The Impeachment Thread

I think they should . It’s like watching a train wreck , I just can’t stop watching it play out .

You know, it's like watching Tennessee ADs finding coaches and how that worked out after Hamilton fired Fulmer ... except I don't see sanity riding to the rescue in DC. It's fun watching dims get all lathered up and then watching them fall apart.
  • A little over 33% said "I strongly disagree, I supported removal."
  • Nearly 11% said "I disagree, I supported removal."
  • About 14% said "I neither agree nor disagree" with Trump's acquittal.
  • About 11% said "I agree, I supported acquittal."
  • And 22% said "I strongly agree, I supported acquittal."
  • Meanwhile, a little less than 8% said "I don't know."
Only 33% of Americans agree with Trump's acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial
Well, do the same with voting in Novemeber. That's how the founders of this country wanted it. By citizen votes not Congressional partisan politics.
Well, do the same with voting in Novemeber. That's how the founders of this country wanted it. By citizen votes not Congressional partisan politics.

Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.
Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.
In other words tell those younger dumb voters everything will be free
Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.
Keep hope alive LG. But it just doesn't feel that way to you. Really deep down, you're scared.
Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.
Prove. it.

You guys run your mouths a lot... prove it in November.
Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.

I hate to be that guy but , didn’t the left try that in 2016 ? Just sayin .
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Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.

It is unfathomable that you are able to produce so much stupid. Repeatedly.
  • A little over 33% said "I strongly disagree, I supported removal."
  • Nearly 11% said "I disagree, I supported removal."
  • About 14% said "I neither agree nor disagree" with Trump's acquittal.
  • About 11% said "I agree, I supported acquittal."
  • And 22% said "I strongly agree, I supported acquittal."
  • Meanwhile, a little less than 8% said "I don't know."
Only 33% of Americans agree with Trump's acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial

So only 44% supported removal? Interesting when Trump's disapproval rating is just over 50%.

Even those that disapprove of Trump didn't think he should be convicted. Interesting.
So only 44% supported removal? Interesting when Trump's disapproval rating is just over 50%.

Even those that disapprove of Trump didn't think he should be convicted. Interesting.

You were only supposed to pay attention to the bright orange words .. “only 33% of Americans agree with Trumps acquittal”.
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So only 44% supported removal? Interesting when Trump's disapproval rating is just over 50%.

Even those that disapprove of Trump didn't think he should be convicted. Interesting.
One has nothing to do with the other. The sample group is different between the unrelated polls.; therefore, you cannot make a legitimate inference.
Called it ... you are only supposed pay attention to the big orange words .

What did you call? I was going to post something and your were going to try to spin it. What else is new? I don't know why some of you have problems with simple polls.
What did you call? I was going to post something and your were going to try to spin it. What else is new? I don't know why some of you have problems with simple polls.

I don’t have to try to spin polls . The only thing they are good for is , people getting paid for asking the questions in a specific way to induce the response they are looking for . Wait a day, a week , a month and ask the questions a different way , you get a new set of %’s and paid again .
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  • A little over 33% said "I strongly disagree, I supported removal."
  • Nearly 11% said "I disagree, I supported removal."
  • About 14% said "I neither agree nor disagree" with Trump's acquittal.
  • About 11% said "I agree, I supported acquittal."
  • And 22% said "I strongly agree, I supported acquittal."
  • Meanwhile, a little less than 8% said "I don't know."
Only 33% of Americans agree with Trump's acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial

To me this poll says 55% were ok with the acquittal.

52 and 53% of Senators agreed.
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Not to speak for Mick but what this speaks to me is simple: it is confirmation that Trump's base is capped at 33 percent. A strong Dem run, particularly in key states, with ads pointing out Trump's lies and how he really hasn't done as much as he claims for those states, could do the trick.

I don't live up there but suspect the tide is turning, from older but still working age adults who believed Trump that manufacturing jobs would come back en masse, to a younger workforce that understands factories are not the future for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc. That tech and smart services are their path to success.

Pin that manufacturing label on Trump and .... tell those voters the hard truth. That economy is OVER.

I've noticed a couple of things over the years. Tech and smart services don't sell for long if they aren't geared to making something profitable. That generally means producing some kind of desired/needed end product like cars or planes, etc ... that's manufacturing. The other part is that if you displace labor so that fewer people have reasonable incomes, the whole scheme that the industrial revolution created falls apart. The middle class is a result of the worker having income to buy the products they make. You can never break the chain without destroying the whole thing ... it's symbiotic. Unions backed largely by the dems (in return for votes) massively distorted our manufacturing costs because dem labor laws so viciously protected organized labor. So I guess you could say the dem contribution to the stagnant manufacturing mess was shoveling jobs overseas; and the worst part ... you still don't get it.
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