The Impeachment Thread

The whistleblower's motive for lodging the complaint no longer matters. As Schiff said, they have the docs. In other words, the whistleblower's complaint has been proven factual. These aren't allegations anymore. They are established facts that go well beyond what the whistleblower even claimed.

Well, you got him then, what's the hold up?
Sure. I’m not saying there’s anything that could happen in the house that will change that outcome either.

Just saying it proves my point about it being political. It’s not a criminal procedure. There’s no objective measure of guilt or innocence. There’s no fixed procedure.

Overwhelming public support is the only thing that really matters. That’s how it was intended.

Well, it is always going to have a political element.
I took it that you are saying the start of impeachment proceedings can be started just for "political" reasons and without any allegations of crimes. Just because you dislike ones policies or the person would be very troublesome.
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This is not by accident the former Ukrainian govt worked very close with the DNC to push the false Russian collusion hoax Thankfully the new President is working with Trump to get the documents and end the corruption
Remember this is just an impeachment subpoenas..they can ask really nicely if they want

Misleading article from what I skimmed. It was tied to issues with the 2016 section. That is not out of the Presidential scope. Just cleaning up corruption just like the last administration.
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What about it? You know some day I think I'll look up that word ... maybe - I assume it came from the me me generations. Anyway I'm over 70, so it's not part of my vocabulary, and I don't actually much care about it and a lot of your generation's other drivel (or is it dribble?). I do chuckle at a few - particularly if they include something like the Roadrunner.

LOL, I'm over 70 too but I didn't get old.
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I’m the energizer bunny of arguing but we’re just not getting anywhere. I really did change my mind about whether you were trying to “but Obama.” I think we were just having two different conversations.

More like JG and Timex you take a licking and keep on ticking, but you can't connect with the target. You are resilient and determined, though; and, honestly, your responses are heads and shoulders above the other lawyers here.
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LOL, I'm over 70 too but I didn't get old.

I also have to admit that I'm just an engineer. I stayed out of your poly sci, philosophy, psychology classes, and whatever other head bending exercises you wallowed in in college. Probably explains some of the other disconnects in our language. BTW is "gaslighting" where someone lights a match to burn off the collected farts during one of those ppp class skull sessions that used to go on in the dorms ... the ones that made you feel like hip waders were necessary when going down the hall?
AOC thinks impeachment is boring..she also said it should have been done long before on policies that hurt her constitutes 🙄
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More like JG and Timex you take a licking and keep on ticking, but you can't connect with the target. You are resilient and determined, though; and, honestly, your responses are heads and shoulders above the other lawyers here.
Weren’t you the guy that argued back in May that Trump’s corruption was accidental and he just didn’t know what he was doing and that it didn’t matter that he fired all the people that kept him from doing it, because he’d learned his lesson?

🤔 Talk about swing and a miss.

(I like the analogies though.)
Weren’t you the guy that argued back in May that Trump’s corruption was accidental and he just didn’t know what he was doing and that it didn’t matter that he fired all the people that kept him from doing it, because he’d learned his lesson?

🤔 Talk about swing and a miss.

(I like the analogies though.)

In my bestest dim voice, "I have no recollection of that." Certainly doesn't sound like my words ... unless you reinterpreted them for me. And at my advanced age, you really expect me to remember May? Now if she was really hot...
So you guys are upset that Trump might have been inquiring about a Quid Pro Quo from the previous administration but that QPQ doesn't bother u in the least or that Obama ordered wiretaps on the GOP candidate for office?

Who says we don't care? And why does anyones after-the-fact outrage matter now? What level of foot-stomping anger about what the long gone administration may have done would appease your ilk to say "OK, OK, OK.... They're mad about this..... NOW we can admit that the current administration completely fuqd up and should be held accountable." You and I both know you wouldn't, instead you do exactly what you're doing... whistle past the graveyard screeching "whatabout".

RE: the wiretaps, where's the evidence of that? Trump lies so damn much - it's breathtaking that anyone would believe anything he says without video evidence.

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