The Impeachment Thread

Do you think Biden demanded the prosecutor be fired to protect his son?

In my opinion, whether true or false, doesn't discount the issue, that the gravy train was peddled because of daddy's title, gained instant access to paychecks they didn't have to work for......rather gifted to. In exchange for.........

Do you see a problem with the optics and the conflicts of interest that exist? Do you have a problem with Biden (any politician) using the office to monetarily benefit himself and his family?
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I have no dog in this fight, I'm neither a redhatter or lib, just an individual, who does believe in right and wrong. Fair and level for all, and all held to the same standard.

That's it.

I don't care if impeached, who wins next election, my life isn't affected by any of these ass clowns.
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I have no dog in this fight, I'm neither a redhatter or lib, just an individual, who does believe in right and wrong. Fair and level for all, and all held to the same standard.

That's it.

I don't care if impeached, who wins next election, my life isn't affected by any of these ass clowns.

Question for Republicans here: Why defend Trump? Why not support a different 2020 candidate?

You surely know that Trump is a RINO. That he - in 2014 for example - gave money to Kamala Harris' campaign. That he's given money to HRC. That he's given money and supported Democrats in the past. I mean the only reason he ran as a Republican was, essentially, that that was his only option other than being an Ind.

Why not dump the stupid mfer and back someone whose a real Republican? What happened to GOP balanced budgets? What happened to free trade? Is this the new Republican way? Does the old GOP exist any more?

Donald J. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. He's literally on the precipice of singlehandedly destroying the GOP.
Question for Republicans here: Why defend Trump? Why not support a different 2020 candidate?

You surely know that Trump is a RINO. That he - in 2014 for example - gave money to Kamala Harris' campaign. That he's given money to HRC. That he's given money and supported Democrats in the past. I mean the only reason he ran as a Republican was, essentially, that that was his only option other than being an Ind.

Why not dump the stupid mfer and back someone whose a real Republican? What happened to GOP balanced budgets? What happened to free trade? Is this the new Republican way? Does the old GOP exist any more?

Donald J. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. He's literally on the precipice of singlehandedly destroying the GOP.

He's flipped flopped over time between being a registered Republican and a registered Democrat. This is not his first foray as a Republican. And he's never been that liberal (for example, he called for the execution of the Central Park Five; most liberal democrats are opposed to the death penalty).
Question for Republicans here: Why defend Trump? Why not support a different 2020 candidate?

You surely know that Trump is a RINO. That he - in 2014 for example - gave money to Kamala Harris' campaign. That he's given money to HRC. That he's given money and supported Democrats in the past. I mean the only reason he ran as a Republican was, essentially, that that was his only option other than being an Ind.

Why not dump the stupid mfer and back someone whose a real Republican? What happened to GOP balanced budgets? What happened to free trade? Is this the new Republican way? Does the old GOP exist any more?

Donald J. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. He's literally on the precipice of singlehandedly destroying the GOP.

They defend him because they don't want to admit their own error in voting for him in 2016 and because he is so repugnant to Democrats. The enemy of their enemy is their friend.
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Question for Republicans here: Why defend Trump? Why not support a different 2020 candidate?

You surely know that Trump is a RINO. That he - in 2014 for example - gave money to Kamala Harris' campaign. That he's given money to HRC. That he's given money and supported Democrats in the past. I mean the only reason he ran as a Republican was, essentially, that that was his only option other than being an Ind.

Why not dump the stupid mfer and back someone whose a real Republican? What happened to GOP balanced budgets? What happened to free trade? Is this the new Republican way? Does the old GOP exist any more?

Donald J. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. He's literally on the precipice of singlehandedly destroying the GOP.
I think that there a whole lot of voters like myself that think Trump is a complete goof, but. With the media completely in the tank, he's all that's standing between us and a complete clown show from the left that's flat out dangerous economically.
They defend him because they don't want to admit their own error in voting for him in 2016 and because he is so repugnant to Democrats. The enemy of their enemy is their friend.
I did not make an error in 2016 and will be very excited to go vote for The President again in 2020. He is not my enemy but you all certainly are
I think that there a whole lot of voters like myself that think Trump is a complete goof, but. With the media completely in the tank, he's all that's standing between us and a complete clown show from the left that's flat out dangerous economically.
I’ll risk high taxes over an actual threat to democracy. And yes, he has already proven to be a threat.
They never showed up for court. Everyone knew they wouldn't but that didn't stop you and your anti Government schick. You are so much against our government you would side with Russia and anyone else that said anything bad about us. All the while nesteling yourself in Trumpism and the most corrupt administration ever. You don't even understand the magnitude of our own DOJ aking foreign governments to investigate our own IC. Did the Muell or Comey or anyone else do that?
^^^^^^^^ read this with a 10 year old throwing a tantrum inflection and it will make a grown a$$ man giggle^^^^^^
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It's not a risk. It's a guarantee. You can't whip up a mob into a frenzy of voting themselves benefits without confiscating other people's money.

You can’t have a functioning democracy if the president (and 40 percent of the country) thinks strong arming (or bribing) other countries into investigating his opponents is fine.
True... But why do I want to elect a hard left Democrat and wreck the financial sector simultaneously?
Sure but why have Us voters let it get to this point? Trump vs Hillary/Biden/Warren? We should be ready to blow the whole thing up and start over rather than praise a clown as being the best we can do
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