The Impeachment Thread

If he loses he will still only be one of 50 people to ever be POTUS and will have 3.5 billion to keep him company while he builds the biggest and best Presidential museum of them all.
I didn’t say his life would suck. I just think he’ll do whatever he thinks he can get away with.

Your tax dollars hard at work.


Has it?

he increase in Trump’s wealth reverses two years of declines and brings his net worth back to 2016 levels, according to figures compiled by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index from lenders, property records, securities filings, market data and a May 16 financial disclosure. It comes despite setbacks at his family company, including the cancellation of two new hotel chains and reduced business at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and seven golf courses.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
As far as the bold, I strongly disagree with this. At the very least, he will see what support he can drum up for questioning the validity of the election and the response it would generate among his followers and congressional allies.

I think all the major candidates, save a rapidly deteriorating Biden (and maybe Bernie, I’m not convinced he’s any more knowledgeable than an average college student), are intellectually capable of doing the job. I may not love Warren’s policies, but I think mentally she can handle it. Harris as well, and certainly Buttigieg.
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Wow, GOP senators and representatives should get on the list for this. Would definitely help with their lack of backbone issues.

I believe they only have one spine which they pass around. Nancy Pelosi has been waiting decades for her turn, apparently. Paul Ryan was too scared to try it on, so he just went home.
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Lmao. You know your post history is saved on here, right? Including your posts from 2016 where you were calling for trump to offer a bounty for dirt on Hillary.

Or the ones where you said Trump had integrity and character.

Or the ones where you got passed off when you couldn’t convince people to vote for Trump and said you were moving to your compound in St. Maarten if she won.

Nevermind the fact that like 3 months ago you were saying that members of the democratic leadership should be dismembered (because that just screams undecided moderate.)

You’re not fooling anybody except the ones that want to be fooled.

Yep, my disdain for the dem's is not disputed. Where did I ever say all the posts you want and let me know.

Yeah, if he had any brains he should have done it.

The character, dignity, yeah...........................................................................begrudging point for you.

If you interpreted my responses to anything as to try to convince anyone, you're reading comp is lacking.

My going to move full time if she won.... she didn't. If she did, damn straight would have. The poster child for everything wrong in D.C..

Yeah, should be dismembered, and for many reasons, yet somehow, you think your politicians aren't deserving of it, then stay blind. If you don't see it that way, elected politicians who break the law and laugh and sh** all over their duty to the position......sorry.

Undecided moderate, why are you ascribing this to me and where did that come from, where did I ever call myself that? I subscribe to individual.

Don't care to nor try to fool anyone. Never have, nor tried to hide that I look at democrats like ID monkeys, fake and lying and the worst of all types of people, all talk no backbone, brains, or ability to accomplish much outside of the public sector. Start showing me some who are not and my opinion might change.
Yep, my disdain for the dem's is not disputed. Where did I ever say all the posts you want and let me know.

Yeah, if he had any brains he should have done it.

The character, dignity, yeah...........................................................................begrudging point for you.

If you interpreted my responses to anything as to try to convince anyone, you're reading comp is lacking.

My going to move full time if she won.... she didn't. If she did, damn straight would have. The poster child for everything wrong in D.C..

Yeah, should be dismembered, and for many reasons, yet somehow, you think your politicians aren't deserving of it, then stay blind. If you don't see it that way, elected politicians who break the law and laugh and sh** all over their duty to the position......sorry.

Undecided moderate, why are you ascribing this to me and where did that come from, where did I ever call myself that? I subscribe to individual.

Don't care to nor try to fool anyone. Never have, nor tried to hide that I look at democrats like ID monkeys, fake and lying and the worst of all types of people, all talk no backbone, brains, or ability to accomplish much outside of the public sector. Start showing me some who are not and my opinion might change.

I don’t think people deserve to be dismembered or subjected to violence over political differences, you are correct.
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Good grief man. You vying for LG's spot on the crazy list?
Initial post was a joke, hence the 😂, but if you’re gonna hang them over the plate and support arguments with Trump’s credibility, why should I not put it through the gap for a single?
I believe they only have one spine which they pass around. Nancy Pelosi has been waiting decades for her turn, apparently. Paul Ryan was too scared to try it on, so he just went home.
You’re including in those decades for Nans the first opportunity she could have reached out and put it on right? Just like you’re accusing Ryan of? Which I agree with on Ryan btw.
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Initial post was a joke, hence the 😂, but if you’re gonna hang them over the plate and support arguments with Trump’s credibility, why should I not put it through the gap for a single?

Trump has credibility when it comes to financial fillings.
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