The Impeachment Thread

Why don't you lol, take the loss, and go sit in a corner. The ACA is where the supply and demand model breaks down, right?

It only took a $$$ Billion dollars of taxpayer money to start a website to ACA.....& it didn't work when it was a go.
What an embarrassment to the Obama administration and a big waste of taxpayer's money. That's pretty much all of Obama's administration did was waste money that wasn't their's but sure liked to spend without thought.
Absolutely true. The one sure fire way to slow growth is to have uncertainty form the government in major policy areas. With all of the delays in implementation and exemptions business (especially small/medium sized) couldn't plan long term. Do we go over 50 employees, do we eat the massive jump in premiums or pass them to the employees, what about next year will we see another 20% or more increase? If it would have just been implemented business could have adapted and moved on with certainty. It wasn't and all of the uncertainty stymied growth.
The only reason those small businesses couldn't plan long term is the partisan battle from the Red states. The uncertainty was created by the Republicans states.
No where in that article does it say what those (estimated) jobs were. Hence my guess, find me a link to where 500,000 more actual service providers were added and we'll both know.
That wasn't your argument to begin with at all.
What an asinine idea. Do you really believe people who dislike/hate Trump hate America?

I believe that there are congressmen in the House and Senate that are trying to destroy this country as it is , and remake it in what they think it should be . A country essentially without borders , retroactively bringing back departed people from other countries that have been deported , paid healthcare for all , free education for all , free housing for all , forgiveness of all medical bills , forgiveness of student loans . There’s much more but you get the picture .
Dismissing it as a cult is the attitude that got Trump elected in the first place.
Yeah, that sounds like a good retort and all, but if people want to see Mitt Romney destroyed for standing up to Trump, cult is a perfectly appropriate word.
Yeah, that sounds like a good retort and all, but if people want to see Mitt Romney destroyed for standing up to Trump, cult is a perfectly appropriate word.

Let's see what happens if Pelosi decides to bad talk Schitt and Nadler & see how much she's loved in her party.
The Dems are a cult of hate & rage.......they would destroy anyone in their party for bad mouthing their leaders.
Had Hillary won the election she would have faced impeachment almost immediately, at least according to republican politicians. You can play the "it didn't happen so we'll never know" game, as long as you want but all we have to go on are the stated intentions of republicans prior to the election. I know what a reasonable conclusion would be.
Completely irrelevant
Yeah, that sounds like a good retort and all, but if people want to see Mitt Romney destroyed for standing up to Trump, cult is a perfectly appropriate word.
Mitt Romney will get recalled very soon and that will be the end of him in the Republican Party. President Trump is much more popular than Mitt Romney in Utah.
Yes it was, learn to read.
You're argument was "Obama hampered the recovery at almost every turn with ACA".

In hogland, I guess adding jobs hampers economic recovery. If there are companies out there that were teetering on the 49 - 50 employee range because of uncertainty with the ACA and we're supposed to cater to that extreme minority because they might add one job is a stupid argument to make. I guess there are 500 thousand of those type of businesses in hogland.
Had Hillary won the election she would have faced impeachment almost immediately, at least according to republican politicians. You can play the "it didn't happen so we'll never know" game, as long as you want but all we have to go on are the stated intentions of republicans prior to the election. I know what a reasonable conclusion would be.
You obviously haven't read Septic's "Why whataboutism is a logical loser".

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