The Impeachment Thread

It’s a bipartisan vote against impeachment.
Didn’t pelosi say she would only support impeachment if it where bipartisan. In fact there is bipartisan opposition to impeachment
Bipartisan support for voting against impeachment

Well Nancy will get her bipartisan vote. Too bad for the DIMs it's going the opposite way. DIMs going down the drain fast.

LOLOLOLOLOL The impeachment is bipartisan now because there is bipartisan OPPOSITION to it.

You just can't make this up.
Shots fired.

You boys gonna take this type of disrespectful sass from OrangeSalt and DonQuixote40?


You know when you always have to explain your jokes...🤷‍♂️

Also some would find tremendous humor in a single vote on one count as “bipartisan” 😂

I find it moronic to suggest.
The House Democrats wanted the impeachment hearings to be focused Trump's withholding aid to the Ukraine and the purpose behind that hold. Sen. Lamar Alexander's statement released last week, makes it clear that at least some Republican Senators agree that the hold was placed, at least in part, to encourage an investigation into a political opponent... and that was inappropriate. There is no way that Alexander releases such a statement without the consent of Sen. Mitch McConnell. I don't think Lamar goes to the bathroom without Mitch's permission.
Now, that's a lie. Even you should be able to tell the difference.

As far as your excuse as to why the House Democrats didn't use the Mueller Report, I find that woefully disingenuous at best and a lie at worst. The House Democrats would have used the Mueller Report if they felt it contained anything provable and damning regarding Trump. Therefore, it's not a reach to conclude that the Mueller Report was more likely a construct of innuendo rather than provable fact regarding those things you think you found in it.

So, in the popular vernacular, Mueller's Report didn't contain squat that could be found impeachable. Maybe that's why he didn't come directly out and say it, rather he "alluded" that it was someone else's job. The "someone else" didn't go for it when they had the chance, now did they? I guess the proof is in the pudding as TN Ribs is wont to say.
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You work in a bank, so maybe numbers will make it easier to understand.

Here’s an equation for you:

([% convicted] + [% exonerated]) * 100 = 1

Fill in the [% convicted] term and then solve for [% exonerated].
Exonerate: verb ... to clear, as of an accusation, free from guilt or blame; exculpate.

Per Lamar Alexander's statement, Trump was not cleared of wrongdoing. He is certainly not free from blame.
Now, that's a lie. Even you should be able to tell the difference.

As far as your excuse as to why the House Democrats didn't use the Mueller Report, I find that woefully disingenuous at best and a lie at worst. The House Democrats would have used the Mueller Report if they felt it contained anything provable and damning regarding Trump. Therefore, it's not a reach to conclude that the Mueller Report was more likely a construct of innuendo rather than provable fact regarding those things you think you found in it.

So, in the popular vernacular, Mueller's Report didn't contain squat that could be found impeachable. Maybe that's why he didn't come directly out and say it, rather he "alluded" that it was someone else's job. The "someone else" didn't go for it when they had the chance, now did they? I guess the proof is in the pudding as TN Ribs is wont to say.
Not sure what in the hell you are calling a lie but Alexander's statement speaks for itself. It does hold Trump accountable for placing a hold on aid to the Ukraine so he could encourage them to investigate a political opponent. Alexander calls it "inappropriate". I would use harsher language than that, but that is the best we are going to get from the Republicans.
I got two lard kettles in front of my house that my grandmother used for more than 50 years. My mom knew how to use them also. Sadly, that's not something that I learned how to do. I give anything to be able to go to an "ole timey" school and learn the lost arts of living on your own.

Low and slow on that lard rendering. Keep the crackling skimmed out and once you get it cleanly rendered I can teach you how to make some kick azz soap with it😉

Pretty sure you’ll find info videos out there. Lard rendering is not a totally lost and forgotten process.
We moved to Ohio, during the time (around Kent State) and it was definitely the look up there.

I think that look had a lot to do with the Vietnam War. Basically it was made to be a very unpopular war, and the SF/hippy look was the anti-war uniform of the time. One of the things you'll find is that LBJ tried to hide a war (even from congress) and fight it at the same time, because he wanted his Great Society that he wouldn't get if spending to fight to win. It goes against common sense, but it was cheaper and apparently easier to delude congress by using the draft than calling up the reserves and national guard, and he didn't have Simon and Garfunkel around to tell him how to gracefully exit a bad situation. That didn't go well with a generation enamored with "make love - not war" and a very strong anti war contingent that ran one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever known to man ... all you have to do is listen to the music of the time to understand that. I have a feeling that if the wars in the middle east were being fought with draftees, they would again be viewed in a very different light.
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The House Democrats wanted the impeachment hearings to be focused Trump's withholding aid to the Ukraine and the purpose behind that hold. Sen. Lamar Alexander's statement released last week, makes it clear that at least some Republican Senators agree that the hold was placed, at least in part, to encourage an investigation into a political opponent... and that was inappropriate. There is no way that Alexander releases such a statement without the consent of Sen. Mitch McConnell. I don't think Lamar goes to the bathroom without Mitch's permission.

That explanation is beyond lame. The House Democrats went with what they did because it's all they had and it was patheticly weak.

Lamar Alexander is retiring at the end of his term and he and McConnell are not particularly cordial nor lock in step so I seriously doubt he either asked nor gave a damn what McConnell thought.
That explanation is beyond lame. The House Democrats went with what they did because it's all they had and it was patheticly weak.

Lamar Alexander is retiring at the end of his term and he and McConnell are not particularly cordial nor lock in step so I seriously doubt he either asked nor gave a damn what McConnell thought.
That is ridiculous and wrong. You should learn how to spell. "patheticly"? Seriously? What are you in the 3rd damn grade?

There is no way that statement was crafted without the knowledge of the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. Alexander is very close to McConnell. You are ignorant. The admissions made in that statement, were only made because Senate Republicans didn't want witnesses called... but there was too much evidence in support of Article I to still deny guilt without calling Bolton.
I got two lard kettles in front of my house that my grandmother used for more than 50 years. My mom knew how to use them also. Sadly, that's not something that I learned how to do. I give anything to be able to go to an "ole timey" school and learn the lost arts of living on your own.

Agree. I'm mechanically inclined but i don't have the knowledge to do the things my grandparents did.
Not sure what in the hell you are calling a lie but Alexander's statement speaks for itself. It does hold Trump accountable for placing a hold on aid to the Ukraine so he could encourage them to investigate a political opponent. Alexander calls it "inappropriate". I would use harsher language than that, but that is the best we are going to get from the Republicans.
You're not sure, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Let me make it easy for you, I'll type slowly:

BowlBrother85 said:
There is no way that Alexander releases such a statement without the consent of Sen. Mitch McConnell. I don't think Lamar goes to the bathroom without Mitch's permission.

Alexander isn't running for re-election. He can do whatever he wants, what is McConnell going to do, make him stand in the corner?

Also you have a very bad habit of not including significant and pertinent parts of a person's statement particularly when it doesn't fit your paradigm.

So let me help you in that regard with a significant and pertinent part of Lamar Alexander's statement:

“The Senate has spent nine long days considering this ‘mountain’ of evidence, the arguments of the House managers and the president’s lawyers, their answers to senators’ questions and the House record. Even if the House charges were true, they do not meet the Constitution’s ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ standard for an impeachable offense.

“The framers believed that there should never, ever be a partisan impeachment. That is why the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate for conviction. Yet not one House Republican voted for these articles. If this shallow, hurried and wholly partisan impeachment were to succeed, it would rip the country apart, pouring gasoline on the fire of cultural divisions that already exist. It would create the weapon of perpetual impeachment to be used against future presidents whenever the House of Representatives is of a different political party.

“Our founding documents provide for duly elected presidents who serve with ‘the consent of the governed,’ not at the pleasure of the United States Congress. Let the people decide.”

Also do think that a certain Utah Senator asked for McConnell's permission before he voted?
That is ridiculous and wrong. You should learn how to spell. "patheticly"? Seriously? What are you in the 3rd damn grade?

There is no way that statement was crafted without the knowledge of the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. Alexander is very close to McConnell. You are ignorant. The admissions made in that statement, were only made because Senate Republicans didn't want witnesses called... but there was too much evidence in support of Article I to still deny guilt without calling Bolton.

Alexander is not close to McConnell and you saying that he is just shows your ignorance of the subject. Your claims are as worthless as the House Managers case, just because you think Alexander had to have McConnells blessing doesn't make it so. You can claim it all you want, stand on the rooftops screaming it and at the end of the day all you have is still what you think not what you know. You think Romney asked McConnell for approval and his blessing before giving his statement ?
Alexander is not close to McConnell and you saying that he is just shows your ignorance of the subject. Your claims are as worthless as the House Managers case, just because you think Alexander had to have McConnells blessing doesn't make it so. You can claim it all you want, stand on the rooftops screaming it and at the end of the day all you have is still what you think not what you know. You think Romney asked McConnell for approval and his blessing before giving his statement ?
That is just wrong. And McConnell has even said many of the same things Alexander did in that statement.
Donald Trump did nothing wrong and is why he was acquitted at trial. History will recall that Dems wanted to prosecute an innocent man. Not good!
That is not what Sen. Alexander's statement said. This is hilarious. You guys are so infatuated with Trump that you can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge what Republican Senators are saying.
Low and slow on that lard rendering. Keep the crackling skimmed out and once you get it cleanly rendered I can teach you how to make some kick azz soap with it😉

Pretty sure you’ll find info videos out there. Lard rendering is not a totally lost and forgotten process.

Don't go teasing now :cool:
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You're not sure, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Let me make it easy for you, I'll type slowly:

Alexander isn't running for re-election. He can do whatever he wants, what is McConnell going to do, make him stand in the corner?

Also you have a very bad habit of not including significant and pertinent parts of a person's statement particularly when it doesn't fit your paradigm.

So let me help you in that regard with a significant and pertinent part of Lamar Alexander's statement:

“The Senate has spent nine long days considering this ‘mountain’ of evidence, the arguments of the House managers and the president’s lawyers, their answers to senators’ questions and the House record. Even if the House charges were true, they do not meet the Constitution’s ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ standard for an impeachable offense.

“The framers believed that there should never, ever be a partisan impeachment. That is why the Constitution requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate for conviction. Yet not one House Republican voted for these articles. If this shallow, hurried and wholly partisan impeachment were to succeed, it would rip the country apart, pouring gasoline on the fire of cultural divisions that already exist. It would create the weapon of perpetual impeachment to be used against future presidents whenever the House of Representatives is of a different political party.

“Our founding documents provide for duly elected presidents who serve with ‘the consent of the governed,’ not at the pleasure of the United States Congress. Let the people decide.”

Also do think that a certain Utah Senator asked for McConnell's permission before he voted?
You left out a significant and pertinent portion as well...

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principal of equal justice under the law..."
That is not what Sen. Alexander's statement said. This is hilarious. You guys are so infatuated with Trump that you can't even bring yourselves to acknowledge what Republican Senators are saying.
He’s just looking for a little bit of relevance. There’s a reason he’s not seeking re-election. He’s a loser. He voted for acquittal. Trump is innocent! A 3 year witch hunt which has hurt the country. It’s especially hurt the Dem party at least
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He’s just looking for a little bit of relevance. There’s a reason he’s not seeking re-election. He’s a loser. He voted for acquittal. Trump is innocent! A 3 year witch hunt which has hurt the country. It’s especially hurt the Dem party at least
That doesn't make any sense. Also, McConnell, Rubio, Kennedy and Collins have all publicly agreed with his statement. Thow in Romney and that makes 5. Are they all just looking for relevance too? It just kills you guys to admit that Trump did something wrong doesn't it?
That doesn't make any sense. Also, McConnell, Rubio, Kennedy and Collins have all publicly agreed with his statement. Thow in Romney and that makes 5. Are they all just looking for relevance too? It just kills you guys to admit that Trump did something wrong doesn't it?

Based on what he supposedly did wrong I just don’t think anyone cares. He should definitely ask now since Biden is irrelevant.
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