The Impeachment Thread

Based on what he supposedly did wrong I just don’t think anyone cares. He should definitely ask now since Biden is irrelevant.
The polls were pretty evenly split on whether or not Trump should have been removed from office. You don't speak for everyone. Look at where Trump currently stands with women. It's about 40%. Good luck getting reelected if it stays that way.
That doesn't make any sense. Also, McConnell, Rubio, Kennedy and Collins have all publicly agreed with his statement. Thow in Romney and that makes 5. Are they all just looking for relevance too? It just kills you guys to admit that Trump did something wrong doesn't it?
He did nothing wrong. Joe and Hunter Biden on the other hand did and Trump was serving the American people by asking Ukraine to look into.
That is not what Sen. Alexander's statement said. This is hilarious. You guys are so infatuated with Trump that you can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge what Republican Senators are saying.

BB, no matter how much you claim this senator said this or this senator believes that, the record reflects an acquittal.

Mueller’s report didn’t allege a crime either. No recommendation for charges were made and, in fact, no domestic arrests were made for anything related to the Russian hoax.

I told you a while back when the balloon popped it was going to sting a little. That day is here. 100%. 😉
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The polls were pretty evenly split on whether or not Trump should have been removed from office. You don't speak for everyone. Look at where Trump currently stands with women. It's about 40%. Good luck getting reelected if it stays that way.

Since you love poles so dearly, hop on and ride this one.....

Per Gallup:

Trump’s approval has risen 10% points since the impeachment sham began.

Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%

I guess it’s a fake, right? If Trump should have taught you anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G at all, it’s that polls concerning him are unequivocally unreliable and often wrong. You will find out again in November.
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Since you love poles so dearly, hop on and ride this one.....

Per Gallup:

Trump’s approval has risen 10% points since the impeachment sham began.

I guess it’s a fake, right? If Trump should have taught you anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G at all, it’s that polls concerning him are unequivocally unreliable and often wrong. You will find out again in November.

Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%

Add ten points for good measure..many people for fear of retaliation won’t admit they’re supporters of his.
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What does that have to do with anything? Who won the Iowa caucuses in 2016? Rubio and Trump split the delegates. It was a virtual dead heat. There is nothing to indicate that Iowa is a barometer for the rest of the country.
On the Democrat side, the winner of Iowa went on to be the Democrat nominee going all the way back to 1996.


Not saying it'll be that way this year, or even if that's a barometer.
Since you love poles so dearly, hop on and ride this one.....

Per Gallup:

Trump’s approval has risen 10% points since the impeachment sham began.

Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%

I guess it’s a fake, right? If Trump should have taught you anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G at all, it’s that polls concerning him are unequivocally unreliable and often wrong. You will find out again in November.
I think President Trump's popularity is more like 59%;)
Since you love poles so dearly, hop on and ride this one.....

Per Gallup:

Trump’s approval has risen 10% points since the impeachment sham began.

I guess it’s a fake, right? If Trump should have taught you anything, A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G at all, it’s that polls concerning him are unequivocally unreliable and often wrong. You will find out again in November.

Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%
That is great but it's just one poll. Reuters has Trump's approval rating at 42% while the Economist/YouGov has him at 44%. His Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is currently at 45.2% which is well within the range of where he has always been. And Trump's gender gap is very real... look into that some more. There is no way in hell he wins reelection if he only gets 40% of the vote from women.
That is great but it's just one poll. Reuters has Trump's approval rating at 42% while the Economist/YouGov has him at 44%. His Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is currently at 45.2% which is well within the range of where he has always been. And Trump's gender gap is very real... look into that some more. There is no way in hell he wins reelection if he only gets 40% of the vote from women.
Trump's approval was at 41% the day before the 2016 election.

If Trump keeps up these approval numbers, he will win 2020.
That is great but it's just one poll. Reuters has Trump's approval rating at 42% while the Economist/YouGov has him at 44%. His Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating is currently at 45.2% which is well within the range of where he has always been. And Trump's gender gap is very real... look into that some more. There is no way in hell he wins reelection if he only gets 40% of the vote from women.

Record number if women in the workplace I highly doubt they’re going to vote for a socialist after living in this economy not to mention his high approval numbers among blacks and Latinos
Trump's approval was at 41% the day before the 2016 election.

If Trump keeps up these approval numbers, he will win 2020.

Be careful about conflating his overall approval and his approval versus someone else. I think its been well established that I believe Trump is sub-human trash, but I'd begrudgingly vote for him over Warren or Sanders on many policy and fiscal agendas alone.
Trump's approval was at 41% the day before the 2016 election.

If Trump keeps up these approval numbers, he will win 2020.
Trump's Real Clear Politics Average Approval Rating was at 46% on February 4, 2017. It has still never been higher than that... and I stand by what I said. He will have to get his numbers with women up, in order to be reelected.
Again, that is not even what Republican Senators are saying.
”Republican senators” as a whole are not saying that and they overwhelmingly voted to acquit. Lmao is this what Dems considered victory in this three year witch hunt? For a lame duck loser like Lamar Alexander to vote to acquit? If so, congratulations
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BB, no matter how much you claim this senator said this or this senator believes that, the record reflects an acquittal.

Mueller’s report didn’t allege a crime either. No recommendation for charges were made and, in fact, no domestic arrests were made for anything related to the Russian hoax.

I told you a while back when the balloon popped it was going to sting a little. That day is here. 100%. 😉

OJ was acquitted too.
When you read the explanation but still don’t understand...
Nah. We didn’t need your explanation we see your premise as 🐃 💩.

And as to the other post they can call this Schitt Show what they want just like you... just like slice and I. And it’s not bipartisan by a long shot. Plus... you using them as an example in the context they used... what was that word @Orangeslice13 used? Moro... something? 🤔

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