The Impeachment Thread

The second is apparently first hand, could be as you describe, could be someone closer to POTUS, who the Trumpies will retroactively label "Deep State".

I have a prepared excuse for you.. "You can't tattle on the president, it's not fair!"

You're welcome 🔥
Go ahead and tattle. But you better be able to back it up. 🧯
I've been saying this all along there is no Quid Pro Quo and anyone saying there either lying or misinformed
He said he was given a readout on the call that did not include the Biden ask.
Are you trying to pass off “a readout on the call” as the official transcript memorializing the event? Which is was the WH supposedly released? Because they would be foolish to produce a false one with classified document tracking and all.

And ok now I know what you are referencing. No, that does not contradict my original question. Try again? Any actual evidence that the WH provided transcript is not the only existing written official record of the call?
Are you trying to pass off “a readout on the call” as the official transcript memorializing the event? Which is was the WH supposedly released? Because they would be foolish to produce a false one with classified document tracking and all.

And ok now I know what you are referencing. No, that does not contradict my original question. Try again? Any actual evidence that the WH provided transcript is not the only existing written official record of the call?


I’m moving the goal posts here? LMFAO!! Beautiful. I have asked the same question all along. And you offer that as an official transcript? 🤣

Maybe you guys can find some scribblings on the stall walls in the Dim House staffers unisex restroom to corroborate your conjecture 😂

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Other than “it’s got ellipses in it!” do you have any proof that the released transcript isn’t the only existing written record of the call?

Apparently you misspelled “official transcript” the first time.

Hey @RockyTop85 one thing I did find is doing a google search for “Volker phone transcript” was page after page after page of articles and tweets by GOP calling for the public release of the full Volker interview transcript. Surely your proof would be in there right?

And I saw a reference from Graham threatening to interview Volker in a public forum if they don’t do it 😈
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I've been saying this all along there is no Quid Pro Quo and anyone saying there either lying or misinformed

Even assuming that were true, that does not make it ok for Trump to ask a foreign leader to ask for help in the election.
I’ve got a bar napkin that says your recount is incorrect. And I’d love to see you try to sell this line in a court of law 😂
You’re right. You asked the same question three times until you got a bad answer and then you changed the question and acted bewildered that you got called out for moving the goalposts. 😂🤣
And the second time.

This could all be cleared up with the release of that actual phone call recording or transcript, wouldn't that make this all go away.

If it was so "perfect", certainly it'd be easy to get off the 'deep dark secrets' server and declassify.
Other than “it’s got ellipses in it!” do you have any proof that the released transcript isn’t the only existing written record of the call?

And now you know the rest of the story. Context is your friend. 😂

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