The Impeachment Thread

We can play the question game all day but there’s no way Trump telling a reporter that China should look into something is asking China to do something.
As long as you’re conceding that your question was just about China and was therefore unrelated to the justifications for the investigation that is actually taking place, I guess we can agree to disagree.
As long as you’re conceding that your question was just about China and was therefore unrelated to the justifications for the investigation that is actually taking place, I guess we can agree to disagree.
I’m not sure how that would be a concession when that was exactly the original point. I didn’t have time to read that long post you made at the time but I saw that same incorrect assertion that Trump asked China for help so I just addressed that one point. For the record, I disagree with most, if not all, of what you said. Some of it was pretty funny though.
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Either 72 got the wrong guy, or he did hold his breath.
I think that I may owe an apology to the family of the Barney Fife lookalike guy , floating somewhere out in the Gulf of Mexico. Looked just like Luther to me. I even asked him what he did for a living before I held him underwater, and watched him choke on salt water. He said he was a school crossing guard, and the short bus driver. I feel kinda bad now.

I didn't get rid of Luther.
You are following White House talking points, just like Kevin McCarthy, but they are wrong. There is no requirement under the Constitution, House rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry. The White House has no legal justification for refusing to comply with a subpoena. Attorneys for Trump are arguing that a sitting president is immune from any criminal process of any sort. As I said before, Republicans will regret not speaking out against that one day.

Didn't say they had to vote first. But, I did say there was procedure to follow that constitutes the inquiry before it goes to vote. That's what they haven't followed. Try reading a bit what someone says. I don't need WH talking points.
Who exactly brought up the question to Geng Shuang? A reporter asking for a comment on Trump's comment? I suppose you did notice that Trump's comment wasn't in the form of a question.

Just curious. Would you consider a US citizen caught up in fraud in a foreign country to be a US "domestic affair" and "internal matter" if you happened to be the foreign country in question?

Do you suppose that answer, wherever it came from, had a lot to do with China claiming that the Hong Kong situation is a Chinese "internal affair" and "domestic affair" as a warning flag to other nations?
Dude, you interject yourself into every conversation and get hande you rear everytime. Then you conflate things, with a string of ridiculous questions. That porkchop around your neck is rotten.
Didn't say they had to vote first. But, I did say there was procedure to follow that constitutes the inquiry before it goes to vote. That's what they haven't followed. Try reading a bit what someone says. I don't need WH talking points.
You are bull $hitting to the breeze and floating around in it.
Dude, you interject yourself into every conversation and get hande you rear everytime. Then you conflate things, with a string of ridiculous questions. That porkchop around your neck is rotten.

Set your mind free, Mick. Let it flow.
Yep for sure. Way too many DIMs still believe Trump was involved with Russia when all the evidence shows just the opposite. It was the DIMs.
This is like believing a mob boss when he denies knowledge of hits carried out on his behalf.

“What, you’re saying my son set up a meeting between Russians and my son, son-in-law, and campaign manager to undermine my opponent in the building I live with my name on it? Well obviously nobody told me.”
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This is like believing a mob boss when he denies knowledge of hits carried out on his behalf.

“What, you’re saying my son set up a meeting between Russians and my son, son-in-law, and campaign manager to undermine my opponent in the building I live with my name on it? Well obviously nobody told me.”
Yeah, DIMs are clueless for sure. Thanks for posting.
When that company is being investigated for money laundering and Hunters dad is the VP who is making 13 trips there in 2 years.
View attachment 230222

OK, but this has been investigate and no wrongdoing was discovered. If there was evidence, then Daria should present it instead of proclaiming what he "believes."
Didn't everyone know that was exactly what a Trump nomination and election would usher in?
I still believe that is largely why he was elected......because the left despised and would never accept him.
The left doesn't get to choose who's President. The voters do. The fact the left refused to accept him from the moment he was elected is part of the problem. All the hysteria over Russia trying to undermine our elections served as a distraction for the left trying to undermine the election. Trump is a bad person, a pompous ass, and many other things, BUT he was lawfully elected by the people of the United States. It was a poor choice. I get it. I still believe Hillary was a worse choice. But therein lies the problem, two bad choices and one had to win. I don't like Trump. I've never liked Trump. But he did win the election. And, if you look back, you will see that is why I have continually said the left needs to find a better candidate to beat him in 2020. Instead, they wasted their time trying to undo what was done. If they lose in 2020, that is why. They spent too much time having conniptions over Trump and not enough time trying to repair their disconnect with America.

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