The Impeachment Thread

I feel ashamed for thinking of him as just another shady politician. He may have been a Jimmy Carter as President, but you have to respect a man for truly believing when you swear to God on a Bible, that it means something. Anyone who watched that speech, would know he was sincere.
He's a self serving person with a deep personal jealousy of President Trump. He's jealous that President Trump was elected and he wasn't and he hates Trump for refusing to hire him for Secretary of State. He would have went around the globe as Secretary of State trying to undermine President Trump. I think Utah will pass that bill to recall Senators and will recall Willard.
He's a self serving person with a deep personal jealousy of President Trump. He's jealous that President Trump was elected and he wasn't and he hates Trump for refusing to hire him for Secretary of State. He would have went around the globe as Secretary of State trying to undermine President Trump. I think Utah will pass that bill to recall Senators and will recall Willard.

Romney is going to be recalled and he shouldn't be. They elected him knowing what he is they have to live with him another 4 years.
I feel ashamed for thinking of him as just another shady politician. He may have been a Jimmy Carter as President, but you have to respect a man for truly believing when you swear to God on a Bible, that it means something. Anyone who watched that speech, would know he was sincere.

Don’t take your foot off the shady politician gas peddle until you google MIT Romney lies . Politicians , used car salesmen , lawyers , actors and some very prominent church leaders also give very convincing speeches that make us think they are sincere . It’s kind of what they do .
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I agree with Carville-- Anyone can see that Sanders and Warren will wreck our economy. Sadly, Amy probably won't make it through, It has to be one of the Three B's.
Sanders was a mentor and inspiration to Pete so he is no different in ideology regardless what he says
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Saw this yesterday, and thought it was a little interesting:

There have been 3 presidential impeachment trials (2 Democrats and 1 Republican).

In all 3 trials, the Senate Democrats have never failed to vote as a unanimous bloc. They voted in unison to acquit A. Johnson and Clinton and to convict Trump. In all 3 trials, the Senate Republicans have never managed unanimity.

Dems have an big red “ circle the wagons “ button they push . They all start pulling the reins to the left , and whipping those horses .
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Romney is going to be recalled and he shouldn't be. They elected him knowing what he is they have to live with him another 4 years.
I agree. It's not as if he really did anything illegal or just started leaning left.
Yikes. Trump just roasted Pelosi and Romney at a prayer breakfast.

You could say he's still a little pissed for all the BS from the Dems he & his family have gone through so far.
Nadler hasn't & want give up for a minute in trying to keep finding something illegal done by Trump. President Trump is guilty of crimes in the Dems eyes the moment he took office and always will be guilty of crimes to the Dems. But so far they are not finding a thing wrong (crimes) done by this President......they can't move forward just like some here in this thread can't move on from the sham of lying Schiff impeachment charges.
Nadler & the Dems feel like this is their life long calling from God to do in life now is to find a crime somewhere of anything remotely petty or small to nail this sitting great President..
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I wish you could analyze your own words. China would be proud. Government controlling the flow of information is their jam.

You do realize that is what you are advocating.....right?
Government deciding what information you receive while eliminating the role of the free press. MAGA

Nothing of the sort. Press briefings amount to a stooge getting up on stage in front of a bunch of clowns. The stooge reads a prepared report and the clowns in the audience pop up like a Jack in the Box. Eliminate the clown show and put out a prepared statement ... just like the one that is read. Then "reporters" can get on with their day digging up drivel they spew back as "fact". I actually respect honest journalism ... we just don't happen to have any of it.
I feel ashamed for thinking of him as just another shady politician. He may have been a Jimmy Carter as President, but you have to respect a man for truly believing when you swear to God on a Bible, that it means something. Anyone who watched that speech, would know he was sincere.

What about his binders full of women???
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So when one agrees with Democratic positions he is just and principled.

Were Mitt Romney running against a Democrat he would once again be portrayed as an evil, greedy, misogynistic Republican.

And a racist, too.
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In accordance with the teachings of Jesus

The clergy have roasted a few people on their own over the centuries ... some quite literally. I'm not a religious person, but there's plenty of hypocrisy to go around on all sides from those who are "devout" at least one day of the week. I think you'll find goodness and the behavior that religions claim to own can be found many places outside a religion.
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So when one agrees with Democratic positions he is just and principled.

Were Mitt Romney running against a Democrat he would once again be portrayed as an evil, greedy, misogynistic Republican.

And a racist, too.

If anyone remembers the 2012 race that is exactly how he was portrayed.

Romney showed exactly how weak kneed and unprincipled he is when he let Candy Crowley bitch slap him in a debate with Obama.
Is binding women one of those things covered under the rainbow banner?

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