The Impeachment Thread

So why doesn’t she put an impeachment vote to the House floor, girl? Enough with the foreplay let’s get this party started!

Because unlike the reckless GOP, the left needs all the facts.


She is not a sitting President nor is she running for office.

Do you understand, even remotely, what is wrong with a sitting President asking a foreign leader to investigate his rival? The mischief that can create, the indebtedness, the opportunity for blackmail?
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Exactly right. His own explanations have changed on why he did it. For awhile he withheld aid because he's mad other countries don't pay enough (which was an abject lie, by the way, they pay more than we do). His supporters have gone form he didn't to it, to he did do it but everyone does, to he did it to investigate crime, to there's nothing wrong with it, to whaaaaa Biden/Obama/Clinton.

All over the map. Which tells you there really is no defense and even his supporters realize he is full of crap, basically all the time.
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You just had to bring up that dumb box o rocks Pruitt didn't you? I can't believe that he is the head coach of UT. I've been watching games since Bill Battle and never have I been embarrassed by hearing a coach represent the University like I have with this dumbell.

I was so careful the first time to say "Scott Pruitt", and then I slipped up and you got me. And the very reason I said "Scott Pruitt" the first time was because I knew somebody would jump all over just "Pruitt". Tough crowd here - no room for slip ups. BTW the only "Scott Pruitt" I ever heard of before Trump's clown was a very successful race driver - fun to watch years ago when they ran real V-8 Mustangs and Camaros, etc on Trans-Am road courses.
I’m still waiting on the first hand whistleblower information.

Wouldn't it be in the secret intelligence vault that's always used to store "perfect" conversations?

Seems to me that an actual transcript or full recording would go a long way to clearing this whole mess up.
She is not a sitting President nor is she running for office.

Do you understand, even remotely, what is wrong with a sitting President asking a foreign leader to investigate his rival? The mischief that can create, the indebtedness, the opportunity for blackmail?
Why are you calling Biden his rival? They haven't even had the first primary yet and won't for months. Just because he's running for president doesn't make him immune to investigation and it should increase it.
She is not a sitting President nor is she running for office.

Do you understand, even remotely, what is wrong with a sitting President asking a foreign leader to investigate his rival? The mischief that can create, the indebtedness, the opportunity for blackmail?
She is just a regular citizen with no personal stake in politics anymore... the same is true of her husband and her entire family for that matter. The conservatives here are looking desperate for rebuttal material, and they have been frequently attaching links to The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart in their posts. Those are radical, fringe sites with zero journalistic credibility and even less journalistic talent.
You just had to bring up that dumb box o rocks Pruitt didn't you? I can't believe that he is the head coach of UT. I've been watching games since Bill Battle and never have I been embarrassed by hearing a coach represent the University like I have with this dumbell.

Oh, yeah, I've been watching UT football since 1964 when I was a freshman and Doug Dickey was a first time head coach. I had more confidence in Dickey than I do in Pruitt, but I'm not where you are right now ... just real unhappy that things are as bad as they are in UT football land. I guess I've evaluated too many problems that looked sure to be one thing and they turned out to be something else entirely, so I learned early on to wait for more data. One thing I am sure of is that JG ain't it, and it's killing the team right now; fix that and we might all be looking at things differently ... and until that's fixed, we can't really tell where things stand. Kinda like "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs Lincoln?"

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics

CNN's KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."

The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.

For those keeping score at home, Biden sought the ouster of the then-prosecutor because he was corrupt. Numerous GOP Senators agreed at least that reform was necessary. A number of countries also agreed he should be removed because he was corrupt.

Trump on the other hand sought to make the new President and prosecutor corrupt to suit his own ends.

Which is worthy of being President? Biden, and its not even close.

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics

For those keeping score at home, Biden sought the ouster of the then-prosecutor because he was corrupt. Numerous GOP Senators agreed at least that reform was necessary. A number of countries also agreed he should be removed because he was corrupt.

Trump on the other hand sought to make the new President and prosecutor corrupt to suit his own ends.

Which is worthy of being President? Biden, and its not even close.
So Hunter Biden gets a job on the board of a Ukrainian company and makes $50k+ a month and it's all because he was such a valuable asset with his vast knowledge of the oil and gas industry? You can't spin this in any way that looks good for Biden.
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For at least the third time:

Consider Trump’s threats from the eyes of someone that has knowledge of government corruption and is trying to decide whether or not to come forward, how to come forward, or whether to remain silent.

Those people now see what will happen to them if they come forward. It creates an *additional* disincentive from coming forward appropriately. Therefore, more people will do so recklessly and eschew proper procedure in order to make sure the message cannot be swept under the rug. Which is what Snowden did that you don’t agree with.

Because it is an *additional* incentive, these remedial disincentives that you keep chiming in with, which were already a part of the calculus. Are. Not. Relevant. To. This. Conversation. They are already included in the calculus that Trump is altering. Hence the analogy to pouring gasoline on an existing fire. The fire is already there. You can’t miss it.

However, I do sincerely apologize for assuming you were attempting to change the subject. It is abundantly clear from your last two posts, that you didn’t understand what the subject was.

I’m not asking for a change in the laws. I was prompting you to stop and think about the growing number of ways in which this man does not advance your principles.

Since I’m sure you won’t internalize any of that and will continue to demand to see where you did the following, here you go:
Well, I see you put an asterisk on the "But Obama", what's that supposed to mean? I asked you to quote me where I said "but Obama" and that's your response? OK, you can't, can you? Instead go all juris doctorate on me and explain that's what I really meant. I guess it must be "implicit" then? Who is doing the implying? I think it's you.

Chilling effect on whistle blowers? How about Chelsea Manning, and Snowden? How chilling is that?

What exactly happened to Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden that would have a chilling effect in whistleblowers?
They were charged/prosecuted.
Under which administration were they prosecuted?

It clearly a “but Obama.”

I'm not going to let you get away with your attempt to deflect/demean by saying that I now turned to "whatabout the media." That's BS and you know it.

No matter what you try to do to make it easy for a whistle blower to come forward, there will always be a negative price for him/her to pay. It had nothing to do with "minimizing Trump's impact on the calculus." You are also over looking the media's role in this "calculus." They also contribute to the "circus" that any whistle blower has to factor in regarding coming forward. You don't think they will try as hard as they can to break the story about who the whistle blower is? Do they deserve to be prosecuted? It has everything to do with the courage and/or motivation of the whistle blower. I'm being realistic about "the calculus." So will most people who are in that situation. My bet is that today, most people in government, will put their own self interest first, keep their head down and their mouth shut. Or leave instead of becoming a target, for politicians and the media.

Almost verbatim, “What about the media?”
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