The Impeachment Thread

Trump has taken far more credit than he deserves for the economy. If the economy turns, as it inevitably will, Trump will then blame everyone but himself. It will be interesting then to see if the cult sticks with him and joins in the blame game, or joins the rational world in loathing the guy

Loony Liberals, after 3.5 years, are still crying each day that they are turd losers and have no one to defeat Trump.
Liberals will face another long cold 4 years of not being able to grow into adults but stay crybabies as before.
Absolutely I'm holding my nose. He's classless and undisciplined. He's also the closest viable candidate to my political views, so I make a calculation and do what I have to do.
I understand your position but think you are miscalculating the short term vs. long term positives and negatives.
But I'm sure you disagree with that.
Plus, there were alternatives that people who feel as you did not pursue, and that is one of the many great disappointments.
It falls under the umbrella of complicity.
Trump has taken far more credit than he deserves for the economy. If the economy turns, as it inevitably will, Trump will then blame everyone but himself. It will be interesting then to see if the cult sticks with him and joins in the blame game, or joins the rational world in loathing the guy
The one thing we have is the economy so I hope if reelected, he is the reason for it.. He gets elected and it falters, we all have to live with that lunatic for four more years.
Trump has taken far more credit than he deserves for the economy. If the economy turns, as it inevitably will, Trump will then blame everyone but himself. It will be interesting then to see if the cult sticks with him and joins in the blame game, or joins the rational world in loathing the guy

Wierd how Obama never got that "lucky" with the economy. Strange how that works.
Wierd how Obama never got that "lucky" with the economy. Strange how that works.
People talk about Obama's economy. When Trump took office, it was pretty good. Obama took over during the second great depression. (People have forgotten the pages and pages in the Newspaper of foreclosures, the layoffs, etc)
People talk about Obama's economy. When Trump took office, it was pretty good. Obama took over during the second great depression. (People have forgotten the pages and pages in the Newspaper of foreclosures, the layoffs, etc)

No one forgot. He had 8 years and produced nothing resembling a robust economy.
People talk about Obama's economy. When Trump took office, it was pretty good. Obama took over during the second great depression. (People have forgotten the pages and pages in the Newspaper of foreclosures, the layoffs, etc)
barry's economy had leveled out, President Trump had a magic wand and it's called tax breaks, getting rid of moronic regulations and giving businesses confidence that they were no longer an enemy
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And how would you have felt if a democratic senator had crossed over and voted innocent?
Would he have been a traitor deserving of hate and ridicule?
Should he have been castigated from the democratic party?
Or would you have viewed him as a patriot with the will to rise above the political partisanship?
Would you have viewed him as the one democrat worth a damn?

We all know your answers to those questions.

Trump and everyone else blasting Romney look like petty little children.
This is the party you want?

Actually, you need to answer these.
No one forgot. He had 8 years and produced nothing resembling a robust economy.
All I know is what I experienced. People losing their homes when Obama was elected the first time. Right now, under Trump they are laying off in manufacturing in Northern Georgia again. (One mill that had been around 175 years) It had picked up when Obama was president. I mean, if you are going to take credit, take credit for all of it.
I understand your position but think you are miscalculating the short term vs. long term positives and negatives.
But I'm sure you disagree with that.
Plus, there were alternatives that people who feel as you did not pursue, and that is one of the many great disappointments.
It falls under the umbrella of complicity.

Federal judges and Supreme Court justices are as long term as you can get
Trump has taken far more credit than he deserves for the economy. If the economy turns, as it inevitably will, Trump will then blame everyone but himself. It will be interesting then to see if the cult sticks with him and joins in the blame game, or joins the rational world in loathing the guy

If the economy turns it will be Trump's baby whether he owns it or not.
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Actually, you need to answer these.
I have no problem answering the questions.
I would have been disappointed and immediately considered if he was running for reelection in a red leaning state.
If that was not the case (as with Romney), I would have been forced to accept the fact that he maybe actually voted his conscious.
I understand perfectly well that one man's hero is often another man's villain. It depends on perspective.
I would not think the person should be vilified and attacked and certainly not by the president of the same party.
I would hope that he was contested in the next election.
People talk about Obama's economy. When Trump took office, it was pretty good. Obama took over during the second great depression. (People have forgotten the pages and pages in the Newspaper of foreclosures, the layoffs, etc)

True but let's not forget that Obama hampered the recovery at almost every turn with ACA and increasing regulations. The economy began to recover in spite of Obama not because of.
True but let's not forget that Obama hampered the recovery at almost every turn with ACA and increasing regulations. The economy began to recover in spite of Obama not because of.

How it's so easy to forget this truth or some cult members of Obama don't want this fact brought up.
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