The Impeachment Thread


Yeah he was the NSC expert on Ukraine and helped put together the fake Russian collusion story...Trump should have fired them all but kept them on staff until the leaks started coming hence the reason for the secure server
Did he also work in a basement in a pizza parlor?
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He’ll never lose the volfanjustin types. I think the more reasonable (hog/GAVol/etc.) can be flipped, but you’ll need more evidence linking the military aid to investigating an opponent, which they’re obviously trying to get (while this seems quite obvious to any rational observer that Trump is not seriously concerned about investigating corruption and/or nepotism, it’s a convenient excuse).

I think you’ll only flip congressional Republicans if they see it being bad for their own re-election campaigns.

We have fairly solid evidence that the state department officials on the ground saw this as a quid for quo arrangement. That had to come from above. The Sunland quote about "hey guys this is not a quid pro quo, but we should take discussion offline" is absolutely golden. He knew full well this was verboten and did the worst ham-handed to cover it up.
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We have fairly solid evidence that the state department officials on the ground saw this as a quid for quo arrangement. That had to come from above. The Sunland quote about "hey guys this is not a quid pro quo, but we should take discussion offline" is absolutely golden. He knew full well this was verboten and did the worst ham-handed to cover it up.
Now repeat verbatim what the next text in that exchange said. Don’t just give us another Dim edited section. Type it verbatim and then apply your spin.
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We have fairly solid evidence that the state department officials on the ground saw this as a quid for quo arrangement. That had to come from above. The Sunland quote about "hey guys this is not a quid pro quo, but we should take discussion offline" is absolutely golden. He knew full well this was verboten and did the worst ham-handed to cover it up.
I wouldn't flip to any of the candidates the Dems have running. Nothing could make me do that, I might vote for Jill Stein again but none of the nutcases running for teh Dem nomination.
I didn’t mean flipping you to a Democrat. I meant getting more of you guys to admit Trump is unfit to be president.
We have fairly solid evidence that the state department officials on the ground saw this as a quid for quo arrangement. That had to come from above. The Sunland quote about "hey guys this is not a quid pro quo, but we should take discussion offline" is absolutely golden. He knew full well this was verboten and did the worst ham-handed to cover it up.
Oh, everybody but the Q people realize what’s going on. It’s just about how far they can retreat until they run out of real estate.
I don't need to see anymore, the democrats are seriously making me think about voting for the blowhard playboy Trump. That's how terrible the carnival show that your party has put on for the last 3+ years has been.

Every democrat I have seen on TV I wouldn't trust to water my lawn. Fake, lying, belligerent, emotionally unstable, disingenuous, contemptible little pos.

Trump's misgivings, which are many, still, pale in comparison to the types of snakes, sneaks, and purely deceitful and brainless flea's the democratic party has leading the charge.

I’d wager that they weren’t counting on the vote of the guy who said Pelosi and Schumer should be drawn and quartered, simply because he made posts for like a month claiming to be an undecided moderate. Just a guess though. They might be really disappointed.

I love that the dishonesty was the cardinal sin that finally drove you back to Trump. 😂😂
Uh huh. You still haven't linked that.

Regardless, you realize plenty of Presidents have done that exact same thing?

No, actually I'm not familiar with that. Please provide specifics on Presidents that have bribed foreign countries with taxpayer money to investigate political opponents.
I didn’t mean flipping you to a Democrat. I meant getting more of you guys to admit Trump is unfit to be president.

I feel that way already, but none of his opponents nor his predecessor was fit for the job either.
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He’ll never lose the volfanjustin types. I think the more reasonable (hog/GAVol/etc.) can be flipped, but you’ll need more evidence linking the military aid to investigating an opponent, which they’re obviously trying to get (while this seems quite obvious to any rational observer that Trump is not seriously concerned about investigating corruption and/or nepotism, it’s a convenient excuse).

I think you’ll only flip congressional Republicans if they see it being bad for their own re-election campaigns.
They are not reasonable, Every opportunity they get they carry his water. When talking about Trump, they deflect and screech about the dems just like Justin. They will not flip because the Dems are evil and to blame for everything.
It’s a coup not an impeachment. He’s unraveling everything for the Dims and they hate him for it.
Remember when Hillary said “ if that bastard wins, we’ll all hang from nooses” ??? She was right, that’s why they’re very afraid of Trump and he’s in their way.
If you Dims are so blind to see that, then no one can help you. TDS is incurable, but glorious to watch you guys everyday b!tch and moan about a president that has done more in almost 3 years that the great welfare, race divider did in 8 years. Funny how you guys like those times and hate the economy of today.

That was Fake News, she never said that - completely debunked. The Trump Base is the most gullible electorate this Country has ever seen. The irony, of course, is that they constantly whine about Fake News yet they get hoodwinked by Fake News all the time. Their minds are clay, molded by conspiracy theories perpetrated by the talking heads from the loony, right wing echo chamber.

It's not a coup, The impeachment inquiry is because our idiot POTUS sold out the Country and our Democracy - plain and simple.

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