The Impeachment Thread

The only point that will be Crystal is the the Democratic hack party will keep doing things that make themselves look more stupid
Then at least they will have something in common with the Holy Tweetity. (I'm still working on that one)
Of course they didn't think he would win, it was incomprehensible. Still is by the way.
Now on to the repubs. who premeditated the Hillary impeachment.

You are starting from the presumes the Rs WOULD HAVE . You can’t prove that because she didn’t win . We can prove that Maxine and Al Davis has actively sought for impeachment since March I believe it was of 2017 .
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And how would you have felt if a democratic senator had crossed over and voted innocent?
Would he have been a traitor deserving of hate and ridicule?
Should he have been castigated from the democratic party?
Or would you have viewed him as a patriot with the will to rise above the political partisanship?
Would you have viewed him as the one democrat worth a damn?

We all know your answers to those questions.

Trump and everyone else blasting Romney look like petty little children.
This is the party you want?
Didn't AOC talk in the past of campaigning against Dems that voted with the GOP?

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Stop acting like the left is above such behavior. If any Dem had voted to acquit, they would have gotten hell from the party.
At least you admit it.
I hope that point is more widely understood as the election nears.

And you obviously are late to the following politics party but the Republican party is most successful when there is unity. Remember the A$$ kicking the contract with America was responsible for?
Of course they didn't think he would win, it was incomprehensible. Still is by the way.
Now on to the repubs. who premeditated the Hillary impeachment.
Hillary didn't become POTUS so she never faced impeachment. Trump did become POTUS so the left pursued a political impeachment, searching for something they could charge him with from the moment he took office. They didn't like the results of the election, so they tried to change them.
Didn't AOC talk in the past of campaigning against Dems that voted with the GOP?

AOC Threatens to Put Moderate Dems on a Primary ‘List’ If They Vote With GOP

Stop acting like the left is above such behavior. If any Dem had voted to acquit, they would have gotten hell from the party.
Absolutely nothing like what Romney is getting and you know it.
And Trump is the worst, to no ones surprise......and that is pathetic.

Can you imagine any president saying what Trump has said today about Romney?
House Democrats were against calling those same witnesses until 34 days after voting for impeachment
House Democrats were never against calling John Bolton. They asked Bolton to testify, and through his lawyers, he told them that he would not comply with a subpoena. The House Democrats chose not to pursue compelling Bolton's testimony through the federal court system. That doesn't mean that they were against Bolton testifying. Ultimately, the Republicans in the Senate voted against calling new witnesses including Bolton, because with the logic Sen. Lamar Alexander used, Bolton's testimony was unnecessary, because the House managers had already proven the allegations under Article I : Abuse of Power in the articles of impeachment.
Of course they didn't think he would win, it was incomprehensible. Still is by the way.
Now on to the repubs. who premeditated the Hillary impeachment.

Sorry little cry baby, but the people's house (WH) is not only for the occupation of the low-rent wacko Democrats. The WH is for Republicans too. We plan on being there quiet a while too. Get used to that idea.
You loony wacko Democrats think for one reason & one reason only that the WH belongs to you loony wacko Dems. Get in line loser. Get a candidate good enough to beat Trump and ya'll can have it. You don't have one yet.
Hillary didn't become POTUS so she never faced impeachment. Trump did become POTUS so the left pursued a political impeachment, searching for something they could charge him with from the moment he took office. They didn't like the results of the election, so they tried to change them.
Had Hillary won the election she would have faced impeachment almost immediately, at least according to republican politicians. You can play the "it didn't happen so we'll never know" game, as long as you want but all we have to go on are the stated intentions of republicans prior to the election. I know what a reasonable conclusion would be.
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This isn't about continuums and degrees, luther. Both parties are corrupt, and this isn't a case of one being more corrupt than the other. You want to pretend it is simply because you believe the ideology of the left, but neither party is fighting for country. They're fighting for power, and they're fighting for themselves, but neither party fights for our country. They engage in the same tactics, yet you damn one while praising the other for doing the exact same thing. It's a war of tit for tat, and both sides should be condemned for it.
Absolutely nothing like what Romney is getting and you know it.
And Trump is the worst, to no ones surprise......and that is pathetic.

Can you imagine any president saying what Trump has said today about Romney?

Doesn’t matter. When Romney ran for prez he knew half the people were gonna vote for Barry no matter what. They wanted to be made to feel like victims, get everything for free, and be totally dependent on the government. These people don’t pay a dime in taxes.
Absolutely nothing like what Romney is getting and you know it.
And Trump is the worst, to no ones surprise......and that is pathetic.

Can you imagine any president saying what Trump has said today about Romney?
She threatened to make sure they didn't get reelected. Sounds pretty damn close to the same to me. You're living in denial.
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Had Hillary won the election she would have faced impeachment almost immediately, at least according to republican politicians. You can play the "it didn't happen so we'll never know" game, as long as you want but all we have to go on are the stated attentions of republicans prior to the election. I know what a reasonable conclusion would be.

She didn’t , so it’s assumption and pure speculation
Had Hillary won the election she would have faced impeachment almost immediately, at least according to republican politicians. You can play the "it didn't happen so we'll never know" game, as long as you want but all we have to go on are the stated attentions of republicans prior to the election. I know what a reasonable conclusion would be.
What is the point of bitching about something that didn't happen? Do you argue with imaginary friends, too? Reality, luther. Try living in it rather than offering hypotheticals of **** that didn't happen.
House Democrats were never against calling John Bolton. They asked Bolton to testify, and through his lawyers, he told them that he would not comply with a subpoena. The House Democrats chose not to pursue compelling Bolton's testimony through the federal court system. That doesn't mean that they were against Bolton testifying. Ultimately, the Republicans in the Senate voted against calling new witnesses including Bolton, because with the logic Sen. Lamar Alexander used, Bolton's testimony was unnecessary, because the House managers had already proven the allegations under Article I : Abuse of Power in the articles of impeachment.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Sack up and go to court.
And you still haven't given a credible response to why the ICIG transcript is still sealed. It's such a shame you will but be afforded the opportunity to vote for Lamar again
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That doesn't make any sense. Also, McConnell, Rubio, Kennedy and Collins have all publicly agreed with his statement. Thow in Romney and that makes 5. Are they all just looking for relevance too? It just kills you guys to admit that Trump did something wrong doesn't it?

If there's wrongdoing or the appearance of wrongdoing, and Trump doesn't attempt to investigate then who will? Should we just turn a blind eye? Your "good guys" probably know as much about ole Joe - including his bragging about shutting down the investigation. They thought it reasonable to impeach a president for attempting to get an investigation rolling ... one that your guys ignored? So again, if not Trump, then who?

You are possibly familiar with the quotation “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Perhaps you exclude a congressional investigation into the Bidens because they aren't "good men"?
You left out a significant and pertinent portion as well...

"It was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation. When elected officials inappropriately interfere with such investigations, it undermines the principal of equal justice under the law..."

Why? What about it makes Biden untouchable?
What does that have to do with anything? Who won the Iowa caucuses in 2016? Rubio and Trump split the delegates. It was a virtual dead heat. There is nothing to indicate that Iowa is a barometer for the rest of the country.

Well, Joe had Iowa almost all to himself since he wasn't a captive audience for a congressional inquisition, and he bombed. That's not a good look, you know.
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