The Impeachment Thread

Motive of the Dems is irrelevant.

Trump did what he did, time to pay the consequences.

What did he do?
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You also believe in a different standard, when it comes to people with whom you disagree, politically.

Here you are in 2016 comparing Trump and Hillary*:

You want proof, concrete evidence, against Trump. Not so much with Hillary, Nancy, and Chuck.

Not trying to brow beat you, but you’re pretty much the poster child for why we shouldn’t have death or criminal sanctions for politicians.

*- Full disclosure: this is a partial post. Not trying to take you out of context.

You are brow beating and in a typical passive aggressive insulting lib way.

I believe in one standard, that should be applied to all, it is you who obviously doesn't, and you only see and read what you want, as you are so far off base with your generalizations.

I want all corrupt politicians in jail. All. You, you act like "proof" would change your party toting line mind.

Let me make it clear, so there is no misunderstanding: As an American, I care, I do. I wish there were decent, ethical, righteous, incorruptible people in politics. Isn't so.

As the independent me, fu** you and everyone else I really don't care. To have the best or worst things happen to you in life, doesn't matter to me. That's how I feel about D.C. and politicians and pretty much anyone not my family or friend, so politics aside, included, doesn't matter. Unlike you, and the vast vast majority of this country, I will not have to be affected or have to feel the effects from the cesspool of D.C.'s decisions and actions.
It's like they put their fingers in their ears and won't believe that their side does the same or much worse...not seeing Bidens Ukraine trip as anything other than a QPQ is not even arguable at this point Chris Cuomo even admitted it
CNN's Chris Cuomo admits Biden 'absolutely' engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, but not for 'personal advantage'
Dims are much worse. Both sides are crooked but they take it to a whole different level. Plus they have the media in their back pocket to help cover it up.
Server would overload.

Besides, you know more than enough already to admit he is unfit for office. You are just in denial.
So you have to be a career politician to be fit? Bought and paid for? Trump doesn’t need the money and certainly isn’t enriching himself while in office.
Don’t tell me these politicians make their millions off of book deals either. You can’t be that stupid.
You don’t like him because he’s not a politician? Or maybe the way he speaks like a child? Maybe his hair or skin tone? Or maybe just being a Republican (was a Dim). What is it LG? You didn’t like him when he came down the escalator the first time, because he’s rich and likes gold inlay on his personal things?

He built on his wealth and gets sh!t done whether you don’t like how he does it or not. Is that why? Maybe envious and jealousy. Hell im jealous of the guy too but I don’t hate him.
Actually it solidifies the GOP in the Senate and the House. It forces Pelosi to either actually do a real impeachment inquiry or she’s dead in the water. It’s exactly what the GOP wants, to force a vote and get exposed House Dims in Red districts on record voting for impeachment for this to go any further.

Trump keeps trying to get dims to commit, and they can't even do that right. Once you see what they commit to, you attack ... just got to make them quit being schiffty so there's an actual target to hit. The GOP has played too straight for too long and they've paid for it ... something like JG behind last year's line against a decent defense - an unusually slow witted possum rather than a deer in the headlights.
We've reached the "Trump was trolling so don't take him seriously" stage of the cycle.

These guys are all over the place in the Trump cycle. They need to coordinate better. Maybe another email with some GOP talking points so they can circle the wagons correctly.
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Ooooh!! Memes. The lifeblood of his base.

What about it? You know some day I think I'll look up that word ... maybe - I assume it came from the me me generations. Anyway I'm over 70, so it's not part of my vocabulary, and I don't actually much care about it and a lot of your generation's other drivel (or is it dribble?). I do chuckle at a few - particularly if they include something like the Roadrunner.
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You are brow beating and in a typical passive aggressive insulting lib way.

I believe in one standard, that should be applied to all, it is you who obviously doesn't, and you only see and read what you want, as you are so far off base with your generalizations.

I want all corrupt politicians in jail. All. You, you act like "proof" would change your party toting line mind.

Let me make it clear, so there is no misunderstanding: As an American, I care, I do. I wish there were decent, ethical, righteous, incorruptible people in politics. Isn't so.

As the independent me, fu** you and everyone else I really don't care. To have the best or worst things happen to you in life, doesn't matter to me. That's how I feel about D.C. and politicians and pretty much anyone not my family or friend, so politics aside, included, doesn't matter. Unlike you, and the vast vast majority of this country, I will not have to be affected or have to feel the effects from the cesspool of D.C.'s decisions and actions.

You’re right. Proof would not make me want to see people turned into dog food. And if chopping people to bits without proof was a platform of either party, I would very likely choose to tote the other party’s line.

I despise libs/progressives and most Dems'. I pity and shake my head at the R's for not figuring out how to play the game. It isn't very difficult, but, you need to be playing to win and knowing the "enemy" and their ways and means of operating is rule #1. The R's have been utterly pathetic at hiking up their big boy pants and putting on their s*** kickers and getting down and dirty.

Tell me again how it’s my fault that I’m confused about whether your desire for a “better America,” where people get hacked to bits if they step out of line, isn’t just some bloodthirsty, partisan fantasy?

Also acting like you have any problem with generalizing is funny. You really want to go there? I mean maybe spend 2 seconds reflecting on the kind of person you are and whether you want to pick a fight over generalizing.

I hope this alleviates any confusion about whether my aggressiveness towards your idea is passive. And You’re damn right I’m being insulting. You deserve it.
Funny how he's fighting so hard to keep Deutsche Bank records secret then.

Any particular reason he shouldn't keep his personal finances to himself ... the secure in your person and papers kinda thingy? You know if you have evidence of an actual crime then records can be subpoenaed? Too bad you couldn't find another friendly FISA judge with jurisdiction to help your guys out with that one. But then you have to get around how the IRS under dim control for a long time never seemed to find anything noteworthy.
I thought the idea of impeachment being a political process was scary?

How many trials have you seen where the foreman came out and announced the verdict before the opening statements?

Well apparently he is already guilty by the liberals, so why not. Frankly, there is no way that the Senate will remove Trump because it will probably mean the loss of the 2020 election. Isn't any way the Senate would hand the keys over to Liz or any of the other wackadoos.
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Well apparently he is already guilty by the liberals, so why not. Frankly, there is no way that the Senate will remove Trump because it will probably mean the loss of the 2020 election. Isn't any way the Senate would hand the keys over to Liz or any of the other wackadoos.
Sure. I’m not saying there’s anything that could happen in the house that will change that outcome either.

Just saying it proves my point about it being political. It’s not a criminal procedure. There’s no objective measure of guilt or innocence. There’s no fixed procedure.

Overwhelming public support is the only thing that really matters. That’s how it was intended.

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