all the people that hated Hillary also love Trump. It will be very telling indeed. You can take everything Hillary has been accused of and accept as true and compare with everything Trump has done. Trump still takes the crown for most corrupt.

Partisan subjective opinion is always fun to hear . Especially from people who would vote for a ham sandwich over Trump .
It's hard to believe all the people that hated Hillary also love Trump. It will be very telling indeed. You can take everything Hillary has been accused of and accept as true and compare with everything Trump has done. Trump still takes the crown for most corrupt.
And to think everyone that has goods on Trump is still alive.
Trump is permanently branded with impeachment. It is a testament to the younger generation and the rest of the world that the US hasn't completely lost its mind and it sets the precedent that there is a limit to what will be tolerated. That knowingly nominating and electing a horrendously despicable human that has divisiveness and hatred as his cornerstone will not be accepted.
Eat up ain’t you
How come Trump didn't ask Ukraine to investigate him and why is it all of the sudden an issue for the Trumpkins? Oh yea, Romney was a Republican yesterday morning so it was all good. Now his is your and Trump's "political rival". Do you know how transparently obvious it is you're just a tool incapable of original thought?
That the best you got. Political Rival??? That’s like comparing UT to Lemoyne Owen. Look he is winning so get used to it. You will need to accept this at some point. Lol
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It's hard to believe all the people that hated Hillary also love Trump. It will be very telling indeed. You can take everything Hillary has been accused of and accept as true and compare with everything Trump has done. Trump still takes the crown for most corrupt.
I’m pretty sure he hasn’t had anyone suicided. So no your comment is false. Go to your room and don’t come out until we call your name.
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Google Cofer Black.

Sits on the Burisma Board.

Former Mitt Romney advisor.


It’s all connected and is being exposed.

Saw that yesterday. Say what you will about Romney, and I don't agree with his vote to convict, this Cofer Black stuff is a pretty thin reed.
I've voted for Mitt multiple times and I'd do it again. The GOP missed out on this generation's Ronald Regan because they wouldn't get behind a Mormon.

Mitt is too intelligent for modern politics that are driven largely by memes and tweets.
I feel ashamed for thinking of him as just another shady politician. He may have been a Jimmy Carter as President, but you have to respect a man for truly believing when you swear to God on a Bible, that it means something. Anyone who watched that speech, would know he was sincere.
Saw this yesterday, and thought it was a little interesting:

There have been 3 presidential impeachment trials (2 Democrats and 1 Republican).

In all 3 trials, the Senate Democrats have never failed to vote as a unanimous bloc. They voted in unison to acquit A. Johnson and Clinton and to convict Trump. In all 3 trials, the Senate Republicans have never managed unanimity.
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I feel ashamed for thinking of him as just another shady politician. He may have been a Jimmy Carter as President, but you have to respect a man for truly believing when you swear to God on a Bible, that it means something. Anyone who watched that speech, would know he was sincere.


He sure fooled you.
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