The Impeachment Thread

How dare we monitor the Russians. It's almost as if when you monitor Russiam shenanigans, you are guaranteed to find a Trump in the mix.

Which Russians were monitored? All we saw was a set up BS narrative pushed while a presidential candidate and campaign were VERY illegally spied on.

Which Russians working with Trump were the specific targets? Don’t bring that weak sauce bloggers and facebook posters the Great and Honest Mueller found.
When you monitor Ukrainian corruption, you are bound to find political adversaries in the mix.

it is exactly like when your "perfect" plan falls apart because you were sure you could blame Ukraine and Biden for Russia and Trump.
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it is exactly like when your "perfect" plan to falls apart because you were sure you could blame Ukraine and Biden for Russia and Trump.

Don’t forget U.K., Italy, and Australia. They’re neck deep in it too.

Ukraine is much much bigger than Quid Pro Joe and Skippy’s pay 4 play scam .

I noticed you couldn’t answer the first questions about Trump / Russia so you pussed out with that pathetic crap.
Which Russians were monitored? All we saw was a set up BS narrative pushed while a presidential candidate and campaign were VERY illegally spied on.

Which Russians working with Trump were the specific targets? Don’t bring that weak sauce bloggers and facebook posters the Great and Honest Mueller found.

Yeah, the BS narrative was your post that I responded too.
Don’t forget U.K., Italy, and Australia. They’re neck deep in it too.

Ukraine is much much bigger than Quid Pro Joe and Skippy’s pay 4 play scam .

I noticed you couldn’t answer the first questions about Trump / Russia so you pussed out with that pathetic crap.

Right.. "Clapper admits Obama ordered spy and coup campaign on Trump".

Post that part of the dialogue and I might entertain your other theories.

I just watched that video, specifically - what part came off as a slight on Obama? Or otherwise Clapper throwing Obama under the bus?

Not only do I think you didn't actually watch the video, I don't think the guy that came up with the witty headline watched it either.
About 90% of the links or videos I click in this forum say nothing like what is implied in the post or headline.

CNN is much better. Those nooses have tightened, those walls have closed in and now the floodgates are open. The humanity.
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What is the "it" that he admitted to? Maybe you didn't watch the clip.

I heard him say the "it" was to consolidate all of the intel into a report and give it to congress then declassify it for public consumption.

Maybe @hjeagle1vol speak a different language from the rest of us.
What is the "it" that he admitted to? Maybe you didn't watch the clip.

Well um err ahhh I’m i don’t think we did anything wrong 🤡 we just did what the Renegade ordered us to and that’s assemble a BS Steele Dossier and leak it to everyone possible.
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