The Impeachment Thread

On the political front there's probably one thing we can agree on ... I don't care for Trump as a person - maybe even on par with you. As far as what this country stands for, you and I are far far apart. I absolutely don't care if someone asks a tough or indelicate question that probably should have been asked long ago, and it doesn't bother me in the least to disagree with your party's concept of changing social norms. If you or anyone else had suggested that I would vote for Trump five years ago, I'd have told you no way in hell. I still dislike him as a person, but I'll vote for him again because he doesn't represent what your party does, and as crass and crude as he is, he's done far more for (not to) this county than any president in my lifetime ... and Truman was president when I was born.
I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.

But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.

I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.
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I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.

But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.

I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.

How has Trump harmed this country than all the others? We need you to put forth a list of that.
Just because Trump hurt your little crybaby feelings that does not count on the list.
“Horrendously despicable” and “continuum” are #1 and 2.
Hardly. But I have noticed their increased use.
No one has ever denied that repetition serves a purpose. Trump uses it to the hilt - think Crooked Hillary.
But there is a point of diminishing return.
I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.

But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.

I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.

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That doesn't make any sense. Also, McConnell, Rubio, Kennedy and Collins have all publicly agreed with his statement. Thow in Romney and that makes 5. Are they all just looking for relevance too? It just kills you guys to admit that Trump did something wrong doesn't it?

It doesn't kill me at all, I'm not even a fan of President Trump, he strikes me as a little too
arrogant and a bit hypocritical to be anybody I particularly care for, he isn't somebody I envision sitting down having dinner and a few beers with and enjoying myself. I am however a fan of the job he is currently doing as POTUS and a fan of his fighting back against a bitching and moaning sore loser Democratic Party that has had it in for his ass since the very minute he won the election and the bullsh*t pumping media that aid them. It's a plain fact Dems and media were talking of his impeachment before he even took his oath of office and they haven't stopped since, so yeah I'm a fan of him telling em all to go screw themselves. If people like you want rational people to act like the President is guilty of something and they should be shouting from the rooftops that he is, then prove it. Yes it's that simple, just prove that he's guilty of something that should have him forced from office instead of going from one made up Trump crime spree to the next. From even before the man ever took office he's been having to fight off a lynch mob of lying, hypocritical, crooked dirtbags grasping at anything to ensure his removal and it's beyond tiresome to witness.

The Democrats started this dumpster fire and the only way they could ever possibly put it out is to finally sit down, shut up and let the man do his job while they do theirs and try to win the next election, or go with the present strategy of blindly swinging at the high heater that they can't catch up to and hoping for a miracle home run. You want people to condemn him and demand his removal then prove it's warranted, but you'd best do it quickly because most of the rational American public is sick of this sh*tshow, especially Independent voters such as myself.

And for record ... I typed this hastily from my phone so if you come across any grammatical errors do try and be adult and gentlemanly about it so I can avoid having to tell you to take your personal insults and cram them up your arrogant ass !
How has Trump harmed this country than all the others? We need a list of that.
Look no further than today.
He used a prayer breakfast to degrade and denigrate a US senator of his own party and the Speaker of the House who was seated just a few chairs down.
That type of incivility and uncouthness continually displayed by the POTUS is unprecedented and brings the national level of civility down as a direct result.
I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.

But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.

I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.
Susan Collins did an interview Martha McCallum of Fox News the other night where she basically admitted that Trump had done exactly what the Democrats had accused him of doing. All she could say was that she "hoped he has learned his lesson from impeachment". It is the party of weakness.
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I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.

But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.

I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.

Any examples?
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It doesn't kill me at all, I'm not even a fan of President Trump, he strikes me as a little too
arrogant and a bit hypocritical to be anybody I particularly care for, he isn't somebody I envision sitting down having dinner and a few beers with and enjoying myself. I am however a fan of the job he is currently doing as POTUS and a fan of his fighting back against a bitching and moaning sore loser Democratic Party that has had it in for his ass since the very minute he won the election and the bullsh*t pumping media that aid them. It's a plain fact Dems and media were talking of his impeachment before he even took his oath of office and they haven't stopped since, so yeah I'm a fan of him telling em all to go screw themselves. If people like you want rational people to act like the President is guilty of something and they should be shouting from the rooftops that he is, then prove it. Yes it's that simple, just prove that he's guilty of something that should have him forced from office instead of going from one made up Trump crime spree to the next. From even before the man ever took office he's been having to fight off a lynch mob of lying, hypocritical, crooked dirtbags grasping at anything to ensure his removal and it's beyond tiresome to witness.

The Democrats started this dumpster fire and the only way they could ever possibly put it out is to finally sit down, shut up and let the man do his job while they do theirs and try to win the next election, or go with the present strategy of blindly swinging at the high heater that they can't catch up to and hoping for a miracle home run. You want people to condemn him and demand his removal then prove it's warranted, but you'd best do it quickly because most of the rational American public is sick of this sh*tshow, especially Independent voters such as myself.

And for record ... I typed this hastily from my phone so if you come across any grammatical errors do try and be adult and gentlemanly about it so I can avoid having to tell you to take your personal insults and cram them up your arrogant ass !
You do realize that republicans were planning Hillary's impeachment before the election.
Susan Collins did an interview Martha McCallum of Fox News the other night where she basically admitted that Trump had done exactly what the Democrats had accused him of doing. All she could say was that she "hoped he has learned his lesson from impeachment". It is the party of weakness.
They justify their tolerance of the intolerable by saying it's in response to our intolerance of the intolerable,
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Look no further than today.
He used a prayer breakfast to degrade and denigrate a US senator of his own party and the Speaker of the House who was seated just a few chairs down.
That type of incivility and uncouthness continually displayed by the POTUS is unprecedented and brings the national level of civility down as a direct result.

You do know that Trump is not Jesus Christ don't you? Your party is the one that throws constant hateful demented acts towards him and you think he's not suppose to say nothing. Trump should not defend himself? Like you wouldn't do it if you were in Trump's shoes? I guess all who are NOT DEMOCRATS should just roll over & take it? This is not the same kind of Republican President in times past. Your party is the one that acts with incivility & are the ones who are totally eat up with the uncouthness that's on constant public display. The Democrats get up on TV and lie for months on end about this Trump guy and all the terrible things he was supposedly has done to America. Your party is insane with hateful rage & cannot control Trump like they've done in times pass to other Republican Presidents & it drives them freaking crazy just as you are crazy because he doesn't act the way YOU want.
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It doesn't kill me at all, I'm not even a fan of President Trump, he strikes me as a little too
arrogant and a bit hypocritical to be anybody I particularly care for, he isn't somebody I envision sitting down having dinner and a few beers with and enjoying myself. I am however a fan of the job he is currently doing as POTUS and a fan of his fighting back against a bitching and moaning sore loser Democratic Party that has had it in for his ass since the very minute he won the election and the bullsh*t pumping media that aid them. It's a plain fact Dems and media were talking of his impeachment before he even took his oath of office and they haven't stopped since, so yeah I'm a fan of him telling em all to go screw themselves. If people like you want rational people to act like the President is guilty of something and they should be shouting from the rooftops that he is, then prove it. Yes it's that simple, just prove that he's guilty of something that should have him forced from office instead of going from one made up Trump crime spree to the next. From even before the man ever took office he's been having to fight off a lynch mob of lying, hypocritical, crooked dirtbags grasping at anything to ensure his removal and it's beyond tiresome to witness.

The Democrats started this dumpster fire and the only way they could ever possibly put it out is to finally sit down, shut up and let the man do his job while they do theirs and try to win the next election, or go with the present strategy of blindly swinging at the high heater that they can't catch up to and hoping for a miracle home run. You want people to condemn him and demand his removal then prove it's warranted, but you'd best do it quickly because most of the rational American public is sick of this sh*tshow, especially Independent voters such as myself.

And for record ... I typed this hastily from my phone so if you come across any grammatical errors do try and be adult and gentlemanly about it so I can avoid having to tell you to take your personal insults and cram them up your arrogant ass !
Damn, you just pulled down his britches and spanked his azz in public.
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Probably accurate.

Senior Republican lawmakers are openly discussing the prospect of impeaching Hillary Clinton should she win the presidency, a stark indication that partisan warfare over her tenure as secretary of state will not end on Election Day.
Chairmen of two congressional committees said in media interviews this week they believe Clinton committed impeachable offenses in setting up and using a private email server for official State Department business.
And a third senior Republican, the chairman of a House Judiciary subcommittee, told The Washington Post he is personally convinced Clinton should be impeached for influence peddling involving her family foundation. He favors further congressional investigation into that matter.

Yet Trumpers incessantly scream and cry that the left had it out for him from the beginning. What colossal hypocrites.
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Then that is not "100% exoneration", is it? Those Republican Senators are acknowledging that Trump did exactly what he was accused of doing under Article I : Abuse of Power in the articles of impeachment... and they are admitting that it was wrong.
Yes it is. An acquittal means there was no evidence to support the charges which means they were not found guilty. Spin the words however, but it all equals the same. An acquittal is not what you think, it’s what you prove. You may THINK he was inappropriate. But you didn’t PROVE he was guilty. No impeachment.
Damn, you just pulled down his britches and spanked his azz in public.
That's what you call whining about dems doing exactly what repubs were planning to do and then using that insane logic as a basis for support.
That's spanking of a totally different type.

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