The Impeachment Thread

Pay back for what? Did you at all understand what I posted?
Prior to the election, republicans were planning Hillary's impeachment.

I understand what you posted, it's so stupid it doesn't even warrant a response, but against my better judgement I'll try to navigate my way through its silliness to try and understand how your thought process could be so far out in left field.

Let's say the Republicans were actually planning on a strategy to try and impeach Clinton had she won the election which isn't that far fetched, I'm sure both parties have these types of contingency plans in every election, it is after all politics.

A - Would they have actually gone through with it and made it a sh*tshow like this one ? we don't know. There was plenty to try and impeach Obama on but they didn't.

B - Hillary Clinton was a politician with a record to run on, she had held public office and therefore was open to be scrutinized about her works and/or lack thereof. She most certainly had grounds to be looked at for impeachment.

C - Trump had never held office, ever. There is no record of work there, no
offense there to impeach. Why are the Democrats talking impeachment of Trump before he takes office when there is nothing to bring impeachment charges there ?

D - Even if the Republicans were talking impeachment of Clinton prior to the election did they bring the media machine with them ? Did you hear right leaning media and Republican brass calling for, demanding, praying for her impeachment on a daily basis ? No you didn't because they weren't.

See what I'm getting at here ? On one side you have a man that has never held office, with no record to try and impeach him for and had the rival party and the whole left wing media planning his impeachment before he takes office. On the other side you have a known politician who certainly has a record to look at and events that can be considered impeachable, but you have no media machine or party leaders and bigwigs on every news station calling for it and threatening her with it 24/7.

See the difference there ? Nobody with a functioning brain would consider the two to be even remotely close to being the same.
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He should do the right thing and resign.
Why in the world would he resign? He is the only repub. who can walk in public with his head held high.
Unless of course you're saying there is no room in the republican party for anyone who is not in lock step with the Holy Tweeterer..
Why in the world would he resign? He is the only repub. who can walk in public with his head held high.
Unless of course you're saying there is no room in the republican party for anyone who is not in lock step with the Holy Tweeterer..

Except he’s a dim playing a butthurt Republican. He summed you up nicely about 8 years ago though. 🤣😂
I understand what you posted, it's so stupid it doesn't even warrant a response, but against my better judgement I'll try to navigate my way through its silliness to try and understand how your thought process could be so far out in left field.

Let's say the Republicans were actually planning on a strategy to try and impeach Clinton had she won the election which isn't that far fetched, I'm sure both parties have these types of contingency plans in every election, it is after all politics.

A - Would they have actually gone through with it and made it a sh*tshow like this one ? we don't know. There was plenty to try and impeach Obama on but they didn't.

B - Hillary Clinton was a politician with a record to run on, she had held public office and therefore was open to be scrutinized about her works and/or lack thereof. She most certainly had grounds to be looked at for impeachment.

C - Trump had never held office, ever. There is no record of work there, no
offense there to impeach. Why are the Democrats talking impeachment of Trump before he takes office when there is nothing to bring impeachment charges there ?

D - Even if the Republicans were talking impeachment of Clinton prior to the election did they bring the media machine with them ? Did you hear right leaning media and Republican brass calling for, demanding, praying for her impeachment on a dailey basis ? No you didn't because they weren't.

See what I'm getting at here ? On one side you have a man that has never held office, with no record to try and impeach him for and had the rival party and the whole left wing media planning his impeachment before he takes office. On the other side you have a known politician who certainly has a record to look at and events that can be considered impeachable, but you have no media machine or party leaders and bigwigs on every news station calling for it and threatening her with it 24/7.

See the difference there ? Nobody with a functioning brain would consider the two to be even remotely close to being the same.
As is almost always the case, you should have gone with your better judgement.
Why in the world would he resign? He is the only repub. who can walk in public with his head held high.
Unless of course you're saying there is no room in the republican party for anyone who is not in lock step with the Holy Tweeterer..
Maybe because the majority of his constitutes in Utah no longer want him to represent them anymore. He was elected because he was supposed to support this President and the Republican party and with his vote he basically spit on the face of everyone who voted for him. The next four years he is a lame duck Senator. If he votes 100% Republican the rest of his term he still would never be reelected if he even thought about running again.
Can't blame you for wishing to stay off the record.
But I can tell, you're all Trump in 2020.
Flip the next booger.

Unless the left comes up with something besides a socialist , a socialist lite , that will let a kid pick her education secretary, while setting up government committees to oversee corporations , a multi billionaire that you let buy his way onto the stage , a mayor that is trying to split the difference between being a socialist and neoliberal centrist while painting 63 million people as racists , a Has been , that can’t remember if corn pop rubbed the hairs on his leg 50 years ago while he was still white or not . I’ll Take Trump and 4 more of the same . Thank you and please .
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Why in the world would he resign? He is the only repub. who can walk in public with his head held high.
Unless of course you're saying there is no room in the republican party for anyone who is not in lock step with the Holy Tweeterer..

We are saying that if he doesn't resign he can change parties
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Maybe because the majority of his constitutes in Utah no longer want him to represent them anymore. He was elected because he was supposed to support this President and the Republican party and with his vote he basically spit on the face of everyone who voted for him. The next four years he is a lame duck Senator. If he votes 100% Republican the rest of his term he still would never be reelected if he even thought about running again.
And how would you have felt if a democratic senator had crossed over and voted innocent?
Would he have been a traitor deserving of hate and ridicule?
Should he have been castigated from the democratic party?
Or would you have viewed him as a patriot with the will to rise above the political partisanship?
Would you have viewed him as the one democrat worth a damn?

We all know your answers to those questions.

Trump and everyone else blasting Romney look like petty little children.
This is the party you want?
And how would you have felt if a democratic senator had crossed over and voted innocent?
Would he have been a traitor deserving of hate and ridicule?
Should he have been castigated from the democratic party?
Or would you have viewed him as a patriot with the will to rise above the political partisanship?
Would you have viewed him as the one democrat worth a damn?

We all know your answers to those questions.

Trump and everyone else blasting Romney look like petty little children.
This is the party you want?
It beats the unamerican, socialist, hateful idiots on your side.
As is almost always the case, you should have gone with your better judgement.

Indeed ... and noted for future reference.

I knew better, it's just that sometimes my inner nice guy tends to want to help out a drowning man (or at least understand him) by throwing him something with which he can keep himself afloat with. I more often than not find out that they're either too stubborn or too stupid to grab on to it. Good luck in the deep end with only those leaking arm floaties.
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You can’t fix stupid , it’s in the bone .

I bet I've said that quote "you can't fix stupid" at least 25-30 times today alone describing Democrats.
Hirono is thinking "it's only acceptable if we win." That's the vast thinking of all lunatic Dems in America.
She has lost her mind assuming she ever had one to lose.
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And how would you have felt if a democratic senator had crossed over and voted innocent?
Would he have been a traitor deserving of hate and ridicule?
Should he have been castigated from the democratic party?
Or would you have viewed him as a patriot with the will to rise above the political partisanship?
Would you have viewed him as the one democrat worth a damn?

We all know your answers to those questions.

Trump and everyone else blasting Romney look like petty little children.
This is the party you want?

No one believes for one second that any Dem would vote to acquit
Indeed ... and noted for future reference.

I knew better, it's just that sometimes my inner nice guy tends to want to help out a drowning man (or at least understand him) by throwing him something with which he can keep himself afloat with. I more often than not find out that they're either too stubborn or too stupid to grab on to it. Good luck in the deep end with only those leaking arm floaties.
I did read the post, it's just that there was really nothing there.
Criminal activity prior to taking office is still criminal, still investigatable, and steal impeachable.
The fact that Clinton had held public office and Trump had not is irrelevant.
The right wing media was far more anti-Hillary leading up to the election than was the MSM anti-Trump. Not even close.
National level Republican politicians were talking before the election about impeaching Hillary.
You heard no such talk from democratic politicians.
I did read the post, it's just that there was really nothing there.
Criminal activity prior to taking office is still criminal, still investigatable, and steal impeachable.
The fact that Clinton had held public office and Trump had not is irrelevant.
The right wing media was far more anti-Hillary leading up to the election than was the MSM anti-Trump. Not even close.
National level Republican politicians were talking before the election about impeaching Hillary.
You heard no such talk from democratic politicians.
Why would they? They thought Hillary was a shoe-in. But as soon as she lost, they started talking impeachment. They never considered the idea Trump would win.
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Why would they? They thought Hillary was a shoe-in. But as soon as she lost, they started talking impeachment. They never considered the idea Trump would win.
Of course they didn't think he would win, it was incomprehensible. Still is by the way.
Now on to the repubs. who premeditated the Hillary impeachment.

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