Still waiting Luther......
Let ICIG Atkinson's testimony about the how and why an open critic of the President and lackey of Obama/Biden should not be made public while Eric Snowden is still forced to seek refuge in Russia.....
We are waiting
Easy. There is something in there that he would rather not be made public. Something that may even make him or the process look guilty of some wrongdoing.Maybe you are niave enough to believe the B's. But Vindy clearly leaked to the media that he was out. It's not dumb luck they happened to "catch that real time" otherwise.
Answer the question why won't Schifty release the transcript? Lol. Has nothing to do with witnesses that Schifty refused to call. Man this winning is though. But still not tired of it. #releasethetranscript
Easy. There is something in there that he would rather not be made public. Something that may even may make him or the process look guilty of some wrongdoing.
The same reasons why Trump blocks witnesses, ignores subpoenas, and withholds documents.
He's obviously guilty and trying to hide something.
That is your insinuation. And I agree.
Still waiting Luther......
Let ICIG Atkinson's testimony about the how and why an open critic of the President and lackey of Obama/Biden should not be made public while Eric Snowden is still forced to seek refuge in Russia.....
We are waiting
I will even allow LG, EL, MICK, BB85 and the rest of you spin doctors to attempt to run cover for Schifty in this. #releasethetranscript
You must have really liked your question.L
Earth to vols40.Trump blocked zero witnesses. The witnesses you hacks wanted werenever called by the house. Stop lying and admit that Schifty concocted this impeachment after the 4 hour boner of Russian collusion had passed. Still winning. And not tired of it.
Earth to vols40.
Trump instructed everyone within his reach to be uncooperative.
Your attempted implication of Schiff is actually an even bigger implication of Trump.
But hey, I'm buying what your selling.
Actually he’s 100% wrong. It’s not up to the accused to prove innocence it’s up to whoever to prove guilt. If you don’t have ANY evidence to prove guilt why is it up to the accused to s***? Y’all inept clowns can’t do s*** right.
And get back to me with cites where the accused gets to tell the prosecutor what docs and witnesses he can and can't have.
Separate and equal doesn't give you a free hand to force the other branch to make your case. You've either got what you need or you don't. If you can't make the case with all the leakers left from the previous administration, then you sit down, shut up, and bide(n) your time, and hunt (and hope) for better stuff. When you've gone after somebody since before day 1, be prepared to hear STFU, there isn't going to be any cooperation, and you better watch your back. I'll be very disappointed if there isn't retribution of epic proportion on its way.
And get back to me with cites where the accused gets to tell the prosecutor what docs and witnesses he can and can't have.
And get back to me with cites where the accused gets to tell the prosecutor what docs and witnesses he can and can't have.
Few things damaged this country more than the Vietnam War. That fiasco was presided over by democrats until Nixon was elected.I only go back to Eisenhower but Trump has done far more to harm this country than all of the others combined.
Perspective is an astonishing thing.
But there may be one more thing we agree on.
I have never been more disillusioned and disappointed in the other side than I am now.
I would guess most on the right would feel the same about the left.
I find that to be a direct and unavoidable result of Trump. Increase the divide. Play up the divide. Divide and conquer.