The Impeachment Thread

I think they need to drive Trump's Poll Numbers into the low 30s and keep it there for the Impeachment to actually work. I don't think the DIMs will succeed.
I suspect Trump is sitting on enough dirt right not to bury most of the rivals trying to bury him, and I suspect it's be a steady, coordinated drip.
I think they need to drive Trump's Poll Numbers into the low 30s and keep it there for the Impeachment to actually work. I don't think the DIMs will succeed.
They have tried what 3 different scenarios now for impeachment? 0-3. Of course they are losers. And they pull for a recession because it would hurt President Trump but they don't care about the millions of Americans it would hurt. That party is 100% scum, worthless every single one of them. We would be better off without them.
Rand Paul: Hunter Biden Making $50K a Month Doesn't Pass Smell Test
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) defended President Trump’s requests to the Ukrainian president and the Chinese government to help investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Biden, as vice president, pushed for the firing of the then-chief prosecutor of Ukraine, who had been investigating the CEO of a company that employed his son on its board at $50,000 a month. At Biden’s urging, the chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin was fired and the investigation was eventually closed.

Biden, during an official work trip to China in late 2013, brought his son, who had business meetings during the trip. After the trip, a Chinese private equity fund his son was forming received a Chinese business license that brought the fund into existence.

Paul told reporters Tuesday on a conference call, “I’m with most Americans that Hunter Biden making $50,000 a month doesn’t pass the smell test. It sounds really corrupt, I think most Americans are beginning to believe that.”
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It is not a scam. The POTUS will be impeached, just not on your timeline.

There is a lot of data showing that impeachment is gaining popularity among voters, even registered Republicans.

Two Weeks In, Impeachment Is Becoming More Popular

You do look cute in your bubble, though. I'd suggest having your mom throw a sheet over it if you want to truly remain in the dark about things.

I doubt Nancy ever allows a full vote on impeachment, she will let the committees keep “investigating” so it stays in the news but I don’t think she’ll ever allow an impeachment vote on the floor.
Wait for it people. It takes some time for the spin to come out about Giuliani's Ukraine associates from the Redhats. I imagine that they were busted trying to leave the country, heading to Pedo island to meet up with the Clintons and Deep State operatives to manufacture fraudulent claims against Trump.

Evangelical leaders are breaking with Trump over his decision to withdraw from Syria in a move that could hurt the president's chances in 2020

  • Evangelical Christian leaders criticized President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw US forces from northern Syria, exposing the US' Kurdish and Christian allies to an attack by Turkey.
  • The leaders, including Franklin Graham, argue that Christians living in the region will now be vulnerable to a Turkish attack.
  • Christian right leader Pat Robertson said Trump "is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven," and evangelical radio host Erick Erickson called to speed up Trump's impeachment.
You mean a container certified at the appropriate classification level to hold documents marked as requiring that storage action?

And don’t even “ there wasn’t anything in the document that warranted...” crap the markings on the document determine where it is stored.

Now if you can prove the markings were changed or applied incorrectly to cover something up you might have something. Other than conjecture has anything proved that? 😬
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You mean a container certified at the appropriate classification level to hold documents marked as requiring that storage action?

And don’t even “ there wasn’t anything in the document that warranted...” crap the markings on the document determine where it is stored.

Now if you can prove the markings were changed or applied incorrectly to cover something up you might have something. Other than conjecture has anything proved that? 😬

Yes, it has the highest CYA classification.
Evangelical leaders are breaking with Trump over his decision to withdraw from Syria in a move that could hurt the president's chances in 2020

  • Evangelical Christian leaders criticized President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw US forces from northern Syria, exposing the US' Kurdish and Christian allies to an attack by Turkey.
  • The leaders, including Franklin Graham, argue that Christians living in the region will now be vulnerable to a Turkish attack.
  • Christian right leader Pat Robertson said Trump "is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven," and evangelical radio host Erick Erickson called to speed up Trump's impeachment.
Why, are unborn children at risk?
Wait for it people. It takes some time for the spin to come out about Giuliani's Ukraine associates from the Redhats. I imagine that they were busted trying to leave the country, heading to Pedo island to meet up with the Clintons and Deep State operatives to manufacture fraudulent claims against Trump.
Hey, Trump's was right. His appointed corruption investigator found some corruption.
Finally you are making some sense.
I’ve said all along put the duty personnel from the Situation Room under oath and interview them on the accuracy and authenticity of the provided transcript. Where is that subpoena from the Three Stooges in the pile they have going? 😏
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