The Impeachment Thread

The liberal media at it again--wanting you to believe these countries have corruption.

If they did, Trump would surely call them out on it.

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You can't possibly be this naive. Also, he claims to have over 10 billion and Forbes and Bloomberg can only find three.

He's either telling a whopper, or there's 7 billion off the books somewhere.

So which is it? Liar or crook?

There are way to many people, forensic accountants, investigators both government and hired by the press that have been digging for years. If they would have found a discrepancy in his financial disclosures it would have been front page news.
Dem lawmaker threatening to have aid withheld from Ukraine. Also a concise summary of DNC/Obama admin collusion with Ukraine.

What really triggered the exposure of Dem/ Ukriane election tampering is Trump winning, along with the current president of Ukraine. Neither was supposed to happen.

Let's get real: Democrats were first to enlist Ukraine in US elections
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There are way to many people, forensic accountants, investigators both government and hired by the press that have been digging for years. If they would have found a discrepancy in his financial disclosures it would have been front page news.

So he's a liar, then.
LOL. Fits the situation perfectly. Go Crime Stopper Trump!!!

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So you guys are upset that Trump might have been inquiring about a Quid Pro Quo from the previous administration but that QPQ doesn't bother u in the least or that Obama ordered wiretaps on the GOP candidate for office?
Biden didn't offer a quid pro quo. And Trump was never wiretapped by Obama. Both have been debunked numerous times.

On the other hand, Trump admitted to wrongdoing and it is backed up by proof.

It might not be a narrative you like, but that is were we are at right now. Don't worry, in a few days Trump will just say "yeah, I did it numerous times, and it was perfectly legal." Then you guys can run with that.
So you guys are upset that Trump might have been inquiring about a Quid Pro Quo from the previous administration but that QPQ doesn't bother u in the least or that Obama ordered wiretaps on the GOP candidate for office?

Show your evidence on wiretapping. If Obama was up to the same stuff as Trump is right now, I think they should both go to prison. It's not legal to ask foreign nationals and/or state's to rake up (or make up) stuff against your political foes.

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