The Impeachment Thread

The Fox poll oversampled Dems by at least 3 and undersampled independents It had 1k this has 40k

Look at it this way. 48% of the participants were Dem. Not surprising that this correlates to 51% support impeachment. Only 12% were Indies, which are massively under represented and really what matters.
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If your bar for implicating Trump gets any lower, it better be made out of something that can withstand the temperatures in the Earth's molten core.
Seems to me he's setting the bar for implication pretty high. When it comes to overturning an election, the bar should be pretty damn high. A helluva lot higher than the Marx Brigade on here are setting it.
Trump's not releasing anything more official and will block any and all attempts by congress of getting anything more official.
You know that as well as anyone.
You may call it innuendo, hyperbole, and conflation (all cute words by the way) but I call it a rational and reasonable conclusion based on past behaviors.
A simple “no I don’t have anything” would have sufficed.
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Of course it's the "official" record.
Of course it's not an accurate and complete transcript.
Of course there are redactions.
Of course the Situation Room duty personnel will be instructed by Trump to say nothing and claim some bogus executive privilege.

Round and round we go.

But we always end up at the same spot, Trump is a horrendously despicable human who should not be president and should be removed from office by any legal means available..
Why stop at legal? Why not by any means available? I mean, you believe his election was illegitimate, don't you?
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A simple “no I don’t have anything” would have sufficed.
Sometimes a question requires a little bit more of an answer to counteract the absurdity of the question and its intent.
You knew the answer before you asked the question. You also knew exactly why the answer was what it had to be.
Why stop at legal? Why not by any means available? I mean, you believe his election was illegitimate, don't you?
I prefer legal removal. Got to draw a line somewhere.
I hope it was illegitimate. (stated that from the beginning)

While career civil servants put an initial hold on the aid, Michael Duffey, associate director of national security programs in OMB, was given the authority for continuing to keep the aid on hold after the career staff began raising their concerns to political officials at OMB, according to the people familiar with the matter. Mr. Duffey also began overseeing the process for approving and releasing funds, called apportionment, for other foreign aid and defense accounts, according to a public document indicating the change.”

Misleading tweet and article title are misleading. Shocking...🙄
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