The Impeachment Thread

Well um err ahhh I’m i don’t think we did anything wrong 🤡 we just did what the Renegade ordered us to and that’s assemble a BS Steele Dossier and leak it to everyone possible.

Would have been a perfect plan, if they hadn't have waited until after the election to set the trap.
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Well um err ahhh I’m i don’t think we did anything wrong 🤡 we just did what the Renegade ordered us to and that’s assemble a BS Steele Dossier and leak it to everyone possible.

You're just babbling. Sorry dude, that tweet with the hilarious headline fell flat. Dude was probably saving that for a while.

I didn't know that. He must have chose it for when he sneaked out the Oval to have a smoke.
He chose it for himself...

a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
"an agent who later turns out to be a renegade"
traitor · defector · deserter · turncoat · betrayer · rebel · [more]
having treacherously changed allegiance.
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After the election? They were spying on his campaign long before the election. Do you even Weissman Report?

After the election, is when the dossier came to light. Not a very effective hit job on Trump, if you ask me..

And, no, Obama didn't commission the Steele dossier.
Yet undetermined. We’ll see when FISA goes public.

Yea he didn’t choose it the USSS did. That should tell you all you need to know what was thought about him.
Yea I am sure the President can have it changed if he wants to. They may pick it, but it stands to reason, that the POTUS could change it if bothered by it. “I am sorry President Trump but the USSS chose ass hat. That’s your nick name.” Plus not all definitions of renegade are bad. Unconventional doesn’t mean bad.

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Good deflection away from FISA. I noticed you went straight for the word meme Mittens ploy lol 😂

No one's paying attention to you after that busted ass attempt to pawn off that Clapper video as something it wasn't.

Next time watch the video instead of being impressed with the shiny headline. You got played.
He chose it for himself...

a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
"an agent who later turns out to be a renegade"
traitor · defector · deserter · turncoat · betrayer · rebel · [more]
having treacherously changed allegiance.
Like Volfanhill said, you left out the rest of the definition...

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