The Impeachment Thread

Why? What about it makes Biden untouchable?
Joe Biden is not untouchable and there is nothing wrong with investigating Biden or his son... or both. Donald Trump just shouldn't have withheld aid to the Ukraine in order to "encourage" (Sen. Lamar Alexander's carefully chosen word), a foreign government to investigate them.
Joe Biden is not untouchable and there is nothing wrong with investigating Biden or his son... or both. Donald Trump just shouldn't have withheld aid to the Ukraine in order to "encourage" (Sen. Lamar Alexander's carefully chosen word), a foreign government to investigate them.

Lol. Or you just wanted to be sure he wasn’t a viable dim candidate.
If there's wrongdoing or the appearance of wrongdoing, and Trump doesn't attempt to investigate then who will? Should we just turn a blind eye? Your "good guys" probably know as much about ole Joe - including his bragging about shutting down the investigation. They thought it reasonable to impeach a president for attempting to get an investigation rolling ... one that your guys ignored? So again, if not Trump, then who?

You are possibly familiar with the quotation “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Perhaps you exclude a congressional investigation into the Bidens because they aren't "good men"?
If either Joe Biden or his son or both, have engaged in criminal activity, then the FBI under the purview of FBI Director Christopher Wray (a Trump appointee, by the way) should conduct the investigation with oversight from the Attorney General, William Bar (also a Trump appointee). If Joe Biden has committed acts of corruption, Donald Trump should steer clear of it. He has too much of a personal stake in the outcome of such an investigation while Joe Biden is running for president. One portion of Sen. Alexander's statement addresses your question pretty thoroughly:

"It was inappropriate to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law." - Senator Lamar Alexander
Doesn’t matter. When Romney ran for prez he knew half the people were gonna vote for Barry no matter what. They wanted to be made to feel like victims, get everything for free, and be totally dependent on the government. These people don’t pay a dime in taxes.

People who only take shouldn't be allowed to vote ... it's a perversion of the system.
Absolutely nothing like what Romney is getting and you know it.
And Trump is the worst, to no ones surprise......and that is pathetic.

Can you imagine any president saying what Trump has said today about Romney?

Actually, no I can't, and that's a problem. Few recent presidents have had the balls to do anything considered politically unsound and certainly nothing exceptional. Perhaps because they came from a congressional background, and too many people knew where the skeletons were buried.
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If either Joe Biden or his son or both, have engaged in criminal activity, then the FBI under the purview of FBI Director Christopher Wray (a Trump appointee, by the way) should conduct the investigation with oversight from the Attorney General, William Bar (also a Trump appointee). If Joe Biden has committed acts of corruption, Donald Trump should steer clear of it. He has too much of a personal stake in the outcome of such an investigation while Joe Biden is running for president. One portion of Sen. Alexander's statement addresses your question pretty thoroughly:

"It was inappropriate to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law." - Senator Lamar Alexander

So you are good with foreign powers coming into the US and conduction investigations? Do they use our laws or theirs in conducting the investigation? Do we have to give them permission, or can they just waltz in and set up shop?
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So you are good with foreign powers coming into the US and conduction investigations? Do they use our laws or theirs in conducting the investigation? Do we have to give them permission, or can they just waltz in and set up shop?
You are really missing the point. Trump should not have involved himself in an investigation where he had something to gain personally. It is a clear conflict of interest. The objective of any investigation should be on establishing the facts and arriving at the truth of what happened. If an investigation only centers around finding evidence in support of a desired outcome, it will be illegitimate. Trump was essentially doing exactly what he has accused Democrats of doing in Russia ... going on a fishing expedition in order to damage a rival.
Joe Biden is not untouchable and there is nothing wrong with investigating Biden or his son... or both. Donald Trump just shouldn't have withheld aid to the Ukraine in order to "encourage" (Sen. Lamar Alexander's carefully chosen word), a foreign government to investigate them.

I bet that “encouragement” would have worked better if the Ukrainian government had known about it in the first place.
I bet that “encouragement” would have worked better if the Ukrainian government had known about it in the first place.
The Ukrainian government did know that the military aid had been withheld in July. That is according to Ukraine's deputy foreign minister, Olena Zerkal, whose job it was to read incoming diplomatic cables from embassies around the world. She has recalled reading a diplomatic cable from Washington which said that the Trump administration had frozen the aid. Olena Zerkal said in an interview with The New York Times that "We had this information," and "It was definitely mentioned there were some issues."

You are simply believing one of Trump's lies. They did know. If you don't believe me, just Google "Olena Zerkal". You will see several links to articles which verify that.
The Ukrainian government did know that the military aid had been withheld in July. That is according to Ukraine's deputy foreign minister, Olena Zerkal, whose job it was to read incoming diplomatic cables from embassies around the world. She has recalled reading a diplomatic cable from Washington which said that the Trump administration had frozen the aid. Olena Zerkal said in an interview with The New York Times that "We had this information," and "It was definitely mentioned there were some issues."

You are simply believing one of Trump's lies. They did know. If you don't believe me, just Google "Olena Zerkal". You will see several links to articles which verify that.

Well if she has the dip cable saying the aid was frozen and why it was frozen then why the heck didn’t the Dems present it as evidence?

Oh wait, she only recalled reading does the proof exist or not?
The Ukrainian government did know that the military aid had been withheld in July. That is according to Ukraine's deputy foreign minister, Olena Zerkal, whose job it was to read incoming diplomatic cables from embassies around the world. She has recalled reading a diplomatic cable from Washington which said that the Trump administration had frozen the aid. Olena Zerkal said in an interview with The New York Times that "We had this information," and "It was definitely mentioned there were some issues."

You are simply believing one of Trump's lies. They did know. If you don't believe me, just Google "Olena Zerkal". You will see several links to articles which verify that.
The Ukrainian President is on record denying there was a QPQ. That's your biggest obstacle. What the deputy foreign minister has to say means very little when Zelensky, the man on the other end of the phone call, denies wrongdoing.

But, that said, Trump himself shouldn't have involved himself. If the administration felt an investigation was warranted, they should have gone about it in a completely different way. His actions were inappropriate IMO, but far from rising to the level of impeachment.
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Oh FFS. They’re all saying bipartisan to oppose impeachment. You’re schticking bipartisan to convict. Neither is right, this has been completely partisan along the way and it’s obvious. And you’re just trolling. Or do you really not understand how to interpret the people you quoted? 🤔

You left out a significant and pertinent portion as well...

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principal of equal justice under the law..."
When you are in a hole, BB, you should stop digging. Now, you are really reaching, pulling bits here and there from his statement, that fit you mind set. What I included, that you left out, were his concluding remarks. You know, what conclusion means? It means the end summary of what all the prior remarks were all about. Here's the one you ignore and is the reason he said anything at all:

Even if the House charges were true, they do not meet the Constitution’s ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ standard for an impeachable offense.

Do you know what he is saying here? He is saying that the entire Articles of Impeachment brought forward by the House are nothing more than partisan BS.

What part of that don't you get? Go ahead and cherry pick, it still does absolutely nothing to cover up what was being said in the end, you know the part that matters.
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If either Joe Biden or his son or both, have engaged in criminal activity, then the FBI under the purview of FBI Director Christopher Wray (a Trump appointee, by the way) should conduct the investigation with oversight from the Attorney General, William Bar (also a Trump appointee). If Joe Biden has committed acts of corruption, Donald Trump should steer clear of it. He has too much of a personal stake in the outcome of such an investigation while Joe Biden is running for president. One portion of Sen. Alexander's statement addresses your question pretty thoroughly:

"It was inappropriate to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principle of equal justice under the law." - Senator Lamar Alexander
Still cherry picking. One portion, in the conclusion of his statement, addresses your TDS pretty thoroughly:

Even if the House charges were true, they do not meet the Constitution’s ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors’ standard for an impeachable offense. - Senator Lamar Alexander

In other words, the House Articles of Impeachment are political BS. You should probably stay away from using Alexander as a justification and support of your argument. As with the Mueller Investigation, both that and the Impeachment, which have bitterly disappointed you as they played out, have left you with nothing more than grasping at straws to find anything that you can grab on to, as if, in the end, they proved anything of substance at all.

The Mueller Report didn't provide anything of substance to aid in the House's rushed move towards Impeachment. The Articles of Impeachment, as brought forth by the House Managers, lacked even an impeachable offense, according to Alexander, and other Senators. How on earth can you still be trying to find anything here to hang your hat on? It's really kind of pathetic at this point, but it certainly is entertaining.
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You are really missing the point. Trump should not have involved himself in an investigation where he had something to gain personally. It is a clear conflict of interest. The objective of any investigation should be on establishing the facts and arriving at the truth of what happened. If an investigation only centers around finding evidence in support of a desired outcome, it will be illegitimate. Trump was essentially doing exactly what he has accused Democrats of doing in Russia ... going on a fishing expedition in order to damage a rival.
Except that you have some pretty explicit evidence that the Biden’s were up to know good.
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Actually, no I can't, and that's a problem. Few recent presidents have had the balls to do anything considered politically unsound and certainly nothing exceptional. Perhaps because they came from a congressional background, and too many people knew where the skeletons were buried.
If you, or anyone else, was proud of the way Trump handled himself yesterday, I understand the support.
What I don't understand is how anyone could be proud, or even accepting, of that behavior.
These are indeed bizarre times in which we live.

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